The Golden Bough - A Study in Magic and Religion. Study Course 01.03. Magic and Religion

The Golden Bough: A Study in Magic and Religion, By: Sir James G. Frazer Study Course Lecture 01.03 - Book 01. Chapter 03 - Magic and Religion

Lectures by: A. W. Finnegan

This chapter, the third chapter, in the first section of the book, Book 01. Chapter 03 - Magic and Religion, describes the interrelationship between magic and religion, with my own additional discussion with emphasis on state, religion, and Natural Law

The chapter is a discussion on the question of what magic has to do with the formation of religion, did magic come before religion? to what extent does magic influence religion and vice versa?

The historical outline and theoretical framework of both magic and religion will be discussed...

Sequence of Study Course

EPISODE 00 - The Golden Bough - A Study in Magic and Religion. Study Course 00. Introductory Remarks & Overview

EPISODE 01 - The Golden Bough - A Study in Magic and Religion. Study Course 01.01 - Book 01. Chapter 01: The King of the Wood

EPISODE 02 - The Golden Bough - A Study in Magic and Religion. Study Course 01.02 - Book 01. Chapter 02: Priestly Kings

EPISODE 03 - The Golden Bough - A Study in Magic and Religion. Study Course 01.03 - Book 01. Chapter 03: Magic and Religion