By: A. W. Finnegan

In other articles, I have already discussed some of the infectious origins of mental illness as the result of persistent viral infections and accumulation of vaccine antigen with an affinity for brain and nerve tissue, causing a marked neurotropic effect on the brain and central nervous system. [1] This results in a chronic low-level neuroinflammation that is oftentimes missed on conventional scans (CT, MRI, etc.) and diagnostics. [2] The invasive effect on the brain affects the emotional states, behavior, and well-being of the individual, who is oftentimes misdiagnosed or told there is nothing wrong, after the conventional scans and diagnostics fail to pick up on it. [3] Virus, vaccine antigen, along with additional or concurrent microbial infections, are able to easily invade the brain and central nervous system when injected into tissue and the bloodstream, to actively destroy it in the slow, infectious process. [4]
This would be somewhat akin to a slow-acting, chronic wasting disease. Antigen alone, without having to be considered "infectious particles," can accumulate in the brain and nerves to cause chronic inflammation of the central nervous system, and thus symptoms of mental illness and neurological problems will inevitably result when the brain is inflamed. A research publication from 2010, Bacterial lipoproteins can disseminate from the periphery to inflame the brain, reviews this process in strains of relapsing fever spirochetes (Borrelia turicatae), as the spirochetes invade the brain and central nervous system. [5]
Speaking of spirochetes and mental illness, a late German psychologist who headed the psychology department at the Kaiser-Wilhelm Institute, Franz Jahnel (1885-1951), was also a spirochete researcher and scientist, and those stricken with syphilis and other infections of a similar nature were sent to him at the psychology department to deal with the complications of their disease. [6] This was because back in those days, infectious diseases like syphilis and relapsing fever were known to cause mental illness and psychosis. They rightfully classed the two subjects together, but since that time, this reality has been obscured or ignored in Western science and medicine.
Other publications have been forthcoming on the reality of infectious antigen and para-infectious stimuli disseminating to the brain to cause neuro-inflammation, such as the 2018 publication, In vivo evidence for the contribution of peripheral circulating inflammatory exosomes to neuroinflammation, it states:
Background: Neuroinflammation is implicated in the development and progression of many neurodegenerative diseases. Conditions that lead to a peripheral immune response are often associated with inflammation in the central nervous system (CNS), suggesting a communication between the peripheral immune system and the neuroimmune system. The underlying mechanism of this relationship remains largely unknown; however, experimental studies have demonstrated that exposure to infectious stimuli, such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or high-fat diet (HFD) feeding, result in profound peripheral- and neuro-inflammation. [7]
The results of this research concluded:
Conclusions: The experimental results suggest that circulating exosomes may act as a neuroinflammatory mediator in systemic inflammation. [8]
Hundreds if not thousands of research papers in virology, bacteriology, and immunology have rightfully linked infections of the brain and central nervous system to psychiatric disorders. However, what links the similar presentation between these viruses and infectious agents are the similar lipoproteins or antigen, [9] sometimes referred to as 3C Protease, or Pam-3-Cys, [10] which has a specific affinity for the brain and nerve tissue. [11] This would indicate that so-called non-infectious vaccine antigen, injected into the tissue and bloodstream, has much greater potential to cause neurotropic disease than those naturally picked up in the environment.
Some of the following research publications demonstrate the presentation of diverse symptoms of mental illness in relation to such antigenic stimuli:
Chronic hepatitis C virus infection and neurological and psychiatric disorders: an overview
Main HCV-associated neurological conditions include cerebrovascular events, encephalopathy, myelitis, encephalomyelitis, and cognitive impairment, whereas "brain fog", depression, anxiety, and fatigue are at the top of the list of psychiatric disorders. [12]
Chronic Viral Neuroinflammation: Speculation on Underlying Mechanisms
Viral infection in the brain can be acute or chronic, with the responses often producing foci of increasingly cytotoxic inflammation. This can lead to effects beyond the central nervous system (CNS). [13]
Psychiatric disorders and functioning in hepatitis B virus carriers
The authors compared asymptomatic hepatitis B virus carriers and healthy subjects in terms of their psychological state. Participants (43 asymptomatic hepatitis B virus carriers and 43 healthy comparison subjects) completed self-report questionnaires. Psychiatric disorders and psychosocial functioning were evaluated with structured clinical interviews and the Global Assessment of Functioning scale. Hepatitis B virus carriers were more likely to have psychiatric disorders than comparison subjects (30.2% vs. 11.6%). Also, carriers had significantly higher depression and anxiety scores and lower Global Assessment of Functioning scores than did comparison subjects... [14]
Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 infection is associated with suicidal behavior and first registered psychiatric diagnosis in a healthy population
Increasing evidence shows that latent infections and inflammation is associated with cognitive and behavioral changes in humans. This case-control study investigates the association between Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 (HSV-1) infection and C-reactive Protein (CRP) levels, and psychiatric disorders and suicidal behavior. Public health register data from 81,912 participants in the Danish Blood Donor Study, were reviewed to identify individuals registered with an ICD-10 code of any psychiatric diagnosis, or who had attempted or committed suicide. [15]
Post-influenzal psychiatric disorder in adolescents
The association between influenza and psychiatric disorder in adolescents was studied at a time when both were highly prevalent concurrently. First 505 secondary school pupils aged 15-18 completed questionnaires, including a symptom inventory derived from the SCL-90-R. Subsequently, 113 blood samples were examined for influenza antibody titers of five virus strains. Statistical analysis showed that adolescents who had been ill with influenza in the previous six months had significantly more psychiatric disorder than those who had not been ill with influenza in that period. [16]
Large-scale study of Toxoplasma and Cytomegalovirus shows an association between infection and serious psychiatric disorders
This large-scale serological study is the first study to examine temporality of pathogen exposure and to provide evidence of a causal relationship between T. gondii and schizophrenia, and between CMV and any psychiatric disorder. [17]
Neuroinflammation During RNA Viral Infections
Neurotropic RNA viruses continue to emerge and are increasingly linked to diseases of the central nervous system (CNS) despite viral clearance. Indeed, the overall mortality of viral encephalitis in immunocompetent individuals is low, suggesting efficient mechanisms of virologic control within the CNS. Both immune and neural cells participate in this process, which requires extensive innate immune signaling between resident and infiltrating cells, including microglia and monocytes, that regulate the effector functions of antiviral T and B cells as they gain access to CNS compartments. While these interactions promote viral clearance via mainly neuroprotective mechanisms, they may also promote neuropathology and, in some cases, induce persistent alterations in CNS physiology and function that manifest as neurologic and psychiatric diseases. [18]
Anger, rage, violence, depression, manic depression, bi-polar depression, obsessive-compulsive disorders, eating disorders, psychoses, depersonalization/dissociation, confusion, hallucinations, criminal behaviors, and just about any other symptom one can read about in the DSM-V, are all symptoms that can and do present themselves in active infections or accumulation of vaccine antigen in the brain and central nervous system. This can be mirrored in the discussion from a research paper from 2003, Behavioral consequences of infections of the central nervous system: with emphasis on viral infections, it states:
Infections of the central nervous system can damage the brain and cause abnormal behavior. In this article, the authors examine how behavior is affected by damage to different parts of the brain. They then focus on damage caused by specific infections of the brain and how these can result in abnormal behavior with legal consequences. Examples of such infections include neurosyphilis, encephalitis lethargica, herpes simplex encephalitis, and various other viral encephalitides, both acute and chronic. The AIDS dementia complex, which results from HIV infection of the brain, causes behavioral abnormalities in addition to motor and cognitive impairments. In some cases of violence and other criminal behavior, this can be a consequence of central nervous system infection, and the authors suggest that criminal sanctions in such events are inappropriate in the absence of volitional criminal intent. [19]
Now that this has been pointed out, it would be helpful to also point out the common, underlying thread that links these infections together, is once again, the P3C antigen/lipoprotein mentioned earlier, made of a lipid-like moeiety that is immunosuppressive in nature and has been known to cause immune tolerance. It can be found in such infectious agents as the HIV virus, LCM virus, Lyme disease (Borrelia burgdorferi), Malaria (Plasmodium vivax), Tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis), Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Influenza virus, polio virus, it is oftentimes found in broad range of arthropod-borne diseases like bartonellosis, babesiosis, ehrliciosis, and many other pathogens contain these constituents. [20]
This class of antigenic material has been used in many vaccines which have resulted in adverse reactions like immune tolerance, [21] reactivation of latent herpesvirus, [22] neurological and psychiatric problems, as well as permanent progressive neurodegenerative diseases. [23] It is this common denominator that has linked these outcomes with this particular antigen of the viral and other pathogenic agents, it was in the 1970's known as Braun's Lipoprotein, viral proteins that were expressed in E. coli bacteria, [24] but had immunosuppressive qualities that resulted in immune tolerance, also called endotoxin tolerance, [25] and immune paralyisis. [26] This is the harmful component of such infections causing these neurotropic effects, and yet it is this component of the infectious agent they are injecting into the general population as viable and safe vaccines, but caused immunosuppression, which they erroneously considered a form of protective immunization. [27] Such perceived "protection" is based on a flawed or incomplete pitcure immunology, because Western science covered up and buried the aspects of immune tolerance in 1960, when they gave the Nobel Prize to Burnet and Medawar for immune tolerance but only attributed it to organ transplants instead of infectious disease. [28] It was actually discovered and configured by German virologist Erich Traub in 1935, [29] who noted not just the slow-virus disease it produced, but also the manner it which it transmitted down generations congenitally from mother to newborn, [30] and led to a dramatic increase in lymphomatosis and leukemia. [31]
Immune Tolerance is defined as
“a state of unresponsiveness to a specific antigen or group of antigens to which a person is normally responsive. Immune tolerance is achieved under conditions that suppress the immune reaction and is not just the absence of an immune response.” [32]
When there is a lack of response, the antigen or group of antigens will accumulate and colonize tissues, and the immune system will not fight back. Put two and two together. When that happens, the antigen will find its way to the tissues which it finds affinity for, and will actively degrade that tissue, which in this case, will be tissue of the brain and central nervous system.
Long before the term autism came into effect, before the more rigorous attempts to coverup the neurotropic effects of vaccination, these effects were called post-vaccinal encephalitis, which I have described in other articles at length. [33] However, I would like to reiterate the quote from a key paper I often cite, Para-Infectious and Post-Vaccinal Encaphalomyelitis, published in 1969:
Similarly, although the encephalitis following vaccination against smallpox (post-vaccinal encephalitis) is the typical example of encephalitis as a sequel to prophylactic inoculations, the term post-vaccinal should be used for the range of neurological disorders following vaccinations of all kinds (deVries,1960). [34]
To further show the link between mental illness and infectious neurotropic material invading the brain and CNS relevant to compulsory vaccine practices and the stacking of vaccines on children already dealing with immunosuppression from subclinical infections, I will pull out some material from an earlier paper I put together called Neurotropic Viral Infections: the Darker Side of Immune Tolerance, which laid out the sinister effects of immune tolerance on the brain and mental health. That is to say, when the immune system is suppressed into a state of non-responsiveness, the brain is significantly affected. It throws the biology of the body into disarray and the reactivated viruses start actively invading and destroying the brain and central nervous system. [35]
A major complication in compulsory vaccinations is the reactivation of latent herpesvirus infections. [36] The herpesvirus family can be highly neurotropic and greatly contribute to the neurological disorders commonly seen today, [37] as they reactivate in the face of the induced immunosuppression following vaccination. [38] This is hinted at in a publication, Herpesvirus Infections of the Nervous System, by two researchers of neurological diseases in human beings:
RECENT FINDINGS: As more patients are becoming therapeutically immunosuppressed, human herpesvirus infections are increasingly common. Historically, infections with human herpesviruses were described as temporal lobe encephalitis caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 or type 2. More recently, however, additional pathogens, such as varicella-zoster virus, Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, and human herpesvirus 6 have been identified to cause serious neurologic infections. As literature emerges, clinical presentations of herpesvirus infections have taken on many new forms, becoming heterogeneous and involving nearly every location along the neuraxis. Advanced diagnostic methods are now available for each specific pathogen in the herpesvirus family. As data emerge on viral resistance to conventional therapies, newer antiviral medications must be considered.
SUMMARY: Infections from the herpesvirus family can have devastating neurologic outcomes without prompt and appropriate treatment. Clinical recognition of symptoms and appropriate advanced testing are necessary to correctly identify the infectious etiology. Knowledge of secondary neurologic complications of disease is equally important to prevent additional morbidity and mortality. This article discusses infections of the central and peripheral nervous systems caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2, varicella-zoster virus, Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, and human herpesvirus 6. The pathophysiology, epidemiology, clinical presentations of disease, diagnostic investigations, imaging characteristics, and treatment for each infectious etiology are discussed in detail. [39]
The action of systemic viral infections like the reactivated herpesvirus have a profound effect on psychological process. Mental illness would be the inevitable expression of these viral infections and antigen, as German researcher Karl Bechter pointed out in his 2013 paper, Virus Infection as a Cause of Inflammation in Psychiatric Disorders. Inflammation of the brain does not always present with the acute forms typically seen in acute or fatal cases of encephalitis or meningitis. Chronic, low-level neuroinflammation allows the problem to go undiagnosed and unrecognized by conventional diagnostics:
Many neurotropic viruses exist and may cause classical inflammation but also low-level neuroinflammation. However, viruses may be dormant within the CNS and become active later. The role of neurotropic virus infections in the causation of psychiatric disorders may be underestimated, because the diagnostic approach to the CNS is difficult and to dormant infections in general, but especially within the CNS. Evidence is increasing that infections increase the risk of psychiatric disorders, not only prenatal infections but also infections during the lifetime. The question how low level neuroinflammation may be involved in severe psychiatric disorders like affective and schizophrenic spectrum disorders is intriguing but remains to be studied. Experimental data clearly show that low-level neuroinflammation can be induced by viruses, but the definitions of inflammation and low level neuroinflammation appear to be blurred and apparently the previous classical definition of inflammation has to be widened. Virus infection itself or virus-related products or virus-induced autoimmunity may play a role in disease pathogenesis. More sensitive diagnostic approaches from neuroimaging and CSF investigations may hold the key to a better understanding and definition of CNS viral infections as an etiopathogenetic sub-group of severe psychiatric disorders. [40]
Western science and public health set up psychiatry to deal with symptoms of mental illness only, ignoring the neurotropic effects caused by stealth infections and adverse reactions to vaccination and other infectious etiologies. This inconvenient truth is likely the reason they never publicly spend much time seeking or funding considerable research to find the reason why mental illness occurs in the first place.
Bechter also studied this further with notable German virologist Rudolf Rott, published MRI in psychiatric patients with serum antibodies against Borna Disease virus regarding the findings of Borna Disease Virus antibodies in psychiatric patients, as evidence of infection among the mentally ill, but not in the healthy controls:
Investigations in the FRG and the USA revealed the presence of serum antibodies against the [Borna Disease (BD)] virus in psychiatric patients with affective psychoses, but not in healthy controls. We demonstrated the occurrence of BD virus-specific antibodies in sera of about 7% of the psychiatric inpatients at our hospital, not only in patients with affective psychoses but also in those with other psychiatric disorders. By comparison, in surgical patients from an endemic region, only 3% were found to be seropositive, some of whom had psychiatric or neurological disturbances. The question was whether the BD virus-positive seroreaction was a coincidental and harmless finding or whether it could represent the cause of psychiatric disorders. [41]
Mental Illness as long-term sequelae of vaccination, with emphasis on compulsory practice
Compulsory vaccination practices in the West are a point of considerable concern, especially in children, because today’s vaccine schedule is excessive. [42] The number of vaccinations a child must get, is nothing short of a guarantee for later chronic health problems, progressive neurodegenerative diseases, arthritis, and mental illness by the time they reach adolescence, if not before, and this will only worsen in its effect as they age and the frequency in which it occurs in each subsequent generation. This is a disturbing reality and is mirrored by the number of children with autism, mental illness, and behavioral health problems [43] [44]
This effect is magnified and made worse by the simple fact that viral contaminants in vaccines, [45] often of the Type C virus class (oncogenic), [46] are able to infect and establish persistent viral infections that pass down continuously through generations by congenital transmission from mother to newborn, becoming more destructive and degenerative to the genetics of any family continuation through that bloodline. [47] As the generations come forth, the persistent viral infection gets more subclinical or inapparent, yet paradoxically more neurotropic and destructive. [48] To be clear, only one vaccine, contaminated by such an adventitious RNA virus, taken just one time, is all that is needed to establish a lifelong, multi-generational, persistent viral infection that degenerates the genetic makeup and biology of a family or bloodline, and there is oftentimes a pronounced neurotropic effect. [49]
The neurotropic effect of these viruses, vaccine antigens, and unwanted contaminants found in vaccines would have disastrous effects on the mental, cognitive and behavioral health of children in the decades to come. [50] ADD/ADHD would mirror the antigen inflaming the brain and causing psychiatric conditions with confusion, brain fog, restlessness, irritability, hyperactivity, and so on. [51] The resulting mental illness would include those in the autistic spectrum, similar to that published in Atypical enterovirus encephalitis causing behavioral changes and autism-like clinical manifestations: case report, [52] which means that if one looks at the underlying factors and mechanism of this, it can be shown very clearly that autism is a form of neurotropism or post-vaccinal encephalitis that occurs from the degenerative effects of virus and antigen invading the central nervous system of the child in early development. [53] Vaccinations can act through direct or indirect causes to trigger the onset of autism, mental illness, and other neurological disorders that occur just following a vaccine.
In the indirect cause, the vaccine is given to a child already dealing with one or several subclinical infections and the vaccine is too much for the immune system to handle and its toxic effect causes a traumatic effect on the body and immune system, whereby the infections already present worsen or irritate, invade the central nervous system, destroying parts of the early developing brain. Autistic and other polio-like neurodegenerative diseases are the typical result. [54]
In the direct cause, the vaccine itself is too toxic for the individual, and could have several forms of contamination with such germs as mycoplasma, [55] parasitic or other microbial contaminants, [56] and also viral contamination are common contaminants in commercial vaccines, [57] and this can suppress the immune system at the time of vaccination and vaccine material either reverts to active form or the other pathogenic material contaminating the vaccine invades the central nervous system and destroys portions of the developing brain. [58] The same can happen when the latent herpesviruses are reactivated into active form due to the immunosuppression following a vaccine. [59] Again, autistic and other polio-like neurodegenerative diseases are the typical result.
The polio vaccine being contaminated with SV40 for a full five years before its detection shows just how finicky and problematic the technology is, [60] and the amount of unacknowledged pathogenic contaminants in commercial vaccines may be so excessive as to be unfathomable in its full scope on public health. [61] Vaccine manufacturers and the scientists from the academic and public health spectrum who worked on the vaccine science in producing new vaccines under contracts, were and still are very much aware of all of these problems and vulnerabilities. [62]
There is generally a refusal to speak up or speak out because no one wants to be ex-communicated from their corporate sponsorships, funding, contracts, and prestige among the academic communities. Many of these scientists are very familiar with germs like mycoplasma. Indeed, Anthony Fauci was well aware of this problem even back in the late 1980's and early 90s, as stated in New York Times article regarding mycoplasma:
''Few microbes have that degree of homing instinct, and it is worth finding out what is in the arteries in the brains and joints that does the damage,'' Dr. Thomas said. [But]Mycoplasmas are notorious for contaminating samples in other laboratory experiments. ''It is the worst pain in the neck,'' said Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, who heads the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases in Bethesda, Md.” [63]
Many working in these realms are familiar with the neurological consequences of injecting foreign pathogenic material, often contaminated by all sorts of foreign genetic material, and all of them understand that this foreign genetic material injected into the body can be oncogenic, or cancer-causing. [64] They also know the process that occurs when a child develops autism or other neurodegenerative diseases following a vaccine, and have for decades. [65]
However, this more immediate effect is not the only presentation among the adverse effects today’s vaccines are having on the health and well-being of our children. Many forms of adverse health effects following vaccination can be much more difficult to spot, inapparent, unfold over the course of months to years. [66] The process is somewhat similar to the last two I described, but it this case, it is not obvious and the effect may not be so noticeable, but symptoms of the adverse effect can present as mental health problems, which would be vastly underestimated, [67] this would range from a broad-spectrum of manifestation, such as anxiety disorders, depression, depersonalization or dissociation, social phobias, obsessive compulsive disorders, anger, aggressive behavior, rage, violence, and just about everything in between. These presentations of adverse health effects of the vaccine are almost guaranteed never to be connected to the vaccine they were given, loaded with the same kinds of antigenic material known to cause these effects in the brain and central nervous system. The connection is never made because of the subclinical nature and gradual effect of the adverse reaction, as well as the fact that the public health is influenced by the drug firms to such a degree and the drug firms want to evade any responsibility or unfavorable view of vaccines, and the public health system fully complies. [68]
Short tempers, fits of rage or anger, violence, compulsive behaviors, drug addictions and dependencies, depression, anxieties, social phobia, cognitive and behavioral health issues, autism, epilepsy, and every other degenerative effect on the brain and CNS can be attributed to the infectious material and vaccine antigen inflaming the brain, and this results in an infinite variation of mental, cognitive, behavioral, and neurological disorders playing out accordingly, because of the variation in the para-infectious material, as well as the HLA type and its varyiable immune response. [69]
Instead of acknowledging this, those in leading positions in public health have been telling parents that their child just has bad genes, or that it's just a mental illness and there is no reason why. People need a reason why, and we should be getting more into why they spend so little time looking into the reason why, when it comes to autism, when it comes to mental health problems, and all in between. It is a subconscious admission of guilt, how little time they spend asking why. The public health and scientific communities who are in cooperation with the drug firms don't want to spend time looking into the reason why because they are trying harder to keep people looking away from the reason why and how they can mask the problem instead. They’ll fund studies and NGOs will raise money, but they won’t ever get to the root of the problem and find its causality, after all, that is the first step in solving any problem.
Rather, psychiatry is set up to treat the symptoms with psychotropic Rx medications to mask the problem and its underlying causality. They never really get to the heart of the problem, but they make billions every year capitalizing off the ignorant minded and all the ways they distract from the causal factors of immune tolerance and neurotropism. However, if the root of this problem were ever concentrated on, psychiatry could be cut away, funding one line of research could potentially serve advancements in many areas- infectious disease, virology, immunology, mental illness, etc.- through one line of research (immune tolerance and neurotropism). However, now that these areas of our health have become ventures in profiteering, we can’t expect the nine-headed hydra to die so easy, as Goldman Sachs representatives pointed out in one article, that the search for cures may not be a sustainable business model. [70]
Most don’t understand the stigma and demoralization that comes along with being labelled 'mentally ill.' They say, "you're just a mental patient and there is no reason why." By doing that, the person starts to instead blame themselves and take it personal, instead of being able to have some kind of closure and understanding, if they were given the reasons why, such as "you have immune tolerance and persistent viral infections of the brain causing encephalitis and making your life difficult, through no fault of your own," they might be able to take some of the self-hatred and blame off themselves and realize its actually not their fault that they are the way that they are. If that were to happen, perhaps we might start asking who really is at fault, since the dangers and adverse mental health effects of vaccination and its complications are well known, we might actually start pointing the finger in the right direction, and actually seeing the causality of this problem...
References & Endnotes
[1] See: 1) Tainted Immunity: Post-Vaccinal Encaphalitis and the Chronic Plague of Societal Degeneration, 2) The Special Virus Cancer Program (SVCP): Engineering an Abomination of Science and Public Health, 3) What I've Learned about the Lies of Some of Alternative Health & Modern Medicine
[2[ Bechter, K. (2013). Virus Infection as a Cause of Inflammation in Psychiatric Disorders. Modern Trends in Pharmacopsychiatry, 49–60. doi:10.1159/000343967
[3] Tavel ME. Somatic symptom disorders without known physical causes: one disease with many names? Am J Med. 2015 Oct;128(10):1054-8. doi: 10.1016/j.amjmed.2015.04.041. Epub 2015 May 30. PMID: 26031885.
[4] The term neurotropic is used to describe the range of pathogenic agents with affinity for brain and nerve tissue which are known to cause degradation and destruction of the central nervous system.
[5] Londoño, Diana, and Diego Cadavid. “Bacterial lipoproteins can disseminate from the periphery to inflame the brain.” The American journal of pathology vol. 176,6 (2010): 2848-57. doi:10.2353/ajpath.2010.091235
[6] Stauder, K. H. Franz Jahnel zum Gedenken [In memoriam Franz Jahnel]. Arch Psychiatr Nervenkr Z Gesamte Neurol Psychiatr. 1952 Mar;187(6):I-XIV. Undetermined Language. doi: 10.1007/BF00398897. PMID: 14934233.
[7] Li, Jing Jing et al. “In vivo evidence for the contribution of peripheral circulating inflammatory exosomes to neuroinflammation.” Journal of neuroinflammation vol. 15,1 8. 8 Jan. 2018, doi:10.1186/s12974-017-1038-8
[8] Ibid.
[9] Dixon, Frank J., Frederick Alt, K. Frank. Austen, Tadamitsu Kishimoto, Fritz Melchers, and Jonathan W. Uhr. Advances in Immunology. Vol. 60. San Diego: Academic Press, 1995.
[10] Nature of these forms of lipoprotein antigen explained in depth by Kathleen Dickson of TruthCures. See: Dickson, Kathleen. TRUTHCURES.ORG CRIMINAL CHARGE SHEETS JUNE 2017, 2017, pp. 39.
[11] As seen in: Londoño, Diana, and Diego Cadavid. “Bacterial lipoproteins can disseminate from the periphery to inflame the brain.” The American journal of pathology vol. 176,6 (2010): 2848-57. doi:10.2353/ajpath.2010.091235
[12] Adinolfi LE, Nevola R, Lus G, Restivo L, Guerrera B, Romano C, Zampino R, Rinaldi L, Sellitto A, Giordano M, Marrone A. Chronic hepatitis C virus infection and neurological and psychiatric disorders: an overview. World J Gastroenterol. 2015 Feb 28;21(8):2269-80. doi: 10.3748/wjg.v21.i8.2269. PMID: 25741133; PMCID: PMC4342902.
[13] Delery, Elizabeth C, and Andrew G MacLean. “Chronic Viral Neuroinflammation: Speculation on Underlying Mechanisms.” Viral immunology vol. 32,1 (2019): 55-62. doi:10.1089/vim.2018.0093
[14] Atesci, Figen C et al. “Psychiatric disorders and functioning in hepatitis B virus carriers.” Psychosomatics vol. 46,2 (2005): 142-7. doi:10.1176/appi.psy.46.2.142
[15] Nissen, Janna et al. “Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 infection is associated with suicidal behavior and first registered psychiatric diagnosis in a healthy population.” Psychoneuroendocrinology vol. 108 (2019): 150-154. doi:10.1016/j.psyneuen.2019.06.015
[16] Meijer, A et al. “Post-influenzal psychiatric disorder in adolescents.” Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica vol. 78,2 (1988): 176-81. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0447.1988.tb06319.x
[17] Burgdorf, Kristoffer Sølvsten et al. “Large-scale study of Toxoplasma and Cytomegalovirus shows an association between infection and serious psychiatric disorders.” Brain, behavior, and immunity vol. 79 (2019): 152-158. doi:10.1016/j.bbi.2019.01.026
[18] Klein, Robyn S et al. “Neuroinflammation During RNA Viral Infections.” Annual review of immunology vol. 37 (2019): 73-95. doi:10.1146/annurev-immunol-042718-041417
[19] Tselis, Alex, and John Booss. “Behavioral consequences of infections of the central nervous system: with emphasis on viral infections.” The journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law vol. 31,3 (2003): 289-98.
[20] Once again, see: Dickson, Kathleen. TRUTHCURES.ORG CRIMINAL CHARGE SHEETS JUNE 2017, 2017, pp. 39.
[21] Case in Point, LYMErix vaccine, testimony from FDA hearing shortly before it was pulled off the market for its injuries. Link to testimony:
[22] Drăgănescu, N et al. “Encefalita postvaccinală la un sugar cu infecţie herpetică latentă” [Post-vaccinal encephalitis in an infant with latent herpes infection]. Studii si cercetari de inframicrobiologie vol. 21,5 (1970): 385-9.
[23] Cases of neurodegenerative diseases following vaccination also described in LYMErix vaccine, testimony from FDA hearing shortly before it was pulled off the market for its injuries. Link to testimony:
[24] Braun, Volkmar. “Bacterial Cell Wall Research in Tübingen: A Brief Historical Account.” International Journal of Medical Microbiology, vol. 305, no. 2, 2015, pp. 178–182., doi:10.1016/j.ijmm.2014.12.013
[25] Whang, H Y, and E Neter. “Immunosuppression by endotoxin and its lipoid A component.” Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine. Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine (New York, N.Y.) vol. 124,3 (1967): 919-24.
[26] Pichichero ME. Immunological paralysis to pneumococcal polysaccharide in man. Lancet. 1985 Aug 31;2(8453):468-71. doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(85)90401-5. PMID: 2863493.
[27] Jin, Huali et al. “Induction of active immune suppression by co-immunization with DNA- and protein-based vaccines.” Virology vol. 337,1 (2005): 183-91. doi:10.1016/j.virol.2005.03.029
[28] Silverstein, Arthur M. “The curious case of the 1960 Nobel Prize to Burnet and Medawar.” Immunology vol. 147,3 (2016): 269-74. doi:10.1111/imm.12558
[29] Traub, E. A Filterable Virus Recovered from White Mice. Science, 81. (2099), 298-299. doi:10.1126/science.81.2099.298. (1935).
[30] Traub, E. Epidemiology of Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis In A Mouse Stock Observed for Four Years. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 69(6), 801-817. doi:10.1084/jem.69.6.801. (1939).
[31] Traub, E. Ueber den Einfluß der latenten Choriomeningitis-Infektion auf die Entstehung der Lymphomatose bei weißen Mause [On the Influence of Latent Choriomeningitis Infection on the Development of Lymphomatosis in White Mice]. Zentrl. Bakt. I. Orig. 147 (16). 1-25. (1941). [Translated to English by A. Finnegan, 2019]
[32] Immune Tolerance definition from author: Medical Author: William C. Shiel Jr., MD, FACP, FACR
[33] See: Tainted Immunity: Post-Vaccinal Encaphalitis and the Chronic Plague of Societal Degeneration,
[34] Croft, P B. “Para-infectious and post-vaccinal encephalomyelitis.” Postgraduate medical journal vol. 45,524 (1969): 392-400. doi:10.1136/pgmj.45.524.392
[35] one example I often use as a case in point to demonstrate how this occurs, where vaccine was administered to an infant with immunosuppression, the vaccine virus, a live measles virus vaccine, was not neutralized by the immune system and instead reverted to active form, began replicating and circulated for many months, invading the brain and CNS before killing the infant. See: Valsamakis, A, P G Auwaerter, B K Rima, H Kaneshima, and D E Griffin. 1999. “Altered Virulence of Vaccine Strains of Measles Virus after Prolonged Replication in Human Tissue.” Journal of Virology. American Society for Microbiology. October 1999.
[36] Walter, R., Hartmann, K., Fleisch, F., Reinhart, W. H., & Kuhn, M. (1999). Reactivation of herpesvirus infections after vaccinations? The Lancet, 353(9155), 810. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(99)00623-6
[37] Steiner, Israel. “Herpes virus infection of the peripheral nervous system.” Handbook of clinical neurology vol. 115 (2013): 543-58. doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-52902-2.00031-X
[38] Walter, R., Hartmann, K., Fleisch, F., Reinhart, W. H., & Kuhn, M. (1999). Reactivation of herpesvirus infections after vaccinations? The Lancet, 353(9155), 810. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(99)00623-6
[39] Baldwin, K. J., & Cummings, C. L. (2018). Herpesvirus Infections of the Nervous System. CONTINUUM: Lifelong Learning in Neurology, 24, 1349–1369. doi:10.1212/con.0000000000000661 [**note: "therapeutically immunosuppressed" is a modest way of saying vaccine-induced immunosuppression.]
[40] Bechter, K. (2013). Virus Infection as a Cause of Inflammation in Psychiatric Disorders. Modern Trends in Pharmacopsychiatry, 49–60. doi:10.1159/000343967
[41] Bechter, K., Herzog, S., Schüttler, R., & Rott, R. (1989). MRI in psychiatric patients with serum antibodies against Borna disease virus. Psychiatry Research, 29(3), 281–282. doi:10.1016/0165-1781(89)90062-0
[42] “Birth-18 Years Immunization Schedule | CDC.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
[43] Cassisi, G, P Sarzi-Puttini, and M Cazzola. 2011. “Chronic Widespread Pain and Fibromyalgia: Could There Be Some Relationships with Infections and Vaccinations?” Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology. U.S. National Library of Medicine. 2011.
[44] Sejvar, J. (2011). Vaccines and Neurologic Disease. Seminars in Neurology, 31(03), 338–355. doi:10.1055/s-0031-1287655
[45] Sheng-Fowler, Li, et al. “Issues Associated with Residual Cell-Substrate DNA in Viral Vaccines.” Biologicals, vol. 37, no. 3, 2009, pp. 190–195., doi:10.1016/j.biologicals.2009.02.015.
[46] Tsang, S X et al. “Evidence of avian leukosis virus subgroup E and endogenous avian virus in measles and mumps vaccines derived from chicken cells: investigation of transmission to vaccine recipients.” Journal of virology vol. 73,7 (1999): 5843-51
[47] as per LCM virus, shown through the life-long work of Erich Traub, to demonstrate this process. See: Traub, E. LCM Virus Research, Retrospect and Prospects. Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus and Other Arenaviruses, 3-10. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-65681-1_1. (1973)
[48] Traub, E. Ueber den Einfluß der latenten Choriomeningitis-Infektion auf die Entstehung der Lymphomatose bei weißen Mause [On the Influence of Latent Choriomeningitis Infection on the Development of Lymphomatosis in White Mice]. Zentrl. Bakt. I. Orig. 147 (16). 1-25. (1941). [Translated to English by A. Finnegan, 2019]
[49] the human counterpart example of the LCM virus process of generational persistent viral infections can be seen in SV40, see: Shah, Keerti, and Neal Nathanson. “Human Exposure to Sv40: Review And Comment.” American Journal of Epidemiology, vol. 103, no. 1, 1976, pp. 1–12., doi:10.1093/oxfordjournals.aje.a112197. Also available:
[50] as evidenced: Siddique, Haroon. 2018. “Mental Health Disorders on Rise among Children.” The Guardian. Guardian News and Media. November 22, 2018.
[51] Gau SS, Chang LY, Huang LM, Fan TY, Wu YY, Lin TY. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity-related symptoms among children with enterovirus 71 infection of the central nervous system. Pediatrics. 2008 Aug;122(2):e452-8. doi: 10.1542/peds.2007-3799. Epub 2008 Jul 7. PMID: 18606624.
[52] Akcakaya, Nihan Hande et al. “Atypical enterovirus encephalitis causing behavioral changes and autism-like clinical manifestations: case report.” Acta neurologica Belgica vol. 116,4 (2016): 679-681. doi:10.1007/s13760-016-0614-5
[53] again, it is noted in the 1969 paper, Para-Infectious and Post-Vaccinal Encephalomyelitis, that the term post-vaccinal should be used for the range of neurological disorders following vaccinations of all kinds. (see Croft, P. B.)
[54] Case in point: Valsamakis, A, P G Auwaerter, B K Rima, H Kaneshima, and D E Griffin. 1999. “Altered Virulence of Vaccine Strains of Measles Virus after Prolonged Replication in Human Tissue.” Journal of Virology. American Society for Microbiology. October 1999.
[55] Volokhov DV, Graham LJ, Brorson KA, Chizhikov VE. Mycoplasma testing of cell substrates and biologics: Review of alternative non-microbiological techniques. Mol Cell Probes. 2011 Apr-Jun;25(2-3):69-77. doi: 10.1016/j.mcp.2011.01.002. Epub 2011 Jan 11. PMID: 21232597.
[56] White, Caroline. “Suspected contamination leads to recall of meningitis C vaccine.” BMJ (Clinical research ed.) vol. 338 b896. 3 Mar. 2009, doi:10.1136/bmj.b896
[57] Sheng-Fowler, Li, et al. “Issues Associated with Residual Cell-Substrate DNA in Viral Vaccines.” Biologicals, vol. 37, no. 3, 2009, pp. 190–195., doi:10.1016/j.biologicals.2009.02.015.
[58] Valsamakis, A, P G Auwaerter, B K Rima, H Kaneshima, and D E Griffin. 1999. “Altered Virulence of Vaccine Strains of Measles Virus after Prolonged Replication in Human Tissue.” Journal of Virology. American Society for Microbiology. October 1999.
[59] Walter, R., Hartmann, K., Fleisch, F., Reinhart, W. H., & Kuhn, M. (1999). Reactivation of herpesvirus infections after vaccinations? The Lancet, 353(9155), 810. doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(99)00623-6
[60] “PREVENTING ANOTHER SV40 TRAGEDY: ARE TODAY'S VACCINE SAFETY PROTOCOLS EFFECTIVE? : Committee on Government Reform.” 2003. Internet Archive. Government Publishing Office. November 13, 2003.
[61] as evidenced in the picture presenting itself, mirroring the expression of para-infectious material and vaccine antigen, discussed in this article, seen in the public health picture in America:
1) “The Growing Crisis of Chronic Disease in the United States.” The Relief Work, 13 Jan. 2016,
2) Siddique, Haroon. 2018. “Mental Health Disorders on Rise among Children.” The Guardian. Guardian News and Media. November 22, 2018.
3) Krisberg, K. (2019, April 01). CDC: US school mass shootings increasing. Retrieved September 23, 2020, from
[62] See lecture: Channel gzguilo. 2013. “Lecture given by Dr. Garth Nicolson - Weaponized Mycoplasmas.” YouTube. YouTube. July 29, 2013. Retrieved from:
[63] Altman, Lawrence K. “THE DOCTOR'S WORLD; AIDS Epidemic Puts An Unusual Microbe Under New Scrutiny.” The New York Times, The New York Times, Retrieved from:
[64] Sheng-Fowler, Li, et al. “Issues Associated with Residual Cell-Substrate DNA in Viral Vaccines.” Biologicals, vol. 37, no. 3, 2009, pp. 190–195., doi:10.1016/j.biologicals.2009.02.015.
[65] Croft, P B. “Para-infectious and post-vaccinal encephalomyelitis.” Postgraduate medical journal vol. 45,524 (1969): 392-400. doi:10.1136/pgmj.45.524.392
[66] as per the process of any slow-virus disease
[67] based on: Bechter, K. (2013). Virus Infection as a Cause of Inflammation in Psychiatric Disorders. Modern Trends in Pharmacopsychiatry, 49–60. doi:10.1159/000343967
[68] This was the reason for having taxpayers pickup the tab for the adverse reactions paid through the federal govenment, indicated by the creation of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. See: National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. (2020, July 23). Retrieved September 24, 2020, from
[69] Dendrou, C. A., Petersen, J., Rossjohn, J., & Fugger, L. (2018). HLA variation and disease. Nature Reviews Immunology, 18(5), 325–339. doi:10.1038/nri.2017.143
[70] Tim, Kae. “Goldman Sachs Asks in Biotech Research Report: 'Is Curing Patients a Sustainable Business Model?'.” CNBC, CNBC, 11 Apr. 2018,