Read Between the Lies: The Politicization of Science and the Curse of Modern Medicine

By: A.W. Finnegan

As we move through 2021, we are witnessing the rise of an authoritarian brand of science and modern medicine being used as a tool to solidify political agendas imposing invasive measures on the people of the world, regardless of whether we consent to it or not.[1] This draconian, immoral dogma hinges itself on the false idea that the unvaccinated are a danger to others and spreaders of disease, and that getting a vaccine protects everyone else, or that those with visible disease are the only source of contagion and the continuation of what the science and public health system considers vaccine preventable disease.[2]

However, this distorted concept is misleading at best and is now being reinforced as a political weapon with billions in state funding, as the White House revealed its appropriation of a billion-dollar campaign to fight vaccine hesitancy.[3] This will include public relations campaigns to coerce others into accepting their policy of enforcement under the pretense of fighting vaccine hesitancy and distrust for public health, not through honesty but through reinforced propaganda hammered through every press and outlet of information like psychic driving to brainwash the people into compliance, while driving ruthless persecution against its non-believers and those who rebuke the reckless practices of science and modern medicine.[4] Anyone in this grouping of non-believers became the heretics and scapegoats of science and anyone who was not comfortable or ok with getting the vaccine was shamed and belittled. Therefore, those questioning the safety of vaccines and those who distrusted the public health and pharmaceutical medical complex became the perfect candidate to scapegoat and blame as spreaders of disease and labelled as a danger to everyone else.[5]

The acknowledgement of asymptomatic transmission and the nature of asymptomatic shedding of active, virulent virus in Traub's early studies of LCM virus and persistence of viral infection despite no clinical symptoms formed the basis of immunological tolerance, and clearly demonstrates that germs are able to spread freely despite vaccine status or symptoms of any kind.[6] It is only the vaccine recipient who tolerizes him or herself to the antigenic stimuli of the virus or infectious agent. This would be great if not for the fact that it is replaced with serious rebound effects that leave permanent damage and strain on the body, brain, and immune system.[7]

In other articles, I have covered the double-edged sword of vaccine-induced tolerance and the chronic immunosuppression that results from compulsory vaccine practices. It merely replaces acute disease with slow, chronic disease, with secondary effects on mental health. Unfortunately, the science of immune tolerance and slow-virus disease discovered by the late Dr. Erich Traub in Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis virus was obscured and purposefully buried in 1960.[8] Its acknowledgement and inclusion into the science during that time would have opened up an entirely new spectrum of immunology and the science of disease.

The decision to bury the pathology of immune tolerance as it related to infectious disease and instead only attribute immune tolerance to the same condition seen in organ transplant recipients had political motivations, first because of the nature of Traub's background, but more importantly for the fact that if they were to include these advances into the science, it would have drawn attention to major flaws in modern immunology and vaccine-induced immunity based on antibody response and lack of inflammation.[9]

It did not sit well with the science of vaccination nor the Western system's conventional diagnostics used to confirm the presence of an infectious agent through antibody response.[10] Instead of reconfiguring the approach to vaccines and diagnostic testing to fit in line with a more complete science, the Western science and public health decided, along with their partners in the pharmaceutical firms, they would conveniently shape science to bend to their inconsistencies and flaws instead of reconfiguring their approach to reflect the science,[11] and with this decision, chronic disease was hidden under unnecessary controversy, and one half of the disease spectrum was ignored for many decades, and still today it has been redesigned under syndromes, disorders, mental illness, and disabilities with no apparent cause.

If they had included the science of Traub's findings, they would have had to admit that antibody response is not always the biomarker of immunity, and that some diseases can be present without any detectable inflammation.[12] These two components held up a misleading understanding of disease for decades and this is still true today. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the lie that states only the unvaccinated can spread germs and the vaccinated are germ-free.[13]

The science of what had been discovered by Traub worked in opposition to vaccines and the Western paradigm concluding that antibody response and lack of inflammation were the biomarkers of immunity was inconsistent and misleading. To remedy this correctly would have cut into major profit and the ego of the scientific community in the West. Vaccine manufacturers and pharmaceutical firms would have had to reconfigure their entire understanding of immunity and the nature of disease. This thorn in their side obliterated much of how the Western public health and science community understood disease expression and immunology. Instead of including the science of Traub's discoveries on immune tolerance to shape immunology and infectious disease more accurately, it was downsized and attributed only to the same condition seen in organ transplant recipients, and the Nobel Prize was incorrectly awarded to two scientists who were never even nominated together by anyone, Macfarlane Burnet and Peter Medawar.[14]

Although the two scientists made important contributions to the fields in their own line of respective work, it was discovered and explained decades earlier by Erich Traub while he was at the Rockefeller Institute.[15] Immune tolerance in relation to immunity and infectious disease should have stood as one of the pillars of Western immunology and could have opened the doors to understanding chronic disease from a very early time.[16] The decision to obscure these origins would effectively remove one half of the entire spectrum of disease from the early foundation of science and public health, as it stands today.[17]

As science continued building its entire understanding of immunity and disease on a foundation with half of it missing, its deletion would affect all other systems above it from that point forward.[18] It meant that if they wanted to effectively hide such discoveries, they would have to start covering for its contradictions with dishonesty, and this was a major turning point in the compromise of science and the public health system's descent into a policy of dishonesty and political motivations rather than what was best for our health and well-being.[19] As the seeds of dishonesty began to take root and shape the future of both science and public health,[20] the fruits of modern medicine and science would effectively poison the trust of the people it vowed to serve, and its fruits grew more poisonous and bitter with each layer of dishonesty it attempted to feed the public and with its misleading, politically-motivated science.[21]  

The public health system favored the pharmaceutical firms before the people, it favored money and politics before health and well-being, it favored state secrets and coverups over the safety of its people against the effects of stealth bioterrorism. Corporate pharmaceutical firms took control of the public health system through their lobbying efforts and lucrative defense contracts,[22] and when they needed reinforcement they turned to the NGOs, foundations, and universities to serve as their public relations arm to shape public opinion and train their physicians, health officials, and scientists,[23] to learn and take orders modeled to serve their consensus of an authoritative public health doctrine and dogma of science,[24] and their politically-motivated and self-styled evidence-based medicine.[25] In reality, evidence-based medicine was just a reinvented term denoting the politically compromised, incomplete paradigm of Western science and public health with all the stealth infections and immunosuppressive diseases they caused to be conveniently wiped from the books using conventional diagnostics and inconsistent with any definable disease within such systems.[26]

Structuring the entire public health system and science of disease around antibody response and inflammation would mean that many who had very legitimate, oftentimes painful and slow chronic diseases that lacked inflammation and lacked robust antibody response would be effectively silenced, ignored, left to fend for themselves.[27] If they continued seeking treatment for their non-existent disease through their system of evidence-based medicine, they would be slandered, accused of somatoform, and referred to psychiatry for the treatment of a potential psychiatric disorder.[28] 

This state of chronic immunosuppression had another dark side to it to complicate the picture even further.[29] The immunosuppression steadily gaining traction over the course of many decades in the population came with secondary effects on the brain and central nervous system,[30] and neurological and psychological manifestations accompanied immune tolerance.[31]  The initial state of the immune system having been compromised caused latent viruses to reactivate and many times these were neurotropic,[32] destroying parts of the brain and central nervous system as the immune system was silenced and tolerized to otherwise harmful antigen it was trained to keep out.[33] That means if mental illness has infectious or immunological origins, they could have been looking for a cure for mental illness from the very beginning, but not only was that never attempted, they never even bothered attempting to discover what the cause of mental illness ever was, despite its explosion in Western societies.[34]

It was perhaps an unintended admission that they were not concerned about what the cause was, the pharmaceutical firms and science community probably already knew it was relevant to deeper immune-mediated complexes and neurotropic disease caused by stealthy infections they were hoping to ignore,[35] along with the post-vaccinal encephalitis and injury to the brain as a long-term consequence of compulsory vaccination.[36] There is considerable evidence to prove the connection between mental illness and neurotropic infections and post-vaccinal injury that caused neurodegeneration and psychiatric abnormalities, and this too, would not sit well with the current paradigms of immunity and compulsory vaccine practices of the West.[37] The truth was that the compulsory vaccination was fanning the flames of a complex picture of immune tolerance in a population exploding with incapacitating chronic disease and mental illness, and this was a hallmark of immune tolerance being fueled by public health policy and its excessive, compulsory vaccine practices.[38]  

As more vaccines were stacked on each subsequent generation, who would first inherit some of the immunological burdens of the parents and grandparents,[39] their immune systems would have considerably more burden to keep up with as more vaccines were given, and this would have major neurotropic effects on the central nervous system and brain in early years of crucial neurodevelopment. Infections of the brain were already part of early psychology in Germany before the Second World War.[40] Spirochetal infections, for example, were studied and treated by the psychology department.[41] These interrelationships were known back then but failed to be included in later years for Western paradigms of science and mental illness as a symptom of neurotropic disease resulting from para-infectious and viral etiologies.[42], [43], [44]

Many of these early decisions to build the foundation of Western public health and the science of disease on dishonesty were done for political motivations and the profit-driven partnerships with the pharmaceutical giants, instead of what was best for the health of its people.[45], [46] Profit, prestige, ego, state secrets, national security, and political correctness all played a part in early decisions for the public health system and scientific establishment to be dishonest with the many millions who trusted them and depended on them for maintaining health.[47]

As the number of people who developed unusual and unique presentations of chronic disease lacking both antibody response and detectable inflammation increased, more and more people would be turned away and told there was nothing wrong with them, that it was all in their head.[48] They were now psychiatric cases.[49] Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, low-grade meningo-encephalomyelitis, chronic Lyme disease, were some of the manifestations of this continual state of immune deficiency that was ignored by the public health system for decades and classed with psychiatric disorders.[50], [51]

Many people were also developing reactions to vaccines and the same conditions were playing out in parallel to those who contracted similar health problems from tick bites and other infectious diseases that took a slow, incapacitating course.[52] Many of those who contracted arthropod-borne diseases were also being swept under the rug or turned away after a few weeks of antibiotics and given inadequate explanations for their health problems. When their symptoms persisted or continued despite the course of antibiotics, they were told it was all in their head and they were just imagining their complaints.[53]

The public health system took a similar approach to victims of vaccine adverse events that left them with crippling or systemic, permanent health problems after receiving a vaccine, science would attempt to reinforce it.[54] These patients too, were told it wasn’t the vaccine and since the resulting effect was of an immunosuppressive nature lacking inflammation, they were effectively ignored and told it was tough luck.[55] Many parents had concerns when their child developed a neurological disorder following a vaccine.[56] Their intuition rightfully suspected that the vaccine brought on the condition,[57] but again, they were treated with unsympathetic doctors telling them it was just tough luck and not related to the vaccine. Oftentimes humans can sense when they are being lied to or when they are met with some level of dishonesty, and this is especially true for mothers. 

Many books had been written over the years by the chronically ill, telling of their stories trying to get to the bottom of their health problems, the bad treatment and neglect they received by the public health system, academic and science communities.[58], [59] People also talk, word gets around, eventually everyone ends up knowing someone or has a family member or friend who has been affected by it. As the decades passed, many began to distrust the public health system, the pharmaceutical firms, and the science community, as they were being met with dishonesty time and time again. The divide would only grow stronger over the years, and the dishonesty would be harder to maintain.

Many people began to catch on and understand that something was very wrong and the public health system they depended on was dishonest and politically-motivated.[60] The public health system was continuously treating them unfairly and with dishonesty, lacking any compassion or a desire to address their health problems.  Even if the patients couldn't figure out exactly why this was being done, their intuition rightfully rang the alarm bell and the intimidation attempts to silence the chronically ill spoke volumes about the underlying dishonesty and state of compromise inherent in the public health system. When institutionalized science and medicine are then used to strengthen political motivations, it no longer functions as an objective science but a dogma to brainwash those among its ranks and in positions of authority that their blatant disregard for moral consideration and ethical responsibility is justified and supported by facts and following the science.

Eventually, a large enough number of people being affected to some degree put an irreversible gap of distrust between the people and their public health system. They hear the stories of their family member and then hear the public health system's explanation becoming more and more unconvincing. The public health system and science, wanting to maintain their pristine image, keep doubling down on their response and failure to adequately explain and offer any help to so many has disastrous effects on its integrity as the years progress. They have no one to blame but themselves.

This gap would also be strengthened by the increasing number of parents with children with severe and debilitating neurological and behavioral health disorders.[61] Not being satisfied with the response by public health, they naturally go seeking out the truth and find themselves becoming well-versed in the science and keeping up with the scientific literature.[62] It would be greatly inaccurate to conclude that internet misinformation is the driving force behind this distrust.[63] There is one primary factor far more intrinsic to the distrust among us, which is the policy of dishonesty given to so many millions affected.[64]

The conclusion that patients and parents end up arriving at is that their suspicions were certainly well-warranted, because oftentimes the literature will hold clues, answers, and demonstrate the exact opposite than what they were told or given as an explanation by their physicians or public health officials.[65]

The public health system and their partnerships with the corporate pharmaceutical firms found this growing distrust was severely affecting their stranglehold to control the health of its people and began to utilize academic and public health personnel in public relations operations to influence public opinion through media channels.[66] Deep underneath, public health officials and their corporate partners in big pharma often knew they were being dishonest,[67] but instead of being angry with themselves, they projected their insecurities back on the people for rightfully being distrustful, and tensions between the two begin to mount with increasing hostility and antagonism.[68]

To remedy these inconsistencies, instead of doing the right thing and reversing the course of this approach and replacing it with honesty, it was instead strongly reinforced and scientific think tanks began to assemble to figure out how to respond to this growing distrust.[69] Many foundations and front organizations would form and coordinate with the drug firms, academia, and the public health system, acting as the public relations arm of the consensus for western science and public health system.[70]

Working groups could assemble and facilitate misleading studies that were often published to downplay or cover for the lies they were giving the public,[71] and it was not long before someone could figure out how the science and data was being manipulated to show misleading conclusions to support the dishonesty they were feeding the people years after year.[72] This kind of behavior would only grow bolder and eventually they began to use every channel of media and communications to disseminate their official position and the bureaucratic red tape they had over the truth.[73] This approach was applied to every angle of discontent and distrust by the people they were supposed to be serving, from AIDS to vaccines to chronic disease and beyond, political wars against the public followed every controversy they created with their policy of dishonesty by proxy.[74]

Declassified email communications between public health officials, NGOs, academicians, and men of science and medicine admitting their intent to mount socio-political offensives to counter the growing distrust and disillusionment of public opinion:

The battle cannot be won on a scientific front. We need to mount a socio-political offensive, but we are outnumbered and outgunned. We need reinforcements from outside our field.[75]

The current situation that started in 2019 was a crisis that the public health system and drug firms have been completely incompetent to deal with,[76] and as they once again continue their policy of doubling down on prior dishonesty with more dishonesty at the cost of life,[77] the situation grows uglier, and the tension draws more aggression and hostility between the people and its public health system. Now that they have a situation that puts so many of the public health system's lies in full view, the response by public health becomes more authoritarian and draconian as an outward projection of their internal insecurities.[78]

They have inevitably lost the trust of enough of the population to have lost their control over public health and a fair percentage of public opinion. They continue being dishonest yet they are still somehow confused as to why so few people trust the public health system and the pharmaceutical firms that influences it.[79] Internet misinformation exists,[80] but actually most people come to their conclusions hearing from personal friends and family or victims of the public health system's policy of dishonesty.[81]

Science and public health have now taken this a step further with the help of government, media, and every channel they have at their disposal to attempt to brainwash the people by hammering the same dishonest talking points over and over to the people morning, day, and night.[82] The appropriations to reinforce their messages mixed with much dishonesty is also being reinforced with hack studies and manipulated data and information to fight vaccine hesitancy.[83] It has created an aura of peer pressure and political correctness at a time when vigilance about vaccine adverse events should have seen science most critical of it.[84] Instead, no one wants to call any of it out lest they be politically crucified and scientifically expelled by the priest class of modern science. Many injuries and deaths occurring shortly after vaccination for COVID-19 are overwhelming VAERS reporting systems, but none of these will even be considered or investigated unless the same outcome occurs in unusually large numbers.[85]

I have even recently been told by unnamed personal friends of vaccine injuries occurring in their extended networks where deaths clearly and demonstrably proven connected to the COVID-19 vaccine were left out of reports due to fear of being crucified or persecuted. Indeed, there are now physicians being silenced and intimidated with peer pressure and threats of penalty and retribution for contributing to anything deemed medical misinformation. I have even had YouTube videos removed in recent months for positions that go against the consensus of the World Health Organization (WHO) and public health system on vaccines, even though I used official science publications and official sources of information like media reports, government documents, and so on.[86] This is the disturbing reality of a subverted distortion of science and medicine hijacked for political purposes.

Adverse reactions, systemic health problems and neurologic disease following vaccinations of all kinds have been occurring for decades without acknowledgement or inclusion of these reactions back into the data on vaccine safety.[87] This is due to the way the adverse event reporting system was setup, it factored most of the more common adverse events that fell into the realm of non-specific symptoms and expression of disease.[88] These adverse events were of an immunosuppressive nature, and therefore it worked out extremely well for the pharmaceutical firms and its public health lapdogs because not only were these cases lacking detectable inflammation and antibody response to be diagnosed with a reportable disease or adverse event, but such conditions driven by chronic immunosuppression were never even considered a definable disease to begin with, as it had been buried many decades ago and remain skeletons in the closet of Western science and public health.[89]

The large majority who sustain vaccine injuries would fall in this subclinical, immunosuppressive category, and by proxy they would be factored out of the equation altogether as adverse events.[90] They would be told there was no relation to the vaccine and attributed to other causes.[91] These cases were easy as pie to deny and sweep under the rug because of the complexity and diversity of how the chronic immunosuppression plays out in each person. It means that because our biological makeup is unique for each individual, with other genetic variations,[92] along with the mitogenic properties of some vaccine antigen,[93] the disease expression would play out in infinite variation. That is to say, no two would unravel in the same way. The immune paralysis would detonate a bewildering array of other conditions and secondary infections unique to the individual.

This is the reason why the science claims adverse events as exceedingly rare, because only those that fit in the box of a specific condition or defined disease would meet the criteria of a reportable disease and to be considered an adverse event the same outcome would have to play out in unusually large numbers to be considered as a potential adverse event, and if it could pass the next set of hurdles documenting it through incompetent diagnostics, then following it up with lengthy studies.[94] This is the only way for its proven causation to the vaccine and earn a mention on the insert. Its no wonder why they are able to claim such events as exceedingly rare. The strong minority would fall into the realm of non-specific symptoms, not even definable as disease and effectively factored out of the equation through their so-called evidence-based medicine

This is the big elephant in the room being completely and routinely ignored to serve political agendas rather than science and public health. As a result, we are witnessing the rise of a science that has been hijacked to serve political purposes and agendas instead of health, oftentimes in stark opposition to health and well-being, and this is destroying objective science entirely. Public health officials engaging in propaganda campaigns show us just how deep their war against the public goes, as one NIAID official demonstrates in declassified email correspondences to foreign officials:

If outer space is the military's ultimate high ground... then cyberspace is the high ground in an information war. And what we have here is a war. Actually, a disinformation war. An insurgency against evidence-based medicine. It's time to start shooting back.

I'm vaguely familiar with your informal group to counteract misinformation. Durland Fish mentioned it to me. Sounds like a good start. Certainly, we have to do a better job of quickly responding to the accusations and antics of activists. We also have to do a better job of educating members of Congress and, in your case, Parliament. And we have to do a better job of keeping in touch with science and medical writers in the press and providing them with the necessary facts, references, quotes and sound bites.

Personally, I had been thinking that it might be useful to have a limited access website containing material to facilitate quick responses to reporters' questions and to facilitate the drafting of letters to legislators and editors. Such an online repository might contain copies of published articles on treatment trials and appropriate diagnostic methods, published commentaries on chronic Lyme disease, previously published letters to the editor, and examples of letters to send to local and national legislators. I suspect many physicians and scientists would like nothing more than to dash off a response to a newspaper or congressman, but lack the time to look up the references, dig out the quotes, and hone their message down to 300 or 400 words. This kind of repository would help.

I already have my own little repository, which I rely on for drafting letters to the editor (of Nature, Epi & Inf, The Hartford Courant, The Washington Post, and others), letters to congressmen (Phil Baker and I both responded to a Dec. 2006 ILADS-inspired congressional letter to the CDC), book reviews, and columns I write for a local Maryland paper. It's a lot easier to load and shoot if the ammunition is handy.

Anyway, it's one idea. Another might be to start a visible organization of researchers and ID docs with clearly stated goals and concerns similar to SEA: Scientists and Engineers for America ( <>). It could provide a convenient focal point for communication and strategy.[95]

Instead of objective truth and honest investigation which science should stand upon, the public health system and pharmaceutical firms have already chosen a predetermined policy or law, which is then used to shape science and its findings backed with socio-political offensives.[96] The politicization of science is then weaponized and used as propaganda to justify blatant disregard for ethics and moral responsibility.[97] These are the same dangers were seen in Germany during the Third Reich, using science as a political weapon holds grave implications for the coming years ahead.[98]

Today, the unvaccinated stand as the new Jews, not merely an overstated exaggeration but a literal comparison, as the public health system deflects attention away from their own incompetence using social antagonism and scapegoating, deflecting the vigilance away from the pharmaceutical firms, for now they say, now it is those unvaccinated at fault, according to the public health system.[99] This will be another lesson in history repeating itself, with many attempting to rationalize and justify immoral measures using fear and shaming,[100], [101] but where security replaces freedom and civil society, authoritarianism has already stomped out enlightenment and any golden age in the silver lining,[102] and from there humanity is dragged back into another dark age using science as its new religion...

Endnotes & Sources
[1] Salahi, S. (2021, February 03). Can covid vaccination become mandatory? Retrieved February 09, 2021, from
[2] Solender, A. (2021, July 16). 'pandemic of the unvaccinated': CDC says Delta variant may warrant local mask mandates. Forbes. Retrieved from:
[3] WBUR. (2021, March 15). Reducing vaccine Hesitancy is worth more than $1 Billion, Biden administration says. Reducing Vaccine Hesitancy Is Worth More Than $1 Billion, Biden Administration Says:
[4] Gore , L. (2021, August 17). Alabama doctor says he won't treat unvaccinated people: 'covid is Miserable way to die'. AI.
[5] Thornton, W. (2021, July 23). Kay Ivey tells Alabamians to get vaccinated: 'I can't make you take care of yourself'. AI.
[6] Traub, E. Observations on immunological tolerance and "Immunity" in mice infected congenitally with the virus of lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM). Archiv Fur Die Gesamte Virusforschung, 10(3), 303-314. doi:10.1007/bf01250677. (1960).
[7] Marks, Donald H. 2011. “Neurological Complications of Vaccination with Outer Surface Protein A (OspA).” International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine. IOS Press. January 1, 2011.
[8] Silverstein, Arthur M. “The Curious Case of the 1960 Nobel Prize to Burnet and Medawar.” Immunology. John Wiley and Sons Inc., March 2016.
[9] Traub, E. Observations on immunological tolerance and "Immunity" in mice infected congenitally with the virus of lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM). Archiv Fur Die Gesamte Virusforschung, 10(3), 303-314. doi:10.1007/bf01250677. (1960).
[10] Traub, E. Factors Influencing Specific Antibody Formation in Mice Persistently Infected with LCM virus. Zentralblatt Für Veterinärmedizin Reihe B, 28(2), 133-145 (1980,2010). doi:10.1111/j.1439-0450.1981.tb01748.x
[11] Silverstein, Arthur M. “The Curious Case of the 1960 Nobel Prize to Burnet and Medawar.” Immunology. John Wiley and Sons Inc., March 2016.
[12] Traub, E. Observations on immunological tolerance and "Immunity" in mice infected congenitally with the virus of lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM). Archiv Fur Die Gesamte Virusforschung, 10(3), 303-314. doi:10.1007/bf01250677. (1960).
[13] Finnegan, A. W., Immune Tolerance and Slow-Virus Disease: Skeletons in the closet of Western Science and Public Health. Published on Academia, Jan. 01, 2020. Retrieved from:
[14] Silverstein, Arthur M. “The Curious Case of the 1960 Nobel Prize to Burnet and Medawar.” Immunology. John Wiley and Sons Inc., March 2016.
[15] Traub, E. Persistence of Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus in Immune Animals and Its Relation To Immunity. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 63(6), 847-861. doi:10.1084/jem.63.6.847. (1936).
[16] Traub, E. LCM Virus Research, Retrospect and Prospects. Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus and Other Arenaviruses, 3-10. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-65681-1_1. (1973)
[17] Dinter, Z. Persönaliches, Begegnungen mit Erich Traub.[Personal Encounters with Erich Traub] Berl. Munch. Tier. Woch. 96. 70-72. (1984)
[18] It would mean that all disease conditions in the chronic or neurotropic spectrum would be either denied or misdiagnosed as something other than it was, and such conditions would affect how additional health problems beginning at that root cause would be misunderstood and the complexities that arise from that point forward would make the decisions of a physician going off a misleading picture of their health could cost the patient his life or further health problems with the physician going off an immunology that wrong for the patients who has immunosuppressive conditions in the immune tolerant spectrum.
[19] This would mean lumping all the neurotropic and immunosuppressive conditions that occur, into syndromes, disorders, causes that miss the root problem and attribute a misleading picture of immunology to the patient or completely remove the immunological aspects from the condition altogether. This can have serious complications and misdiagnosis can cost the patient further health problems, even their life. For instance, not being able to identify the immunosuppression in a subject before administering a live virus vaccine like measles or MMR, could allow the virus to revert to active form and eventually kill the patient, as discussed in: Valsamakis, A, P G Auwaerter, B K Rima, H Kaneshima, and D E Griffin. 1999. “Altered Virulence of Vaccine Strains of Measles Virus after Prolonged Replication in Human Tissue.” Journal of Virology. American Society for Microbiology. October 1999.
[20] Tavel, Morton E. “Somatic Symptom Disorders without Known Physical Causes: One Disease with Many Names?” The American journal of medicine. U.S. National Library of Medicine, October 2015.
[21] staff, Science X. “One in Five Chronic Disease Patients Report Discrimination in Health Care.” Medical Xpress - medical research advances and health news. Medical Xpress, December 20, 2017.
[22] Gorenstein, Dan. “BARDA: The Venture Capital Firm Buried in the U.S. Government.” Marketplace, April 26, 2019.
[23] American Lyme Disease Foundation (ALDF), “2nd Banbury Conference.” American Lyme Disease Foundation (ALDF), n.d.
[24] American Lyme Disease Foundation (ALDF), “Misinformation on Lyme Disease.” American Lyme Disease Foundation (ALDF), n.d.
[25] Feder, H. M., Johnson, B. J. B., O’Connell, S., Shapiro, E. D., Steere, A. C., & Wormser, G. P. (2007). A Critical Appraisal of “Chronic Lyme Disease.” New England Journal of Medicine, 357(14), 1422–1430. doi:10.1056/nejmra072023
[26] Zynx, “Fostering a Culture That Supports Evidence-Based Practice Published at Health Data Management.” Zynx Health, n.d.
[27] Murray, P. (1996). The widening circle: One mother's story of battling Lyme disease and becoming a medical pioneer. St. Martin's Press.
[28] Aronowitz, R A. “Lyme Disease: the Social Construction of a New Disease and Its Social Consequences.” The Milbank quarterly. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 1991.
[29] Finnegan, A. W. Neurotropic Viral Infections: The Darker Side of Immune Tolerance. Published on Academia, 2021, written in 2019. Available at:
[30] Tselis, Alex, and John Booss. “Behavioral consequences of infections of the central nervous system: with emphasis on viral infections.” The journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law vol. 31,3 (2003): 289-98.
[31] Atesci, Figen C et al. “Psychiatric disorders and functioning in hepatitis B virus carriers.” Psychosomatics vol. 46,2 (2005): 142-7. doi:10.1176/appi.psy.46.2.142
[32] Bechter, K. (2013). Virus Infection as a Cause of Inflammation in Psychiatric Disorders. Modern Trends in Pharmacopsychiatry, 49–60. doi:10.1159/000343967
[33] Traub, E., & Kesting, F. Age Distribution and Serological Reactivity of Viral Antigen in Brains of Mice Infected Congenitally with LMC Virus. Zentralblatt Für Veterinärmedizin Reihe B, 24(7), 548-559. (1975, 2010). doi:10.1111/j.1439-0450.1977.tb01024.x
[34] Mental Health America (MHA). (n.d.). The state of Mental Health in America. Mental Health America.
[35] Delery, Elizabeth C, and Andrew G MacLean. “Chronic Viral Neuroinflammation: Speculation on Underlying Mechanisms.” Viral immunology vol. 32,1 (2019): 55-62. doi:10.1089/vim.2018.0093
[36] Croft, P B. “Para-infectious and post-vaccinal encephalomyelitis.” Postgraduate medical journal vol. 45,524 (1969): 392-400. doi:10.1136/pgmj.45.524.392
[37] Finnegan, A. W. Medical Misanthropology: A Tale of Vaccination, Mental Illness, & Clinical Psychiatry. The Garden of Great Work. Published on Nov. 24, 2020. Available at:
[38] Cassisi, G, P Sarzi-Puttini, and M Cazzola. 2011. “Chronic Widespread Pain and Fibromyalgia: Could There Be Some Relationships with Infections and Vaccinations?” Clinical and Experimental Rheumatology. U.S. National Library of Medicine. 2011.
[39] Also seen in Traub's LCM virus studies, the genetic and viral interrelationship have been inextricably interlinked. See: Traub, E. Epidemiology of Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis In A Mouse Stock Observed for Four Years. Journal of Experimental Medicine, 69(6), 801-817. doi:10.1084/jem.69.6.801. (1939). Also see: Traub, E. Ueber den Einfluß der latenten Choriomeningitis-Infektion auf die Entstehung der Lymphomatose bei weißen Mause [On the Influence of Latent Choriomeningitis Infection on the Development of Lymphomatosis in White Mice]. Zentrl. Bakt. I. Orig. 147 (16). 1-25. (1941).
[40] Jahnel, F. Enzephalitis des Menschen; mit einem Anhang: die aseptische Meningitis.. [Human encephalitis; with an appendix: aseptic meningitis]. Handbuch der Viruskrankheiten, herausgegeben von Gildemeister, Haagen u. Waldmann. Bd. 2, Sect. b) in nervous system, ch. 2. 177–216. Jena: Gustav Fischer (1939).
[41] Stauder, K. H. Franz Jahnel zum Gedenken [In memoriam Franz Jahnel]. Arch Psychiatr Nervenkr Z Gesamte Neurol Psychiatr. 1952 Mar;187(6):I-XIV. Undetermined Language. doi: 10.1007/BF00398897. PMID: 14934233.
[42] Bechter, K. (2013). Virus Infection as a Cause of Inflammation in Psychiatric Disorders. Modern Trends in Pharmacopsychiatry, 49–60. doi:10.1159/000343967
[43] Londoño, Diana, and Diego Cadavid. “Bacterial lipoproteins can disseminate from the periphery to inflame the brain.” The American journal of pathology vol. 176,6 (2010): 2848-57. doi:10.2353/ajpath.2010.091235
[44] Croft, P B. “Para-infectious and post-vaccinal encephalomyelitis.” Postgraduate medical journal vol. 45,524 (1969): 392-400. doi:10.1136/pgmj.45.524.392
[45] “50 U.S. Code § 1520 - Repealed. Pub. L. 105–85, Div. A, Title X, § 1078(g), Nov. 18, 1997, 111 Stat. 1916, and Pub. L. 105–277, Div. I, Title VI, § 601, Oct. 21, 1998, 112 Stat. 2681–886.” Legal Information Institute. Legal Information Institute, n.d.
[46] Gorenstein, Dan. “BARDA: The Venture Capital Firm Buried in the U.S. Government.” Marketplace, April 26, 2019.
[47] Silverstein, Arthur M. “The Curious Case of the 1960 Nobel Prize to Burnet and Medawar.” Immunology. John Wiley and Sons Inc., March 2016.
[48] Tavel, Morton E. “Somatic Symptom Disorders without Known Physical Causes: One Disease with Many Names?” The American journal of medicine. U.S. National Library of Medicine, October 2015.
[49] Kellner, R. “Psychosomatic Syndromes, Somatization and Somatoform Disorders.” Psychotherapy and psychosomatics. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 1994.
[50] Johnson, H. (2006). Osler's web: Inside the labyrinth of the chronic fatigue syndrome epidemic. iUniverse.
[51] Murray, P. (1996). The widening circle: One mother's story of battling Lyme disease and becoming a medical pioneer. St. Martin's Press.
[52] FDA Vaccine Advisory Committee on LYMErix Vaccine. “LYMErix Vaccine Victim’s Stories and Related Articles.” 11AD, pp. 1–20. [Misc. written testimony] Retrieved from:
[53] Sherr, Virginia T. “Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy and Lyme Disease: Medical Misogyny or Diagnostic Mystery?” Medical hypotheses. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 2005.
[54] Aronowitz, Robert A. “The Rise and Fall of the Lyme Disease Vaccines: a Cautionary Tale for Risk Interventions in American Medicine and Public Health.” The Milbank quarterly. Blackwell Publishing Inc, June 2012.
[55] FDA Vaccine Advisory Committee on LYMErix Vaccine. “LYMErix Vaccine Victim’s Stories and Related Articles.” 11AD, pp. 1–20. [Misc. written testimony] Retrieved from:
[56] I have spoken to many parents who noticed the changes in their child to develop neurological disorders following vaccination, and this also correlates to the complications and secondary neurotropism of immune deficiencies that can be activated following vaccination, especially when live virus vaccines are used in an immunodeficient child. The suboptimal immune response or active immunosuppression can allow for reversion of viral material either from the vaccine or as latent herpesvirus infections, and after re-establishing itself in the brain and nerves, destroys parts of the brain in crucial stages of neurodevelopment and is the neurotropic effect of para-infectious material and is immune-mediated.
[57] DeVries, E.: Post Vaccinial Perivenous Encephalitis. Amsterdam, London, New York & Princeton, Elsevier Publishing Co., 1960
[58] Johnson, H. (2006). Osler's web: Inside the labyrinth of the chronic fatigue syndrome epidemic. iUniverse.
[59] Murray, P. (1996). The widening circle: One mother's story of battling Lyme disease and becoming a medical pioneer. St. Martin's Press.
[60] Hunter, Philip. “Is Political Correctness Damaging Science? Peer Pressure and Mainstream Thinking May Discourage Novelty and Innovation.” EMBO reports. U.S. National Library of Medicine, May 2005.
[61] Shilo, S., Michaeli, O., Shahar, E., & Ravid, S. (2016). Long-term motor, cognitive and behavioral outcome of acute disseminated encephalomyelitis. European Journal of Paediatric Neurology, 20(3), 361–367. doi:10.1016/j.ejpn.2016.01.008
[62] Every state in the country has their own support groups to fight mandatory vaccines and to fight for justice regarding many of their children's vaccine injuries. Despite the common misconception that anti-vaccine movements are made of tin-foil hat conspiracy buffs, the majority are actually well-meaning, intelligent, friendly and rational people, often concerned parents of children who were victims of vaccine injuries. However, many additional groups to support those in the chronic disease and Lyme disease community of activism are also filled with chronically ill people who became ill with permanent health problems after a vaccine and were wrongfully told the vaccine was not related when it was.
[63] Bond, S. (2020, December 10). 'The perfect Storm': How Vaccine misinformation spread to the mainstream. Retrieved March 22, 2021, from
[64] Naturally, this was long in the works, being that when you treat enough people without dignity or respect, and lie to them consistently, it is only a matter of time before it comes back to bite the party who disregarded human dignity and trust. It is the inevitable result of social behaviors that acted immorally.
[65] One example being that the public health system is now telling us that vaccines cant cause neurological disorders and that it is wrong to be hesitant or distrustful of vaccines. But then the scientific literature and testimony of vaccine victims contradict this dishonesty. LYMErix vaccine being a good example, for instance: FDA Vaccine Advisory Committee on LYMErix Vaccine. “LYMErix Vaccine Victim’s Stories and Related Articles.” 11AD, pp. 1–20. [Misc. written testimony] Retrieve from:, and: Marks, Donald H. 2011. “Neurological Complications of Vaccination with Outer Surface Protein A (OspA).” International Journal of Risk & Safety in Medicine. IOS Press. January 1, 2011.
[66] McSweegan, Edward. E-mail to Susan O' Connell. ”Lyme vaccine article- thanks for a very useful letter.” Received by Susan O' Connell, 22 Feb. 2007. Retrieved from:
[67] Noble, Holcomb. “Concerns Grow Over Reactions to Lyme Shots.” The New York Times, The New York Times, 21 Nov. 2000,
[68] Aronowitz, Robert A. “The Rise and Fall of the Lyme Disease Vaccines: a Cautionary Tale for Risk Interventions in American Medicine and Public Health.” The Milbank quarterly. Blackwell Publishing Inc, June 2012.
[69] Fish, Durland. E-mail to Edward McSweegan, Allen Steere, Barbara Johnson, Henry Feder, Gary Wormser, et al., ”Lyme rally in front of the University of CT health center.” Received by Edward McSweegan, Allen Steere, Barbara Johnson, Henry Feder, Gary Wormser, et al., 07 Oct. 2007 Retrieved from:  
[70] American Lyme Disease Foundation (ALDF), “2nd Banbury Conference.” American Lyme Disease Foundation (ALDF), n.d.
[71] Auwaerter, Paul G, et al. “Antiscience and Ethical Concerns Associated with Advocacy of Lyme Disease.” The Lancet Infectious Diseases, vol. 11, no. 9, 2011, pp. 713–719., doi:10.1016/s1473-3099(11)70034-2.  
[72] Dickson, Kathleen. TRUTHCURES.ORG CRIMINAL CHARGE SHEETS JUNE 2017, 2017.  
[73] McSweegan, Edward. E-mail to Susan O' Connell. ”Lyme vaccine article- thanks for a very useful letter.” Received by Susan O' Connell, 22 Feb. 2007. Retrieved from:  
[74] McSweegan, Edward. E-mail to Susan O' Connell. ”Lyme vaccine article- thanks for a very useful letter.” Received by Susan O' Connell, 22 Feb. 2007. Retrieved from:  
[75] Fish, Durland. E-mail to Edward McSweegan, Allen Steere, Barbara Johnson, Henry Feder, Gary Wormser, et al., ”Lyme rally in front of the University of CT health center.” Received by Edward McSweegan, Allen Steere, Barbara Johnson, Henry Feder, Gary Wormser, et al., 07 Oct. 2007 Retrieved from:  
[76] Kaplan, S. (2021, February 12). As millions get Shots, F.D.A. struggles to get safety monitoring system running. Retrieved February 22, 2021, from
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[78] Salahi, S. (2021, February 03). Can covid vaccination become mandatory? Retrieved February 09, 2021, from
[79] Gorenstein, Dan. “BARDA: The Venture Capital Firm Buried in the U.S. Government.” Marketplace, April 26, 2019.
[80] Stankov, G. A. (2020, June 14). Why there are no viruses. David Icke Official Homepage. Retrieved from
[81] Vaccine Report. (2021, April 14). Informed consent matters reports "frontline workers testimonies & VAERS reports". The Vaccine Report.
[82] Holcombe, M. (2021, February 20). Covid-19 vaccines may prevent infection and not just symptoms, study suggests. Retrieved February 20, 2021, from
[83] WBUR. (2021, March 15). Reducing vaccine Hesitancy is worth more than $1 Billion, Biden administration says. Reducing Vaccine Hesitancy Is Worth More Than $1 Billion, Biden Administration Says:
[84] Working Group on Readying Populations for COVID-19 Vaccine. (2020). The Public’s Role in COVID-19 Vaccination: Planning Recommendations Informed by Design Thinking and the Social, Behavioral, and Communication Sciences Working Group on Readying Populations for COVID-19 Vaccine. Retrieved from
[85] OpenVAERS. (2021, August 08, 2021). VAERS COVID Reports. Retrieved August 14, 2021, from
[86] Email from YouTube to me, titled "ATTENTION: YouTube removed your video - here's what you can do" sent to me on June 16, 2021.
[87] FDA Vaccine Advisory Committee on LYMErix Vaccine. “LYMErix Vaccine Victim’s Stories and Related Articles.” 11AD, pp. 1–20. [Misc. written testimony] Retrieve from:
[88] Food and Drug Administration (FDA). (2003). Surveillance for safety After Immunization: Vaccine adverse event reporting system (VAERS) --- United STATES, 1991--2001. Retrieved February 22, 2021, from
[89] Traub, E. Observations on immunological tolerance and "Immunity" in mice infected congenitally with the virus of lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM). Archiv Fur Die Gesamte Virusforschung, 10(3), 303-314. doi:10.1007/bf01250677. (1960).
[90] Many variable injuries would occur and play out in infinite variation and imitate other diseases with non-specific symptoms like headache, joint pain, and various problems that were hard to define. Because immunosuppressive effects lacked detectable inflammation and also lacked antibody response, the injury and disease condition it caused would not register through systems using incompetent diagnostics masquerading as evidence-based medicine. Therefore these cases could be factored out and ignored, even though they would see a worse course of disease.
[91] FDA Vaccine Advisory Committee on LYMErix Vaccine. “LYMErix Vaccine Victim’s Stories and Related Articles.” 11AD, pp. 1–20. [Misc. written testimony] Retrieve from:
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[93] Brade, L., H. Brade, and W. G. Bessler. 1988. “Mitogenic Activities of Synthetic Escherichia Coli Lipid A and a Synthetic Partial Structure (Tripalmitoyl Pentapeptide) of E. Coli Lipoprotein.” Infect Immun. 56 (5): 1382–84.
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[95] McSweegan, Edward. E-mail to Susan O' Connell. ”Lyme vaccine article- thanks for a very useful letter.” Received by Susan O' Connell, 22 Feb. 2007. Retrieved from:  
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