Kicking It With Consciousness in Las Vegas - Touring Truth with Derek Bartolacelli

It was a pleasure to meet Derek Bartolacelli. His work and mixes are amazing. He and I have done two shows together and one on his platform with the great Leslie Powers (Dissolving the Divide). This man's Hip Hop mixes are always playing in the background when I'm deep in creation. It's wonderful to be able to meet some of the other content creators and conscious individuals. We were able to hang out for 5 days. We were able to exchange knowledge and information. Have some amazing conversations. Just Kick back and chill. Sometimes one has to chill and relax especially in a busy city like Las Vegas. If you have not checked out Dissolving the Divide Please go check out Derek and Leslie's work.
Dissolving the Divide
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Derek Bartolacelli
Leslie Powers