Catherine Watters of The Family industrial Complex show on Revolution.Radio Studio B every Wednesday 4-6pm ET THEN replayed Every Thursday 7-9pm ET on I have have been criminalized since the 70s for speaking truth about abuse, exposing abusers. The innocent, vulnerable are made to be the "criminal", the "guilty", "shamed" to pick up the tab FOR the Abusers in "power". There's NO NEED to look at Corporations, Corrupt Governments, banksters when the answers are ALL right in Front of the MOST people who Function JUST like the Abusers That Be, just on a scaled down size. GO Look in the Mirror. The US system has Looong been about throwing the most innocent and vulnerable under the bus to prop up Abusers in "Power" and the people went along, participated, for decades.
Canadian Nurse Whistle-Blower SARAH CHOUJOUNIAN SHOCKING Story From Canadian Anti-Lockdowns Nurse! LIGHTING UP DARK CORNERS
Mission To empower survivors of childhood trauma to HEAL and RISE by giving them the tools and knowledge needed to start and maintain their healing journey. Always making sure they go to the root cause of their problems and discover natural ways to heal. Vision A trauma-informed world where we elevate and support people struggling with mental health instead of shaming them into further darkness. In this lit up world, every city has a "lighthouse" as a safe haven for survivors to find refuge, be accepted and uplifted in order to heal from their childhood trauma.