DIED SUDDENLY documentary

The opening of DS starts with, Not Suitable for Children.

Children who are currently, and have been for decades, the most sacrificed, abused, sex trafficked. Child pornography is a very “lucrative business”.

Child Trafficking Research Papers

Child Trafficking: Myth vs. Fact

MYTH: Traffickers target victims they don’t know

FACT: A majority of the time, victims are trafficked by someone they know, such as a friend, family member or romantic partner.

According to CHILDHELP.org Child Help Abuse statistics

Children are suffering from a hidden epidemic of child abuse and neglect. It’s a widespread war against our children that we have the power to stop, and understanding the issue is the first step. Just how bad is the issue of child abuse in the United States?

A report of child abuse is made every ten seconds in the United States.

Every year, more than 4 million referrals are made to child protection agencies involving more than 4.3 million children (a referral can include multiple children).

THE UNITED STATES HAS ONE OF THE WORST RECORDS among industrialized nations – losing on average 5 children every day to child abuse and neglect.

In 2019 alone, state agencies found over 656,000 victims of child maltreatment, but that only tells part of the story.1

This would pack 10 modern football stadiums.



Health Impacts of Child Abuse

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention links adverse childhood experiences (which include other household dysfunctions along with abuse and neglect) with a range of long-term health impacts.

Individuals who reported six or more adverse childhood experiences had an average life expectancy two decades shorter than those who reported none.

Ischemic heart disease (IHD), Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), liver disease and other health-related quality of life issues are tied to child abuse.2,3

In one study, 80% of 21-year-olds who reported childhood abuse met the criteria for at least one psychological disorder.4

Mental Health Disorders, Addictions and Related Issues
  • Risk for intimate partner violence

  • Alcoholism and alcohol abuse

  • Illicit drug abuse

  • Smoking & drinking at an early age

  • Depression

  • Suicide attempts

Sexual & Reproductive Health Issues and Risk Factors
  • Multiple sexual partners

  • Sexually transmitted diseases

  • Unintended pregnancies

  • Early initiation of sexual activity

  • Adolescent pregnancy and Fetal death


So the Long term health effects of Child abuse and neglect has been scientifically PROVEN for decades and yet, What has the Response been?

How hasn’t this pandemic of so many cases of child abuse and sexual abuse by clergy, jeffrey Epstein and his cronies in Government, Occupy Wall Street calling out our PROFIT OVER PEOPLE and Nature system over a decade ago, Not Enough Proof of Criminals running the world?

I have been so used to abuse and the abusers get away with for so long it’s a No Brainer to me NOT to trust any “authority” since the 70s.

Those who know abuse have a built up psych/physical immunity those who haven’t been abused enough don’t. And are Now learning the hard way.

Monique Burr Foundation for Children

Human trafficking is now the SECOND MOST PROFITABLE CRIMINAL ACTIVITY in the United States!

In the U.S., people, including children, are sold in quantities second only to illegal drugs. They are sold for labor, and they are sold for sex. Let that sink in for a minute.

Human Trafficking Outpaces Drugs, Guns As World's Fastest Growing Criminal Industry

Massachusetts and Rhode Island are two of several states that have established task forces to confront what has become the fastest growing criminal industry in the world — human trafficking. 

The smuggling of human beings for the purposes of forced labor and sexual exploitation outranks drug smuggling, and is tied with illegal arms sales, according to a United Nations study. Task forces consisting of federal immigration officials, prosecutors, local police, the FBI and non-governmental organizations are pooling resources, knowledge and experience to deal with trafficking in southern New England. They are looking both worldwide and close to home for lessons that might help in better understanding the dimensions of the problem.

Invading the Darkness of Child Sex Trafficking


I have tried and been criminalized and censored since the 70’s for speaking plain and simple FACTS about child neglect, abuse, the abusive, dysfunctional “Family” AND “community” and the HEALTH HARM it leaves on, what should be, the MOST defended members of society, CHILDREN.

There is NO question about it; NOT TAKING A GOOD HARD LOOK AT THE “FAMILY/ Community” is at the ROOT of many of our social problems.

I am breaking down Stew peter’s DIED SUDDENLY documentary that premiered yesterday, Monday Nov, 21, 2022 to include the “FAMILY” system and community as part of our Sick system.

For some strange reason it’s always being left out.

DS states the increase in unexplainable, ALL CAUSE death rates of 18 - 49 yr olds, according to life insurance companies.

Also an increase in miscarriages and Bells Palsy.

Richard Hirshman, Trade Embalmer, explains seeing something wrong with the blood in his clients in his Funeral Services, embalming practice. “I am seeing something that could be causing their death”.

For decades I have been an advocate for health and fitness due to the health assault I experienced not only at “home” with abuse but, then being censored and criminalized for speaking out about it since 1970 at the age of 6.

When a young person has to be their own advocate THEN gets criminalized for doing so by those around who SHOULD have been their defender and protector, THIS IS A CLEAR SIGN OF A VERY SICK SOCIETY.

It’s CLEAR SCIENTIFIC PROOF Families and communities are severely Dysfunctional and yet, it’s been ongoing and normal for decades.

As long as the standard of “Parenting” is allowed to be set so LOW we Cannot be shocked when ANY Authoritative position is abusive. One is Clearly a symptom of the other.

Is we want, need, expect doctors, lawyers, members of government to be in our best interest then shouldn’t we expect Parents to have equally qualified standards?

Shouldn’t Parents be healthy, qualified, educated since they have one of the MOST important jobs in the world? The protection and defending of future generations?

Child abuse by “parents” is as old as the hills.

The health consequences of child abuse are REAL leaving Life Lasting health issues throughout life.

Where is the Outrage on this Health Crisis?

NONE because there’s NO Debt Note $ to be made in REAL Cures. The Healing IS THE PROFIT.

The Point I am making is that this DIED SUDDENLY crisis that we are currently experiencing IS related to the decades old, yet to be cured, issue of the sacrifice of the most innocent.

Here is yet another post that was sent to me recently on the most Horrific child abuse. I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS IS HAPPENING!

CIA Caught Covering Up Rampant Child Sex Crimes Inside Agency and NO ONE Has Gone to Jail

Imagine that it was your child who was raped by a CIA agent and authorities tell you that they cannot prosecute the abuser because it "may reveal state secrets."

Imagine it’s YOU who is abused and neglected by a “parent” then shamed and criminalized yourself as a child and teen when you seek support and the Abusers excused and enabled!

Imagine an agency so secretive and so corrupt that they can literally get away with criminal sexual abuse of children. Then imagine you are forced to pay for this agency and despite knowing that their agents are abusing children — even admitting to it — they are avoiding any kind of legal ramifications. Well, there is no need to imagine because that and more, is happening within the CIA and no one is doing anything about it.

The US Corp, for “profit” government has had an Abysmal record in the last 50 years so what makes people trust the “vaccine?”

The US Corp Gov has gotten away with untold amounts of war crimes since 9/11 under the guise of the “War on Terror” which has really been a War OF Terror.

We can get as offended as we like by the terms Adult Child, arrested development but, the simple FACT is that the US public has been more and more child like over the past 50 years.

It was clear to me since the 70’s that the “Adults” were Not emotionally healthy adults but, Grown Children and the issue was NOT being addressed, only kicked down the road.

Health was more than just Physical I knew decades ago. health is Physical, emotional, spiritual. People have NOT been getting Fully raised to their potential in a long time, if ever.

If the US Corp, Bankster Government was legitimate it would want it’s people to be Lifted up, educated, self sufficient.

How has the “Family” system and it’s blatant dysfunction NOT been a symptom of the Government selling it’s people out?

Why hasn’t the deterioration of Families, child protection and communities Not been taken more seriously over the decades but, normalized instead? Thereby lowering the bar on overall health in general.

When health issues have been normalized and continuous for decades we CANNOT be shocked that people are Dying Suddenly by a Mass “Vaccination” agenda.

When ALL members of a population are not protected NONE are safe.

One word I’ve used for decades to describe what I experienced since the 70s was UNRESPONSIVE.

The “Adults” ALL around me were Not sharp, not responsive to what was happening to me. You were NOT valued AT ALL. Not invested in, not seen as the precious investment that you are, not raised to your unique potential and No one saw Anything wrong with it.

In fact, Health was actually regarded as a “Crime”, a deviation. Having healthy self worth, being smart and having healthy self regard was seen as a threat.

that was the mentality of Working Class people. Turn your child into the Order Following paycheck chaser they were.

If people did not grasp that there IS and has been a such thing as Emotional health, healthy self worth, self actualization and a certain level of accomplishment a person should reach to be regarded as a healthy adult, reaching one’s healthy adult Mile Stones then, we cannot be surprised when the Criminals that BE Use ALL the leverage, energy and debt notes they Robbed from the people against us.

I was not able to point fingers at abusers in “authority” since i was a child without being shamed and treated like, “how dare a child/teen need healthy Leaders”, and today I am living in a system where “Grown” people get to blame the “Gov” instead of being responsible for their own lives and health.

I write and make videos about it ALL the time. My BODY instinctively stood up to and spoke Truth to “power'“ since the 70’s. it’s in our DNA to stand up for ourselves. THAT’S HEALTHY.

And What did people do? Treat it like a Pathology, deviant. Bash you down.


Children have to grown up too soon while “adults” never do.

Psych is the health Crisis.

How can we not be getting harmed by the jab when our $$ system has been at the expense of SCIENCE and FACTS, public health for decades?

You do not need to be a Scientist to do Science. You just have to do the research. You just need to be PRESENT and Pay Attention to the FACTS, the feedback that’s right around you.

People do NOT live according to Science, facts, Math they DENY them!

This is what I lived and what woke me up in the early 70’s.

I’m in my Body. I KNOW what I feel and that I’m being harmed. Whether it’s the jab disabling health OR child abuse, the Body is NOT WRONG.

When I told people I didn’t feel right, I felt ill for decades I was censored for it. NO ONE WANTED TO HEAR IT.

I lived with Excruciating Emotional and Physical pain all my life. I felt like I was bashed over the head with a bat multiple times for decades.

If THIS is how a person gets treated by “family” and “community”,, excuse me but, THIS IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE.

If we look at the “Family/community” the SAME as jab injuries, deaths and disabilities we would NOT be here.

All through the decades child abuse was NEVER given the Weight it deserved. There was NEVER ANY recourse to take, NEVER any talk of justice or compensation. EVER.

I ALL the books on the subject I read and ALL the “therapists” I went to NOT ONE ever spoke about your Constitutional rights being violated or any kind of justice being served.

you were SCREWED, left wit the health disability and the Abusers, micro And Macro, got off scot free. PERIOD!

This is the system ALL around me advocated for since the 70’s! Those in “authority” can do whatever they wanted with impunity and the victim just had to suck it up.

SO HERE WE ARE,, 50 plus years later,,,

One point DS does not make in the focus on the de population agenda by the Sociopaths That BE on the public is, If there are too many people it’s THEIR FAULT!

THOSE IN “POWER” ARE RESPONSIBLE. But, because the people do NOT do enough pointing the finger and holding the REAL Criminals accountable the Criminals USE that leverage to point fingers at the PEOPLE.

The MORE the public tolerates the abuses of the Psychos that BE the MORE they will abuse. This is not complicated.

There would not BE “over population” if the “top” 1% did not own More “wealth” than the “bottom” 99% of the people.

When the few own WAY MORE than is healthy wit impunity,, Hmm, what do you think is going to happen?

WEALTH IS NOT DEBT $ IT’S YOUR INNER CURRENCY AND DISSENT! your Emotional and Physical Health people have allowed to be Robbed for Funny $$.

This ENTIRE system is One Giant Abusive, dysfunctional relationship. it’s CLEAR there has not been enough focus and value Placed on and Knowledge of Healthy boundaries, healthy relationship skills, emotional health and people FULLY growing up and cutting the cord to “authority”. Not being dependent on “authority” indefinitely.

Illegitimate “Authority” keeps people dependent. HEALTHY Authority raises and Lifts people NOT to need them anymore.

but, that goes against “profit”.

The top 1% officially have more money than the whole middle class

The latest data from the Federal Reserve shows that the top 1% has more wealth than the middle 60% of the income distribution.

  • While most Americans have seen an increase in net worth over the last year, the fortunes of the very top have skyrocketed.

  • Wealth and income inequality are top priorities for progressives in Congress.

Nation’s top 1 percent now have greater wealth than the bottom 90 percent

The wealth gap is growing faster than the income gap — and now, if all U.S. wealth is thought of as 100 slices of pie, the wealthiest one fifth of households would have 90.

End of Seattle Times

WHY are Man Made DEBT NOTES being referred to as “Wealth?”

if Health is Wealth than these people are Sociopaths! They are NOT “Rich”.

How a man made fiat created out of Thin Air has come to be regarded more as “wealth” than what has Actual Wealth that is created by nature is from the Classical Conditioning that’s taken place over decades.

If we live in a Health focused system than WHY haven’t Sociopaths been contained from accruing more and more?

How is it that some have a Pathological amount of “wealth” beyond what is Healthy and what they NEED when others live well below what they need?

Yet, we live in a world where people expect the Jab to be for their “health” and not profit.

Chad Whisnat, Funeral Director, says about Bill Gates, that when someone tells you they are going to depopulate the population by 10 to 15% using “vaccines”. “What does that mean to you? It doesn’t mean “vaccines” are going to save you, they are going to harm you. That’s pretty much COMMON SENSE IN MY BRAIN”.

If dotting the I’s, crossing the T’s hitting the nail on the head, getting the Science right, directly experiencing, feeling, witnessing then researching truth doesn’t count as being RIGHT then, we’re in a Lot of trouble.

Richard Hirshman and other Funeral Directors like John O’Looney in the UK who I interviewed a few months ago, John O'Looney interview have been doing interviews on the Calamari like substance found in the arteries of the deceased after receiving the “vaccination”.

“White fibrous clots or structures” he calls them, have, all of a sudden, showed up in so many people.

Another Funeral Director who wanted to be anonymous referred to himself as being in “DEATH CARE” has seen the same clots in his clients. Embalming is what should be known as DEATH CARE yet, our “health Care” system has actually become DEATH CARE.

“That is not normal”, Anna Foster, Funeral Director of 12 years, is heard saying while pulling a very long clot out of a client.

No Funeral Directors who’ve been practicing for decades have ever seen these long fibrous clots before the roll out of the jab.

“we know something different is going on”, said the Anonymous Funeral Director. “It certainly appears that there is some relationship between the “vaccine” and these obstructions that we’re seeing?”

Wallace Hooker, embalmer, gave a talk and showed photos of the clots and many of the embalmers present said they started seeing the same clots during the same 16- 18 month period.

Embalmers are witnessing “Dirty Blood”. Blood that looks like it has sand in it that can go undetected and get stuck in capillaries and slowly starve organs of needed O2. min 15:30

“Young people are just dropping dead”, Wallace Hooker.

“most people will not be autopsied so they will not see”, Richard Hirshman.

“You have a visitation then a burial then it’s over”, Chad Whisnat.

“The dead can’t speak for themselves so I have to speak for them”, Richard Hirshman.

Children cannot speak up for themselves. Or if they do they get bashed into submission. If we do not have people advocating FOR those unable or not in positions to be heard their story will be lost.

Too many stories of child abuse victims have been lost for decades. It MUST END. People MUST speak for Children.

I am.

Next up is a Lt. Col. Dr. Theresa Long, US Army Flight Surgeon. min 21

talks about the 40% increase in the All Cause mortality between 18-49 year olds via Life Insurance companies. “It’s Apocalyptic.”

This is just a short list of the ailments she read off that she has seen in soldiers recently that she has never seen;


TIA- Transient Ischemic Attack

Pericarditis & Myocarditis

Erratic Heart Rates

Brain Tumors

Testicular Cancer

This is a list of Life Long Health conditions from the ACE Study- Adverse Childhood Experiences;


At min 23 it shows a quick clip of the stocks or Big Pharma and a “News” person says, “good for CBS, good for Walmart, good for your health”.

That is an OXIMORON! Anything that’s good for the Stock Market and “Profit” is at the EXPENSE of health!


Dr. Long then goes onto describe exactly what I lived since age 6 in 1970. When she spoke up about what she witnessed in the health of the soldiers she was ignored, her career threatened and NO appropriate actions were taken to investigate the Adverse medical events post covid jabs.

I would Not have spent my life trying to speak out and advocate for myself and my own health for this many decades if I did not feel SO Crippled and disable by what I was subjected to since 1970.

If this is what “family” and neighbors do to your health than what can the Corp Gov do?

If “Parents’ can abuse and even kill their ow children, sex traffic their own children than we Cannot be shocked at what those who don’t even know, or care, we exist can do.

I will stop here.
I ask that you watch this documentary and think of the Millions of children being sacrificed in the world with NO ONE to love and care for them.