Catherine Watters of The Family Industrial Complex podcast on Revolution.Radio Studio B Wednesdays 4-6pm ET and Thursdays 7-9 pm ET on who has lived, studied with a vengeance, the "Micro" of the MACRO abuse, endless war, ENDLESS abuse cycle, dysfunction, ENABLING that has been Perpetuated for over 50 DECADES via the DYSFUNCTIONAL FAMILY AND COMMUNITY.
With Filmmaker Mats Grorud who was on my Leg of the to Gaza that I returned from last Friday from Spain to France.
His film, THE TOWER

That was shown in Martiguez France during our actions for the people of Palestine and their Ongoing fight for their RIGHT to thrive. They are taking the BRUNT of the Abuse FOR THE WORLD along with Abused and Trafficked CHILDREN.
We Must STOP normalizing the idea that some people are Discard. In Natural Law EVERYONE is Valuable. God makes people and ALL people have WORTH. It's the Man Made, DEVIANT, FRAUDULENT system that makes up the LIE and CREATES people to play the role of "Discarded", "Trash", "Criminal", "terrorist" for behaving HEALTHY AND FIT.
But, these HEALTHY, FIT expressions have been SO Pathologized over Decades making it "normal" for people with debt $ and leverage who can have Pathological OVERREACH while those with No Debt $ can't even Function HEALTHILY!
And the People went Along with it for over 50 years

Codepink video

Chris Hedges: The Cycle of Trauma and Violence in Israel/Palestine

Freedom Flotilla site