Catherine Watters of The Family Industrial Complex podcast on continuing to read Maury Terry's The Ultimate Evil on the SonS of Sam case that IS NOT CLOSED and STILL perpetuates to THIS DAY.
I was shut down since the early 70s age 6 for exposing Abuse at "home". The Abuser in "Authority" was excused and Enabled while the HEALTHY are criminalized for Decades.
if this doesn't SCREAM how we ended up where we have, NOTHING DOES!
Since studying the "Family", Child abuse, Abusive, dysfunctional relationships, How HEALTHY relationships are Supposed to function for decades. I was Not prepared to find out this ENTIRE system was run by ABUSERS and that the Majority of Amerikans are Dysfunctional and Enable Abusers in "power".
The FACT that people have brushed away these Painful truths I just mentioned is HOW We Arrived HERE.
Berkowitz assists Maury Terry in the Investigation that NYPD, except for a few cops on the DL and the Queens DA John Santucci, have closed the case.
JUST LIKE THE "FAMILY" SYSTEM, those little guys who act out are just Reflections and scapegoats of those "Higher" up. Macro/Micro.