Catherine Watters of The Family Industrial complex show on Revolution.Radio Studio B every Wednesday 4-6pm ET, Audio only, THEN replayed every Thursday 7-9pm ET on with video.
My aim has been to advocate for those abused as and since they're children who never received justice and have been left holding the BILL FOR their Abusers.
Showing the parallels btwn the micro abuses and dysfunctions too many Amerikans get acclimated to when they're too young to do anything about it in the "family" system. It becomes Normalized when it should be countered.
"Family", "Parents" are NOT supposed to be Enemies.
To accept and "forgive" mistreatment and Failing by "authority" makes us accomplices in our own abuse.
Who is on the side of the Victim if even the Victim is not allowed to be on their own side? Then the victim ceases to exist. They are Fully Under Occupation. A NON person.
pt 2
With returning guest Kevin Annett - a renowned global human rights campaigner, author and whistle blower who has led the movement to expose and prosecute child murder by church and state, in Canada and Europe. Kevin is the co-founder of The International Tribunal of Crimes of Church and State. He has been twice nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Messages for him can be left at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
On his Piece entitled The Forgiveness Fallacy; Standing By Our Painful Truth
Whenever my abusive boyfriend wanted to make up with me, he’d tell me he was sorry for beating me up, and naturally, I’d forgive him. That was just a green light for him to start beating me up all over again.
– Carol Martin, Vancouver, February 9, 2010
By refusing to forgive, I give up my illusions.
– Alice Miller, Breaking Down the Wall of Silence
To kiss the hand that strikes us never makes sense. But the unswerving requirement to do so pervades all our therapeutic thinking and social practice, however subtly it is disguised or elaborately it is rationalized. So, it is hardly surprising that the pressure to conform to the interests of authority figures conditions every aspect of our lives, from religion to the law to politics as well as all our social and family relationships.