Nuke Power Expert Harvey Wasserman comes on to discuss 'STOP RUSSIAN ROULETTE!' Warns How Russia’s attack on Ukraine could release nuclear fallout across the globe 15 Nuclear reactors, 4 sites in Ukraine

Harvey Wasserman

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Expert/Author/Activist Harvey Wasserman  is author or co-author of 21 books, including  The PEOPLE'S SPIRAL OF US HISTORY and SOLARTOPIA!, at  He co-convenes the Grassroots Emergency Election Protection zooms Mondays at 5pm Eastern (

... speaks, writes and organizes widely on energy, the environment, history, drug war, election protection and grassroots politics.

He is married with five daughters and many grandchildren. Harvey works primarily for the permanent shutdown of the nuclear power industry and the birth of Solartopia, a democratic and socially just green-powered Earth free of all fossil and nuclear fuels.

He writes regularly for a wide internet readership through and, which he edits. His article have also appeared at Commondreams, CounterPunch, HuffingtonPost, Buzzflash and others.  He hosts the Solartopia Green Power & Wellness Show at

He has an MA from the University of Chicago and a BA from the University of Michigan, in history and journalism. Howard Zinn, Dr. Benjamin Spock, Marianne Williamson, Studs Terkel, Kurt Vonnegut, Bonnie Raitt, Dennis Kucinich, Dr. Helen Caldicott, Ed Asner, Ina Mae Gaskin, Ralph Nader, Greg Palast, Dar Williams and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., are among those who have introduced or endorsed his books.

With Pete Seeger and David Bernz he co-wrote the "Song for Solartopia" which is featured on the Grammy-winning "Tomorrow's Children" CD. The "RockyTop" version is by Dana "Cows With Guns" Lyons.

Harvey marched at his first demonstration in 1962, helping to de-segregate a roller rink in Columbus. He briefly met Dr. Martin Luther King on the Meredith March for civil rights in Grenada, Mississippi, in 1966.

As a student editor at the University of Michigan Daily, his 1966 editorial "The Use of Marijuana: It Should be Legal" went global on the wire services. His OUR GAY POTSMOKING FOUNDERS AND THEIR FANTASTIC PSYCHEDELIC ADVENTURES was written with "Thomas Paine.".

Active in the movement against the war in Vietnam, Harvey marched on the Pentagon in 1967 and the Chicago Democratic Convention in 1968. He helped found the legendary anti-war Liberation News Service, which the FBI's COINTELPRO operation tried (unsuccessfully) to destroy. He then helped found the communal organic Montague Farm in Massachusetts, a pioneer in a new generation's movement against chemical farming.

In 1972 HARVEY WASSERMAN'S HISTORY OF THE U.S., introduced by Howard Zinn, published by Harper & Row, helped pave the way for a new generation of people's histories.

In 1973 Harvey helped coin the phrase "No Nukes" and helped found the global grassroots movement against atomic energy, for which he has spoken throughout the US, Asia and Europe.

In 1976-8 he helped coordinate mass non-violent demonstrations against reactors being built in Seabrook, New Hampshire. In 1979 he was part of the legendary Musicians United for Safe Energy (MUSE) No Nukes Concerts in Madison Square Garden and sister rally at Battery Park City. He edited the informational booklet that accompanied the gold triple album.

In 1982 Harvey co-wrote (with Norman Solomon, Bob Alvarez & Eleanor Walters) KILLING OUR OWN: THE DISASTER OF AMERICA'S EXPERIENCE WITH ATOMIC ENERGY, documenting that people died at Three Mile Island.

In 1990 he became Senior Advisor to Greenpeace USA, for whom he spoke to 350,000 semi-conscious rock fans at Woodstock 2 in 1994. In Kiev in 1996 he spoke at the tenth anniversary commemoration of the Chernobyl disaster, and then in Kaliningrad, in the former Soviet Union, where he met with "liquidators" whose lives and health had been sacrificed in the Chernobyl clean-up.

In central Ohio, Harvey co-founded the Great Blue Heron Alliance, which saved 240 acres of land for a wildlife refuge and other grassroots organizations which forced shut a trash-burning power plant, stopped a regional radioactive waste dump, shut a McDonald's and saved the city of Bexley's Jeffrey Park.

With Dan Juhl, Harvey co-wrote "Harvesting Wind Energy as a Cash Crop," a guide for farmer/community-owned renewables.

In 2004 Harvey and Bob Fitrakis broke many of the major stories on the theft of the 2004 presidential election in Ohio. Called "the Woodward and Bernstein" of election protection by Rev. Jackson Jackson, Bob and Harvey have published six books on the American art of vote counting and curtailment.

In 2007 Harvey joined with Bonnie Raitt, Jackson Browne and Graham Nash to form as part of a successful national grassroots campaign to stop $50 billion in loan guarantees to build new reactors. Harvey now edits the website which posts a constant stream of articles on nuclear power and green energy. He continues to campaign for a green-powered Earth, against federal funding and all other new nuke boondoggles, against the drug war, and for a system of automatic voter registration and universal hand counted paper ballots—key elements on the road to Solartopia.

On the morning of March 11, 2011, Harvey was among the first to break the news of the Fukushima disaster, about which he continues to speak and write regularly.

Harvey now lives in Los Angeles and works to shut California's last two reactors. 



 With 50 years of experience writing and researching nuclear power, author/expert/activist Harvey Wasserman warns that even a "conventional" war in Ukraine could lead to Apocalyptic radiation releases, killing millions and costing trillions. Wasserman warns that even minor disruptions, sabotage or explosions could lead to Chernobyl-sized disasters at any one of the 15 reactors now operating in Ukraine.  Radiation releases from Chernobyl itself, he says, killed more than a million humans worldwide,irradiated thousands of square miles of land and water, and cost trillions in destroyed property.  

Wasserman began researching and writing on atomic power in 1973.  Among very few journalists, he investigated the health impacts of Three Mile Island up close and personal.  He co-authored KILLING OUR OWN: The Disaster of America's Experience with Atomic Radiation, with ensuing media appearances on TODAY, NIGHTLINE, PHIL DONAHUE, DEMOCRACY NOW, THOM HARTMANN, CHARLIE ROSE and numerous other major outlets.   

In 1979 Wasserman helped organize the legendary No Nukes Concerts and rallies in Madison Square Garden and Battery Park City which drew more than a quarter-million viewers, leading to a platinum record album and a major Warner Brothers motion picture.  

In 1994 he spoke (for Greenpeace) at Woodstock2.  In 1996 he addressed public conferences in Kiev, Ukraine, and Kaliningrad, Russia, where he focussed on the horrifying health impacts of Chernobyl. His 2007 SOLARTOPIA provided a global vision of a totally green-powered Earth.

Wasserman warns that "even a limited non-nuclear military intrusion could cause catastrophic melt-downs at Ukraine's 15 old, decayed, extremely vulnerable atomic reactors, resulting in mega-lethal radiation releases that could ultimately kill millions and cost trillions."

"Chernobyl itself is vulnerable," says Wasserman, "as its melted core is still not totally cold.

"The incredibly dangerous status of any nuke in any war zone has now come home to roost.  Our species could very well not survive a worst-case nuke scenario that would come with the outbreak of a war in Ukraine.  These reactors, like all others worldwide, must be shut immediately," says Wasserman.

Ukraine's  Zaporizhia Nuclear Power Plant is one of the largest nuclear power plants in the world. (photo: AP)

Nuke Power at the Brink of Bankruptcy, War, Apocalypse


BY Harvey Wasserman

Fifteen atomic reactors in Ukraine currently spew out massive quantities of radiation alongside the smoldering ruin of Chernobyl Unit 4. 

War could easily—-and soon!—-turn each into a nuke of mass destruction, blasting into the eco-sphere clouds of lethal fallout far in excess of actual A-Bombs, including Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Like the rest of the global fleet, Ukraine's reactors are sitting ducks, set to explode. They symbolize an monumental technological failure, left in the radioactive dust by the rise of renewables. But a devious, deceitful and greed-obsessed and possessed industry is desperate to kill green power, even if its dirty, decayed rump reactors could mushroom as you read this.

The essential unity between atomic power and weapons has been set since birth. France's Macron now explicitly argues that "peaceful" reactors are needed to sustain the French atomic weapons program. 

Cesium fallout from the four exploded Fukushima reactors exceeds that from Hiroshima and Nagasaki by a factor of more than 100. A compendium of studies at Chernobyl indicates a human death toll of more than a million. People and animals died in droves at Three Mile Island. After six decades of development, no US "Peaceful" atomic reactors can get private insurance against the liabilities of a catastrophic accident.

But the 400 nukes operating worldwide (93 in the US) threaten just that. 

They burn at 571 degrees Fahrenheit, heating the planet. They spew carbon 14 and other greenhouse gases as they gouge their fuel, burn their innards and plague us all with unmanageable wastes.

Construction began on ALL US nukes at least thirty years ago. They're embrittled, cracked, under-maintained, obsolete, ticking time bombs. Many are operating far beyond original design specs. Their workforces are aging and retiring. They sit in earthquake zones and flood plains, vulnerable to hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, sabotage, war. 

Attempts to build more of these old-style water-cooled clunkers have catastrophically failed at Olkiluoto in Finland, Flamanville in France, V.C. Summer in South Carolina (abandoned at a cost of $10 billion), Vogtle in Georgia…where two reactors that may never open have soared past $30 billion, potentially bankrupting the Peach State. 

Powered with a mix of plutonium, the explosion at Fukushima Unit Three threw up a familiar mushroom cloud. Millions of gallons of radwaste there are poised to be poured into the Pacific.

Yet the nuke industry wants to paint itself green. It hides its massive carbon emissions…ignores the gargantuan quantities of heat and wastes each reactor pours into the eco-sphere….kills billions of land and sea creatures every day.

The reactor industry's clearest present danger centers on its non-stop radiation releases and millions of tons of radioactive offal that can't be managed. 

But possible war in Ukraine (or elsewhere) could dwarf Chernobyl in a matter of moments. As both the Russians and the Ukrainians well know, these are pre-deployed Atomic Bombs, easily turned Apocalyptic by conventional weapons, advanced cyber-attack or simple incompetence.

The latest stab at reviving this zombie technology centers on "Small Modular Reactors." Some models are meant to be cooled by liquid sodium, which has already caused an explosive 1959 radiation release at Santa Susana, north of Los Angeles, and a 1966 melt-down at Fermi I, south of Detroit.

All SMRs are years away from mass production. If built, they'll emit huge quantities of heat and greenhouse gasses. They'll divert enormous quantities of resources that could otherwise go for renewables that are cleaner, cheaper, safer, more reliable, more job-creating, more quickly deployed…and that that won't explode, create radioactive waste or heat the planet. 

SMRs today currently work primarily as scams grifting billions of public dollars into the pockets of the likes of Bill Gates. They're virtually certain to fail. One or more are likely to explode.

They can never compete with the solar, wind, battery and LED/efficiency technologies revolutionizing global green energy. With an astonishing record of meteoric advances, these four pillars of Solartopia have pushed all fossil/nuclear technologies into history's economic waste bin. As long as there are rooftops bare of solar panels, and offshore sites ready for wind turbines, the real market for any other form of new energy is marginal at best. 

But the corporate nuke pushers don't care. Their mainly theoretical new reactors can never compete. Their old ones are uninsured, falling apart, spewing heat, carbon, radiation and death while losing mega-tons of YOUR money. 

AND they can blow up… as at Fukushima and Chernobyl. 

With war coming right at them, ALL reactors need to be shut NOW...before they ignite the next Apocalypse…which YOU will pay for with your life, health, family, fortune and future. 


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