2022-06-06 -- Ernest Hancock with Jack Spirko (The Survival Podcast) MP3&4


Jack Spirko (Host of The Survival Podcast) comes on the show to talk about the importance of prepping now more than ever, homesteading, communication, activism, etc...

Jack Spirko

Jack Spirko is best know today as the host of The Survival Podcast.  The show has been running since 2008 and now has over 3,000 episodes available on all aspects of self-sufficiency, self-reliance, independence and personal liberty.

Spirko calls himself a Modern Survivalist and claims to have coined the phrase as well. His assertion is that all humans are at their core survivalists as they all seek to survive. Modern Survivalism differs from the conventional concept of survivalism in that it does not turn away from modern technology, rather it simply seeks to create redundancies for when technology fails.

Additionally modern survivalism is very broad including aspects of homesteading, investing, economics, debt elimination, individual sovereignty, permaculture along with traditional survivalist concepts like primitive skills and military tactics.

Spirko has been called the face of the modern survival movement by media personality Judge Andrew Napalatono and has been featured in a variety of media including Fox News, The Glenn Beck Show and The Houston Chronicle.

Webpage: https://www.thesurvivalpodcast.com/

Because Twitter are Censoring Bastards I am Here https://flote.app/JackSpirko

Because FaceBook is Run by Scum and Sells Your Info I am Here https://mewe.com/i/jackspirko

All My Videos are Here Because YouTube sucks - https://odysee.com/@jackspirko:a 

The TSP Community is On TeleGram - https://t.me/thesurvivalpodcast

And We are on Discord Too - https://discord.gg/AYT9MYUbYP


Letters of Marque Paperback


Letters of Marque Paperback – September 25, 2018

by Marque dePlume (Author)

"The Crown calls it 'piracy' to explore frontiers beyond its grasp. So the time has come to define the conduct among pirates." Captain Marque


Join us 'Above the Grid'


Freedom's Phoenix - https://ipfs.io/ipns/QmW6iyZ27fYAwd15CQ9nDkLhZPa5QsfbZ8EuSoncHgwA8Y/

Pirates without Borders https://ipfs.io/ipns/QmTHfBRjU826uZxDvwfV9ZzM7pCg71bMYVTgLFVvsZZwPJ/

The Corbett Report - https://ipfs.io/ipns/QmNqHuSVuufkBKK1LHtoUmKETobZriC1o5uoiXSoLX2i3K/

All Corbett Videos:


All James Corbett audio files:


The Highwire with Del Bigtree - https://ipfs.io/ipns/k2k4r8pkk8wevtty3rpqw8mh2njz0snop5xpha1ybafquvb7dcgayh4j/
