Everything you take in either harmonises your consciousness or creates disharmony. The result of this is the sense of harmony in your life.
Your state of presence, your mood, your sense of self worth or lack of it, your clarity or lack of it, your empathy or lack of it - are all built from the archives of experience and energy that you have received in your life.
Therefore, it is easy to see, that the one who is irritable, narrow-minded, dishonest, egocentric or inauthentic has experienced a lot of disharmony and pain in their lives. Thus they suffer from a sense of separation and conflict with themselves and others.
The one who is joyous, openminded, honest, compassionate, and authentic has begun to heal their wounds and is learning to genuinely care for themselves. This has enabled them to begin to find true harmony with themselves and others.
It is our Free Will that allows us to make the choice every day, every moment, and it is our choice alone. Do we take in imagery of violence, or do we enjoy the beauty of the evening sky? Do we eat the dead flesh of tortured animals or nourish ourselves with life giving fruits and greens?
Be careful what you take in.
Listening to lies generate lies within your consciousness.
Listening to songs of grace creates grace within your consciousness.
Just follow what gives you Joy, what gives you meaning, what gives you Peace, and your Life will blossom.