We have to ask ourselves, do I wish to walk on the path of Truth, even if Truth is uncomfortable? Even if Truth reveals to me that I have believed a lie? Even if I realise what I have done or am doing is wrong? Do I choose Truth every time, even if it requires me to take responsibility and change everything?
The thing about spells is that they manage to convince a loving, caring human being to go against their True Self and their very own values. When we examine the spells, we must not do it with shame or fear. We can simply observe our inner world with kindness and clarity, and once we find the root of a conflicting belief or behaviour, we must pull it out like an invasive parasite.
One of the most spiritually corruptive and prevailing spells put onto humanity is ‘carnism’. It is the violent belief system that attempts to justify the unnecessary exploitation, torture, killing and eating of certain animals.
Why is it immediately clear that this is a spell? Because our natural response to animals is that of kinship and love. When we walk in the forest and come across a wild animal, we stop in awe to marvel at their breathtaking beauty, their pure presence. We silently extend our hand in hopes to maybe get to touch them - to thank them for sharing this world with us.
But in spite of this natural love for animals, how many of us have grown up eating the flesh of other equally beautiful and innocent animals? Have we realised that majority of the flesh that is sold in the shops and restaurants come from tortured baby animals? Have we truly consciously chosen to pay for someone to kill these individuals, who have their own mothers and fathers, and who are capable of feeling love and pain just like us?
“Wrong does not cease to be wrong because the majority share in it.”
― Leo Tolstoy