Truth is absolutely vital when we examine issues of morality. The New Age spiritual movement promotes the distortion of this cosmic principle under the guise of “individuality” and “rights”, with ideas of “my truth” and “your truth”. But there is and only ever was One Truth - indivisible, eternal, existent - the divine ‘is’.
In the Zoroastrian tradition, 'aša' is the great cosmic principle of the Divine. It can be translated as “truth”, “existence” or “right” as in righteousness and moral order.
Similarly, in the ancient Vedic tradition, 'ŗtá' is the principle of natural order which regulates and coordinates the operation of the entire Universe and our existence. Ṛta means "order, rule, truth”.
In Zoroastrianism 'druj' is the force which originates from ‘Angra Mainu’ (the evil spirit), and it is the opposing force of aša. Like its Vedic Sanskrit counterpart ‘druh’, it seems to derive from the Proto-Indo-European root ‘dhreugh’, also continued in Persian دروغ / d[o]rūġ - meaning “lie”.
The Sanskrit counterpart 'druh' means "affliction, afflicting demon”. In the Zend Avesta, the adjective deriving from 'druj' is 'drəguuaṇt' - "partisan of deception, deceiver”.
These two ancient traditions held Truth in cardinal regard. Is it a surprise then, that these chaotic times we are living are popularly named as “the era of post-truth”? And is it a coincidence, that the messiah of the new world disorder is the pharmaceutical industry and their poison concoctions - the 'drugs' or as in the Vedic language "lies"? Interestingly, when we get into the etymology of the word "pharmakeia", we find that in biblical reference, that was the term for poison making sorcery.