Essenes were a noble spiritual community who lived in the ancient Greece, Egypt and Israel thousands of years ago. They were also known as the Therapeutae, white robed healers and carriers of Truth. People of any creed or culture knew that an Essene would never speak a lie. Neither did they ever eat the flesh of animals, as they knew it was against the Holy Law of Love. They healed people with herbs and sound, and they communed daily with the elements which they recognised as Angelic forces of the Earthly Mother.
The Essenes lived in total Harmony and Peace in small communities, where everyone laboured the land and shared the fruits of their work together. No one had more or less possessions than the other, and neither did they have any servants or slaves. They passionately studied the ancient Holy scriptures, observed the celestial cycles, prayed to the Heavenly realms, and lived in celibacy unless they wanted to create a Life. John the Baptist was one of them.
Yeshua - also known as Jesus Christ - taught and lived with the Essenes. The ancient scriptures of the Essenes contain many direct teachings of Yeshua, and some of them are exactly the same as in the New Testament. But perhaps even more interesting are the teachings that did not make it to the Bible at all, which are for example teachings about the Divine Feminine, sacred practices of purification, and practical advice on diet and lifestyle.
One of the fundamental keys to spiritual liberation in the Essene Gospel of Peace is Sevenfold Peace, taught by Yeshua. According to this sacred scripture, the Path to Peace is created first within us and then step by step extended to Infinity.
“Thou shalt travel the Seven Paths of the Infinite Garden,
And thy body, thy heart and thy mind shall join in Oneness
In the Sacred Flight to the Heavenly Sea of Peace.”
– Yeshua