The three components of the triune brain are the R-complex, the limbic system, and the neocortex. The R-complex, also known as the “reptile brain” is the oldest and lowest level of the brain— the stem, the base, the foundation. The stem of the brain is connected to the spine and the cerebellum. The R-complex controls motor skills and primitive behaviors such as eating, sleeping, and the fight-or-flight mechanism which is used for survival. When one is in fight-or-flight mode (or stress), the heart pumps blood away from the torso and the head. This means that if one is in a chronic state of stress, the vital organs of the body do not receive oxygenated blood. High-level thinking is not possible during survival mode and you are not going to engage in deep conceptual or philosophical thought during these times. Unfortunately, many people in modern society are in a constant state of stress or fight-or-flight response. And, unlike our ancestors, we are not using this brain function because we are being confronted with wild animals. We are instead living in a continuous state of base consciousness because of many imaginary problems of the modern world.
The next part of the brain to have evolved in humans is the limbic system, also known as the paleomammalian complex or the midbrain. The limbic system governs the chemical interactions through which we experience our emotions. This is known in esoteric terms as the Sacred Feminine principle. It is also known as the Middle Chamber. The limbic system is our emotional guidance system which allows us to feel happiness, love, and care. It also allows for the “negative,” yet necessary emotions such as anger when an injustice occurs or sadness when we are faced with a loss.
The newest evolved part of the brain is the neocortex, or the grey matter of the telencephelon. It is the executive command center of the brain that governs higher-order thinking. As such, this is the part of the brain that gives us our distinctive human qualities. The neocortex is bilaterally symmetrical, divided into the left brain hemisphere and the right brain hemisphere. Although the two hemispheres work in conjunction, they each govern their own respective ways of thinking.
Left Brain Hemisphere
The left side of the brain is archetypally, the masculine, solar, yang side of the brain, which might best be symbolized with the phallic blade symbol and the color red. It is largely responsible for governing the intellect, narrow and linear thought, analytical thought, and the ability to conduct science and to comprehend mathematics.
When one exists chronically in a state of left brain imbalance, consciousness becomes driven by the R-complex. This can lead to rigid skepticism, “scientism”, atheism, authoritarianism, and “master-think”.
Right Brain Hemisphere
The right side of the brain is archetypally characterized as the feminine, lunar, yin side of the brain, which could be symbolized by the chalice symbol of the womb and the color blue. It is largely responsible for intuition, creativity, compassion, and big-picture holistic thought.
When the right brain hemisphere is continually engaged in an imbalanced way, the limbic brain takes over. One becomes naive, subject to blind belief, religious extremism, escapism, fantasy, and “slave-think”.
People who exist in states of left brain imbalance, right brain imbalance, or both (through compartmentalization), are subject to manipulative polarization dialectics (e.g. religion vs. atheism or left vs. right politics). These mind-control tactics are like child’s play for those employing such techniques over the ignorant masses who have zero knowledge of their own minds. Individuals who are living in a constant state of left brain imbalance are likely to exhibit domineering, controlling, and even psychopathic traits. These left-brained individuals are prime candidates for the police, military, and government. They keep others in line with the ruling class agenda. Conversely, the right-brained individuals are those who are likely to fall for religion, New Age thought, and escapism. These are the people who do nothing about the injustices occurring in the world.
I hope that the reader now knows the significance of understanding brain functionality. There is a reason that the ancient Egyptians created the Eye of Horus, that Michelangelo painted The Creation of Adam, and that the Masons constructed the First Degree Tracing Board which depicts a checkered base and three pillars. What this esoteric art all shares in common is symbolism of the human brain. The neocortex of the human brain is an advanced computer that is sitting right behind our eyes. Imagine the power that is accessible to us through a balanced brain. When we achieve balance of the two brain hemispheres, we are able to harmonize logic, reason, and scientific thinking with emotion, intuition, and creativity on the way to illumination.