Who but... (Part 1)

There has been a growing awakening since March of 2020 around the world.  I could argue that it has the potential to become an exponential curve.  The word exponential has been irresponsibly used by the ruling class to keep commoners fearful of what may come from the “virus”.  This word can also be applied in the reverse.  Throughout history, there are instances of beliefs and behaviors that follow the social contagion thesis of sociology.  These also spread exponentially, for better or worse.  If someone or a group can somehow control the cultural flow of communication they can use this theory to their own advantage.  Making in-person contact “illegal”, censoring arbitrary “misinformation”, condemning critical thought, and constantly changing the definitions of words and concepts would be a good start.  Creating a society in that the only people we can speak to are those that already share our beliefs and behaviors.  This would conveniently segregate all of us into specifically defined groups, effectively, divide and conquer.  Does this sound familiar?  After 402 days of living in the totalitarian USSA, it should.  That being said, if we recognize that what is being conducted on society is this heinous global psychological operation, doesn’t it make sense to do the opposite of what they want us to do?  To question everything they overtly push, to communicate with and contact our friends and neighbors in person, to build networks and connections with one another across the spectrum should be the instinctual thing to do.  To be rebellious against those enforcing their own maleficent social contagion upon us.  Left vs Right, black vs white, rich vs poor are but mere distractions to the only war that matters: freedom vs anti-freedom.  But who will take this up?  The elderly?  The 50-65 middle-aged working/business class?  I repeat, we are now sitting on day 402 and both of these groups have let all of us down thus far however, they aren’t the only ones.  I argue, who is better suited, better educated, and better equipped to lead this than today’s young adults.  Speaking as a 26 year old member of this group, who but…us?

Further examining history in times where the ruling class has blatantly abused their powers, who was it that stood up first?  More times than not it is the young, ambitious, and free.  Just looking at the American Revolution Thomas Jefferson (35), Henry Knox (26), James Madison (25), Marquis de Lafayette (19), and not to mention that 13 signatures on the Declaration of Independence came from men under the age of 35.  These brave men went to actual civil war for independence against the world’s most powerful nation at the time and today we’re afraid to not wear a mask in a grocery store due to unwanted confrontation?  To get the “virus” talk out of my system, you can come to your own conclusions here, here, here, here.  To briefly summarize, masks are negative for your health, do absolutely nothing against viruses, and plausibly promote their spread.  Lockdowns or house arrests have never been recommended nor implemented outside of the CCP and DPRK due to obvious reasons, I cannot believe that anyone has to have that explained to them.  The virus only affects those who are elderly AND already unhealthy.  Health is not the definition the CDC or FDA gives you.  Much like those men mentioned above, us young adults are the ones that free liberty-loving society is once again depending on.  Our grandparents, the elderly, are now trapped in a magical world of the invisible internet and cellular communication in which they know nothing about.  Our parents are split between taking care of the elderly, actively tackling their own personal mid-life-crises, or stuck in the “believe everything you hear on the TV” Walter Cronkite days (who only just died in 2009).  For some of our parents those categories are unfair.  Some have been red-pilled, tried to keep up technologically, voted for Ron Paul in 2008, know their world history, and can find alternative true journalistic resources of news.  However, these adults are burdened with a plethora of responsibilities looking both above and below themselves in age.  That leaves us.

Speaking of which, what happened to us?  Not us directly per se, our age group.  From the bird flipping, drug taking and rock n’ roll loving rebellious hippies to pronoun using, participation trophy desiring, and offended soy overdosing modern young adults.  This transformation has been appalling and embarrassing.  To figure out how we’ve ended up here can lead to a lot of blaming and finger pointing which are the easy ways out.  Some can say the “system” has failed us, but so what?  We now can see through all of that and recognize the past.  Right now we are being called upon to do the first difficult thing we’ve had to do in our lives and we’re failing at that too.  Fortunately this “virus” doesn’t affect the young anymore than the traditional influenza we’ve always lived with.  This is an incredibly lucky fact.  If the opposite were true then there’d be no one with the time, energy, or will to take up this necessary mission.  Finding, spreading, and implementing the time, energy, and will throughout the youth are now the first steps in the mission.  For months now Ryan Christian from The Last American Vagabond has been saying that those who see through the cracks, who are even slightly red-pilled, and who know what is happening is horrendous on many levels are the majority.  Our overlords do not want us to believe this or come to this realization but, to that I say, authority is relative.  You are not alone to think that these restrictions of liberty are illegal and immoral, you are not alone in recognizing the lies from the government, you are not alone in wanting to live your life and not merely survive until the “new normal” is established.  There are many with you in that same boat.  And that “new normal”, instead of being a certain “when” can turn into an improbable “if”, as long as we are in the way of it.  We are the future.  We control what is normal and what is not.  We are the trendsetters, the thought provokers, the questioners, the skeptics, the rebels.  We can be the ones who knock if we choose to.  If they control us they control everything for the rest of their lives and then what will the world look like when it’s our turn to inherit it.  We desperately need a Walter White transformation.  From the failed, sad, sorry, and weak High School Chemistry teacher to Heisenberg.  Who, but us?

In Who but… (Part 2) I will further explore some present day role models and resources as well as the tools and solutions unique to us that will be necessary for our future success.