Higher Consciousness Apotheosis is to Know Thyself through a self-transformative Alchemical transfiguration process of Individuation, Actualization and Realization of the Essence and Nature of Higher, Truer, Realer Life‘s ultimate purpose in Moral Living, and thereby achieve a deified evolution of “Becoming a God” with the benefit, grace, blessing and favor of Righteous Living in Heaven, Paradise, Immortality and Eternal Life through being and embodying the ideal potential of the Moral Way of what is Right, Good and True.
This process requires self-correction by having the courage to face the negative, evil, demon, devil, darkness and shadow within, and putting it to death through deconstruction, disassembly, dissolution and burning of these aspects of a falser self to then engage in continual self-renewal as a phoenix rising from the ashes to be resurrected, reborn, purified and better than before.
Symbolism has powerful imagery and should often not be taken literally, but rather as metaphor and analogy to reference one domain of self and reality (or unreality), in order to understand another domain more.
Originally posted on Evolve Consciousness