Download .mp3: Metaphysics, Language and Reality: Fundamentals of the Trivium
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Originally posted on Evolve Consciousness
- Trivium in Reality – Language and Reality Pt.1
- Modalities of Thought – Language and Reality Pt.2
- Occulting and Encrypting Reality through Word Magic – Language and Reality Pt.3
- Dark, Negative and Limited Trivium – Language and Reality Pt.4
- Logic – Language and Reality Pt.5
- Axioms, Existence, Consciousness and Identity
- Tracing Reality – The Visionary Quest to Wisdom
- Senses for Input of Reality, not Technology
- Words, Reality and Proportions
- Circle of Life
- Causality, Consciousness, Choice and Trivium
- Natural Law, Trivium & Consciousness Chart
- Symbols, Reality, Knowledge, Belief and Attachment
- Grounding in Reality
- Consciousness and Causality Symbolism Pt.1
- Consciousness and Causality Symbolism Pt.2
- Truth, Perception, Reality and Dualism
- Speak Truth Into Existence
- Elemental Quaternity – Reality and Consciousness Symbolism
- Symbolism and Consciousness Pt.1
- Symbolism and Consciousness Pt.2
- Symbolism and Consciousness Pt.3
- Symbolism and Consciousness Pt.4
- Questions, Answers and Beliefs
- Infection of Belief
- Learning Tip – Verify the Depth of Your Convictions
- Truth? Belief? How do you know?
- Authority, Authorship and Authenticity
- Reality Processing
- Consciousness and Truth
- Being and Becoming
- Higher Consciousness Apotheosis