The Philosopher’s Stone

This is the Stone of the Wise, the Philo-Sophia Stone, the Love-of-Wisdom Stone, the Stone of the True Care for Wisdom, the Wisdom of Right-Action. It is all about doing Right, living in Truth and Morality. That is the True Self. Self works through Matter towards Unity Enlightenment with Truth & Morality of the Higher Will. Unity Consciousness in Unity with Truth and Morality to get to Unity Foundational Living in the Aggregate Co-Creation

I came to decode this while working on something else, the Natural Law Boundary Conditions infographic. I have never studied the philosopher’s stone myself. I came to this understanding on my own through Natural Law. All you need to do is understand the substantive essences of reality, of symbols and concepts, and you can understand alchemy without actually studying alchemy directly as put out by other people. This may not be the original meaning of the Philosopher’s Stone, or maybe other people have discovered this meaning as well, but either way, what I have found from my other work applies very well with the Philosopher’s Stone symbol and descriptions from others.

I wrote this when I made the Natural Law Boundary Conditions infographic, and saw what the Philosopher’s Stone can likely represent. The decoding of the philosopher’s stone I found fits well.

Originally posted on Evolve Consciousness