Hello lovebugs and hunny-bunnies, I’ve been on an interview and podcast binge of late—new friends and colleagues and fellow shit-disturbers reaching to me and collaborating and co-creating, thanks to OGWN. Funny how, so many Truthers are shocked at my presence—and dudes I’ve been around since before many of ya’ll were born. But Divine Timing is purrfect. Welcome to Episode 119. In this video, I address the topic of mass consciousness, despair, fear, and anxiety. Since the onset of the cv19, I’ve received many texts, DMS, message, and emails, and calls about the free-floating and seemingly escalating anxiety and fear during the last year. For some of you worldwide, this fear and anxiety were somewhat alleviated by the hijacking of the Weiss haus by a bonafide paedophile psychopath Satanist and hissex and race-baiting fake feminist compulsive liar runningmate, blindly adhering to the left-right-centre-brainwashing so typical of sleeping hoomans in the Matrix, allowing and giving these criminals a pass because of TDS (yeah look that up), whilst more of you on the other side of the aisle, have fallen into a more profound sense of fear and despair because of this hijacking, genuinely believing in the faux messianic powers of the previous tenant to be the one all save all, his truly remarkable strides forward in outing pedos and trafficking, notwithstanding.
I have to admit my own disgust at the utter brainwashed stupidity of hoomans that leaves all children and truth and freedom at risk, along with the folly of seemingly intelligent and I erroneously assumed semi-conscious folks falling for these demons.
But I digress, wake myself up, see myself, see reality, exit the Matrix, enter into my cent re screen, and compose a different reality.
That is having been said; ya’ll are in a mess in the Matrix.
These emotions are pervasive after any trauma in general. This massive global shitshow of cv19 and die americanische Wahl, with its various threads of trauma-base mind control, collective and strategic gaslighting notwithstanding, is extraordinary in its massive spellcasting of doom and gloom by the satanic cabal. The consistent triggering of confusion and panic, along with the ever-increasing anxiety and fear, not to mention the uncertainly, only adds fuel to the firestorm of doubt and despair. The resulting cause and effect of more and more hoomans checking out in alcoholism or a haze of drug-induced smoke or big pharma scripts for mood enhancement pills, along with entertrainment as in the NetFlix and Amazon Prime addictions of series and movie-bingeing, online shopping frenzies for those with disposal incomes, not to forget the increase in domestic violence of spousal and child abuse running rampant—uncheck and unchallenged behind closed doors. Also, the powers-that-wanna-be are criminally defining who’s livelihood is essential and not. WTF.
Those of you bragging and gloating that your livelihoods being defined as essential, whilst others are not—FUCK OFF. How dare you fall for that massive Triangulation by the psychopathic demons who run the Matrix. Check YourSelves! I know so many entrepreneurs whose lives have been devasted and totalled by this bullshit. WAKE UP!
Not that I give them any credence, but for those of you who do, The CDC says that since the cv19 began, there has been a three-fold increase in the number of people struggling with anxiety. And we’re all being gaslighted and Triangulated to turn on one another.
As a trauma-based mind control DeActivator—not aligned or associated with any psychological constructs or any certification echo chambers, here’s my take. We’ve all suffered some trauma—probably from our childhood and upbringing. Remember that the sum of all our parent’s dramas/traumas—known or unknown—regardless of whether they were in our lives or not. Unless we are one of the few blessed and raised by parents who had done the Great Work before our conception and birth—chances are we’ve absorbed and integrated these traumas as our own.
Until we do the Great Work and dissolve these tribal programs and traumas completely, we are stuck in the Matrix and subject to all the automated scripts and programs of tribal and trauma-based mind-control. We are compelled to obey them and recreate them.
Within the Matrix, we experience increased despair, anxiety, and fear as a collective and individually. The increased pain, anxiety, and fear that people are experiencing aren’t just about what’s going on in the world within the Matrix—it’s also because the current traumas are triggering up to the surface old, an unresolved trauma from the past. This is the part that most people don’t realise.
When we feel anxiety, hopelessness, and fear, the first temptation is to find something to distract ourselves.
These feelings are uncomfortable, and no one wants to feel them. However, when we indulge in distractions and addictions to mask the emotions, we end up digging a deeper hole. These distractions become sentinels to keep traumas protected
During the last year, you might notice that you’ve been unconsciously pulled, as if by a magnet, toward addictive behaviours such as overindulgence in work, alcohol, drugs and substances natural and pharma, sex, porn, food, gambling, shopping, social media, etc.
You’re not alone. Most people have fallen into some form of distraction to cope with the overwhelm of stressful emotions and incessant thought forms.
All past unresolved trauma are frozen and stuck in the nervous system and the time-free zone, lowering our resistance, our immunity—physically and spiritually, energetically and emotionally. As more stress is experienced in the present, which is already in the past, and consistently triggered and activated without pause, it becomes even more challenging to clear the past’s built-up tension.
We need to deal with the past to have more energy to deal with the present.
If you’ve been through relational trauma such as toxic relationships, it’s so important to work on healing the anxiety and fear caused by the past.
Otherwise, it will keep you stuck in loops or caught in the repetition of the same toxic dynamics in your new relationships.
I will link my videos on journaling and burning exercises in the top and bottom left at the end of this video for your engagement, along with my Great Work Series.
Also below in the show notes: links to both versions of my book and Leslie Temple Thornton’s book The Marriage of Spirit.
Ok, my Hunny bunnies, my loves, that is my speech! Babies, you are NOT alone. Please feel free to reach out to me for those of you inclined to do a deep dive in excavating and DeActivating Traumas.