Hello my lovebugs, my Hunny-bunnies, my special babies. Welcome to Episode 190, a continuation of our series regarding the True Energetics of Trauma-Based Mind Control and how the Matrix and its gatekeepers of victim-producing-inducing keep most humans enslaved, having introduced to you all the 3 Trauma Cages of Mind Control~Enslavement.
In today’s video, I go further into the tricky mechanisms for a DeActivator of Trauma-Based Mind Control and how the totality of ITS DeActivation is a colossal undertaking for prospective Trauma DeActivation facilitators and cannot ever be taken lightly or casually or suffer the consequences.
First and foremost is the absolute necessity that the DeActivator Facilitator OWN THEIR Attention and are well-versed at waking themselves up the moment they fall asleep, just before becoming entrapped again within the Matrix. Once back in the Matrix, it will be too late, making the facilitator incapable of having control of the healing session and a danger to themselves and their client.
You heard me. I am dead serious. Without exception, undertaking the Great Work must be continuous as we are all ever-being, ever-becoming, and ever-evolving. In addition, all facilitators must become well-practised at living the majority of the time primarily in their Center Screens, aka their Awakened-Attention Centers, and can catch themselves begin to fall asleep.
The Great Work is not limited to going down the rabbit holes of the Nature of Reality and Creativity; instead, it includes understanding the workings of human slavery and mind control. I will go further and say if you claim to be a trauma DeActivator and still participate in left-right-centre paradigms that support Matrix Shitstems—you are sound asleep and only adhering to the pre-scripted role you’ve taken on within the Matrix and are an agent for the Matrix.
Sorry. Not Sorry.
There is a clear distinction between those folks unconsciously following an automated script versus those who’ve done The Great Work to UnSlave themselves, who have genuinely awakened with the overstanding of the Truth of the Matrix’s human slavery. This overstanding includes becoming privy to all the components and distortions within the Matrix throughout the millennia of human history.
Don’t be offended if you don’t know what the fuck I’m talking about; it’s OK. Most humans are sound asleep at the wheel of their lives, merely fulfilling their automated roles and life scripts; even Ivy League PhDs, state sanctioned-licensed therapists, and the most decorated medical and science scholars because of their Shitstem indoctrination that go unchecked, unchallenged, and unquestioned until personalised suffering is so great—initiating the awakening process.
So, my required elements for Trauma DeActivators/Facilitators, stand.
Here's the link to start your due diligence, for reals. https://www.wanttoknow.info
That's my speech, my Divine Ones! XOXO