Welcome to Episode 121, my rant on the dangers of Group-Mind-Speak-Do-Feel-Agreement-echo chambers aka MOB-RULE.
I posted on the fb the other day, this: Why does every fucking so-called *Woke* group turn into a fucking totalitarian echo-chamber of agreement-hypnotised sycophantic-flying monkeys lead by some psycho believing his/her bullshit-laden hype?
Grow the fuck up, already! Learn to stand alone!
I’ve made this observation over and over again and again and even went so far as to regularly post about the dangers of one becoming a Flying Fucking Monkey of agreement, an order-following sycophantic stoopid just to belong to a coveted group and lose all abilities to think critically and stand alone without a mob backing up your sorry butt.
Sorry kids, the mommy in me eye rolls every time I hear how woke this group and that group claims. And there’s always some NSP at the helm or centre stage squawking this and that wokeness or having the end all be all in something—poo-pooing any other whatever—similar to its teaching.
Everybody, please learn to think critically and stand-alone if you find yourself feeling prideful and relieved that you’ve received agreement or some group affirmation—check yourself, for real. I’m seeing this groupie mob-rule sycophantic bullshit within various factions of the Truth&Freedom, New Age Bullshit, Goddess Entrepreneurs, and even the different Reality Creation camps a bit tedious and oh so cringe-making.
You all want to talk about freedom and allowing folks to decide what’s best for themselves—so long as there is no harm toward another nor thievery of anyone’s unalienable right, yet boast about the comfort in numbers where agreement is King/Queen, whilst advocating a bottom line that absolutely impinges upon one’s right to make a choice contrary to yours (and a group’s) or have a different opinion or experience. WTF, people! This is basic shit, folks.
Check yourselves, is all I’m saying. Check your addiction to getting outside validation to justify your life and your choices along with the coolness of your wokeness. Get some Self-Esteem; it’s an inside job and a significant step toward embodying Sovereignty. No bullshit!
Ok, my Hunny bunnies, my lovebugs, my Divine ones, that is my speech!