Hello my hunnybunny, lovebugs, welcome to LoveZTruth&Beauty Episode 117, my continued rant about the different types of NSPs—Narcissists-Sociopaths-Psychopaths that can get in the way of your Great Work and Wokeness. In this video, I out the NSPs bent on manipulating, capitalising, and monetising their perpetual victim identification through triggering your empathy and compassion, guilting you for having your shit together, appealing to aka imploring your guilt and abundance to bankroll their demands.
These NSPs utilise their hard-luck stories to generate your sympathy and guilt, and often they love bomb you with compliments about how awesome you are for having your shit together—Wish I had your life, or I want to be just like you when I grow up.
Their strategy is to appeal to your sense of empathy and compassion and abundance and prosperity and generosity and sense of service to the upliftment of human suffering. The NSPs' treachery is well-designed and practically guaranteed to generate the results that they desire from you and their feigned connection to you when in actuality, they see you as a mark (target) of supply—whether monetarily or emotionally or energetically. Please do not fall for it.
One of the many ways these victimised NSPs weaponise their Woundology is by feigning their helplessness—NSP women and men will go on and on about how hard it is for them to get their businesses off the ground—selling their art and wares and will bomb you with their stuff and offer discounts and incentives. If you bite their bait, often they will move their goalposts and add extras to your order (or just for you)—as they engage their sleight of hand tactics when they've got your curiosity piqued about their offerings.
This is currently happening to me right now, and I fell for it! As a former artist, I am well-versed in the ups and downs of marketing and selling my creations to the perfect clients. I learned early that my ideal clients were NOT my friends or family members. I was fortunate to be inspired to invest in business and marketing courses and get myself positioned to show in those select venues filled with clients looking for my flavoured creations. As a result, I'm overly sensitive to artists' and musicians' struggles and fledgeling entrepreneurs. I have been an avid supporter (and sucker) for more than a few offerings whether I liked them or not or needed them or not—I went there—primarily as a default to appease my guilt for rocking my life and not wanting to come across as stingy or a tightwad. Also, I aspire to become more generous and magnanimous.
My point being, an NSP is like a bloodhound for the sap and guilt-ridden empath you indeed are and if you do not nip that shit in the bud, and activate the lost word of NO, you will attract, again and again, blood-sucking helpless victims to help out at your expense.
So, getting back to my currently unfolding dilemma—I've been admiring an artist and her work on Instagram for over a year. I regularly comment about her creations, and we have established a great rapport. Out of the blue, she contacts me via my website and tells me this sad story about how a large order she fulfilled had gotten lost. She didn't have it insured, blah blah blah and that she was in the process of making up for it and was putting on a "raffle" to generate the funds to complete her mission of replacing the items to send to her client. Whatever.
Of course, my empathic self got sucked into the "sure, and I can, let me help out." OMG, before I know it, she's sending me emails of several sad-hard-luck stories—with weird interweaved offers of ohh, I remember you liked this piece—It's on sale…
Do you'll get where this is going?? Yup. Even though there was a little voice inside me telling me to be wary and NOT go there, I fell for it. I Bought that one piece now on sale for $75BP. I PayPal her using the friends and family tab, and She immediately disappears off Instagram for a month. I'm thinking, wow, she took the money and disappeared. It wouldn't be the first time that shit has happened to me—overpaying and getting muy nada.
She resurfaces and tells me this sad story about the price of sterling silver and copper going up. Now she's requesting an addition $100BP for extra shipping in which she would add a few more little goodies—made especially for me, of course, the exchange rate of dollar to British sterling pounds notwithstanding.
It didn't felt very good to getting shaken down like that. My resolution: I told her to keep the $75BP as a gift from me, keep the jewellery, sell it, wear it, whatever, and requested that she never contact me again. I blocked her and subsequently have discovered that she's conducted herself in this appalling manner often enough to have complaints about her lying NSP ways, never delivering as promised, and repeatedly asking for more money than was agreed. Not the best practice for a successful E-Commerce business.
Beware my loves of the perpetual victim whose story changes with the wind. They will set a price and then change it without any regard. If you feel your empathy and compassion being pulled and tugged or your ego tickled, check yourself.
With the cv19 melodramas activated within the Matrix affecting the sleeping zombified hoomans, these are some financially desperate times for folks stuck in the Matrix, uninterested in learning the mad reality creation skills required to UnSlave from the automated scripted shitshows of lack and victimisation, and weaponised victimisation at that, all within the Matrix.
Do make sure that you are in proper alignment with YOU. Creating and maintaining boundaries is necessary to conserve your resources and protect yourself from NSPs. Sometimes, it's best to admire artists' creations without having to invest precious time and energy in vetting them and making sure you're not getting scammed. NSPs study you from afar and from proximity. Social media and online shopping platforms are cesspools of unscrupulous scam artists and players trolling for empaths to get played. You have been warned.
Ok, my loves that is my speech! Watch yourselves and your inner victim… do the great work my babies and always do your research.