Hei, my lovey doves, Welcome to LoveTruth&Beauty Episode 88, Part Seven of our video series on Conscious Celibacy-Conscious Sexuality. Having healed our traumas by doing The Great Work, we’ve Spiritually Awakened. By owning our attention of utilising our PTSDs—our pains, traumas, suffering, and dramas as Golden Gateways to Waking Up and Staying awake, we’ve exited the Matrix. By leaving the Matrix, we no longer obey those pesky automated scripts and behaviours inherent to Sexual enslavement. We’ve virtually ceased participation in the Divide & Conquer mind control of the powers-that-wanna-be, which includes the War of the Sexes program between the masculine and feminine; man and woman.
I implore all of you suffering from any sexual trauma—including those of you who have survived trafficking, paedophilia, SRA, or your so-called run-of-the-mill-garden variety psycho-sexual dysfunction or sexual insecurity or self-proclaimed sex addiction—to enter into a Conscious Celibacy Practice. Even abstaining from your usual daily sexual activity for a full 24 hours is beneficial.
This practice will bring on a more profound awareness of your hidden motivations for the continuation of your default patterns regarding your sexuality, resulting in a deepening of intimacy—not just with yourself, but with your partner.
I had to learn to be on my own and not generate my worth through sexual favours. To do this, I had to extricate myself from any sexual contact. It helped that my years of sexual assault made sex repulsive to me. I focused on self-love and self-care. I stayed in my lane, focusing on my work and the activities I enjoyed.
Oddly enough, though I thought it would be a huge challenge to go without sex or have a boyfriend, it wasn’t. I thrived in all facets of my life. The quality of my life surpassed anything I dreamed possible. Intending Divine Love, my lifelines quantum jumped, allowing me to magnetise the highest quality partner who exists only on that higher lifeline I’ve Quantum Jumped on—a now realised and materialised sector of Reality in my Universe where he lives because I’ve done the work to clear any distortions and traumas that would bind me to lower lifelines, and lower quality partners.
Many folks have described to me the feeling of unrelenting freedom that arises from the practice of Conscious Celibacy. There is a buoyancy that occurs from being unencumbered by the wants and desires and demands of another’s. It’s the ultimate gift to yourself. Funnily enough, I’ve received a flood of emails from folks terrified of going there.
My question, what do you have to lose? You can always go back to your usual.
Ok, kids, that's my speech! XOXO