Hello my sweet lovey doves, thank you all so much for your good wishes and congratulations on the successful launch of One Great Work Network.com!! On behalf of Mark Passio, Leiha Boone, the One Great Work Network team of techie gods & goddesses, all the contributing content creators and myself, your support of our endeavours is heartfelt and appreciated. There is so much for us to do and accomplish in turning around all the various Matrix Shitshows, so welcome my loves to Episode 114, quick video where I’m going to sound off and make my negativity my biatch.
I want to address the whole topic of Gaslighting, which was recently triggered by an email I received from a so-called viewer who was highly offended by my association with One Great Work Network, mainly its launch banner and symbology. This person, as female, maybe, who the fuck knows went on and on in an email that was several pages long and closed her rant with “…because of your association with Satanists, I cannot support your channel.”
What the fuck??
Who the fuck composes an email to a content creator they’ve explicitly stated they cannot support because of content so offensive; yet, rather than move the fuck on and swipe left, takes the time to write me an email that if I printed it out, it would take five sheets of paper???
Fuck, people have way too much fucking free time.
I have two words to respond in kind to the email filled with bullshit and gaslighting techniques, as if I’m so desperate for followers/subscribers that I would fall for this bullshit: Fuck Off.
And since we mentioned it, let’s talk about gaslighting
What is gaslighting?
Gaslighting refers to a strategy/technique in which a predator/person makes their “victim” continuously question their reality to increase power.
Often, it is practised by entities such as goobermints and organisations like the movie in-dust-trees as well. Pop Culture Cancel Culture is one of the latest vehicles through which gaslighting via echo chambers are utilised to control a narrative, and one’s sycophantic allegiance to belong. It is quite an effective technique.
Anyone can become a victim of gaslighting. NSPs—Narcissists-Sociopaths-Psychopaths, like cult leaders, dictators, and abusers, utilise gaslighting to manipulate their followers.
However, since it is done quite gradually—as a way to groom their followers into submission, the victim hardly realises that they have been brainwashed.
However, you can spot it with a few evident signs of gaslighting that will help you spot and shut out gaslighting.
Some of these signs of gaslighting in a relationship include:
- Lies, lies, and lies
The person taking part in gaslighting often only tells blatant lies and you’re aware that whatever they’re spewing out of their mouth is complete and utter bullshit. You cannot believe one fucking word they say.
Yet, they continue to lie to you while keeping a straight face.
However, this is their technique of gaslighting in relationships and the masses.
They’re setting up a precedent so once they lie to you, you’ll have your doubts.
You won’t be sure if whatever they say is true or not as the primary goal of gaslighting in the family of origin, marriage or a relationship or organisations is to keep you unsteady and doubtful and fearful of reproach.
- They deny they said something despite proof, evidence and receipts—often corroborating information.
There will be cases where you are sure they said they would do something. Still, they outright reject saying anything at all.
As a result, you start to question everything. Please do NOT fall for it.
You think, what if they never said such a thing?
And the more frequently this occurs, the more you start to question your version of reality and become susceptible to accepting their performance.
This strategy is a Perception-management tactic used within the Matrix on all levels and all types of power-based Master-Slave Perpetrator/Victim relationships.
- They always use the information they learn about you as ammunition to use against you.
People partaking in gaslighting study their prey and use information or people near you and then use it as ammunition.
Often over time, they triangulate, meaning they will target someone close to you or close to them to pit you against one another by lying and manipulating information. Usually, the NSP is two-faced to you, and the other person, as the NSP has also studied the other person. Heaven forbid, you and the other person end up in the same room with the NSP and compare notes. If that happened—the NSPS game would be over.
Check yourselves, my loves. Trust your Superpowers of Intuition, along with your gut feelings. If it feels off, trust it’s because it IS FUCKING OFF!
Don’t be a lazy ass either. Within the Matrix and its various shitshows—whether political, environmental, cv19—the gaslighting of hoomans within the Matrix is possible and complete through the propagandists’ complicity and collaboration lamestream meeeeediah. Your part is fixed upon your unwillingness to go down those dirty fucking rabbit holes and research for yourself through extraordinary and innovative means to get to the TRUTH, often having to do the Maths and discern and dig through several versions of history.
If you do not know by now that all media worldwide within the Matrix is maintained and controlled by six multinational corporations backed/funded by the prominent families of the satanic cabal so that the various shitshow narratives of control are parsed over to the masses strategically, that even the likes of fucking PBS and your beloved last-ditch NPR are compromised—thank you PrickCHainy, you’re a fucking zombie, in plain English, I might love you, anyway, and accept you as you are, but you’re asleep in this regard.
This research and due diligence is part of Doing The Great Work. Unfortunately, most of the hoomans within the Matrix do not give two fucking shits about the Truth and would rather stay willfully ignorant and stay asleep in their comfort zones.
Fortunately, we live in a Universe of energy. And those of us willing to Do The Great Work to exit the Matrix, and vibrate to the frequencies of Love and Truth, are countermanding the dumbass sleeping masses within the Matrix.
Ok, my loves that is my speech! I know I was a little harsh today, but fuck it, sometimes the nice gets sucked right out of me and I just want to scream my head off, and when you’re over 60 like I am, and you’ve witnessed over the whole of your existence the unfolding of the cabal’s long-ass fucking game on—yeah, you’d get huffy as well.