Episode 5: Healing the Father Wound
Forgiving Sins of the Father, Embodying the Divine Masculine Within
20 January 2020
Opening welcome and meditation:
- Hello hello my beloved Waking Gods & Goddesses, welcome to my new YouTube Channel: LoveTruth&Beauty. DIY for Divine in the flesh, where your pain, traumas, suffering and dramas are golden gateways to waking up and staying awake.
- This is Episode 5 and today I will be facilitating a Guided Healing Meditation and Initiating you all into the Gifts of the Divine Masculine within each and every one of us—Man, Woman, and child—moving us all forward toward Forgiving our fathers, our dads, and all men, and all the inner masculine energies residing and animating all humans—We are opening and leaning into the possibility of forgiving the masculine for all his sins and shortcomings.
- Close your eyes, let’s all take a deep breath in and let it out, allowing yourSelf to fully arrive, and land here, right now, in this room.
- Allow your breath to fill your body with life force pranic energy of all colours, trusting your body to receive the colours that it needs to move into greater clarity.
- That’s it…nice and easy
- On a huge inhale bring your palms together, pressing them into each other in front of the middle of your chest.
- On an exhale, feel your body relax and let go.
- On a huge inhale, move your palms, still in a Namaste, in front of your heart and move your palms so that you move them just in front of the most sensitive part of your heart.
- Trust that you know where this sensitive part is, trust in your knowing.
- This sensitivity that you are feeling is your closure to love, allow this closure, based on fear to open and release.
- Keep breathing.
- Allow yourself to revel in the awareness that you are experiencing, and magnify your awareness.
- On an inhale, think of someone who challenges you.
- On an exhale give that awareness you are experiencing away to that person.
- Magnify your feelings of generosity and care from doing this.
- Keep breathing.
- On a huge inhale, think of your father.
- Exhale slowly and allow any feelings, energies of stress or emotion to arise, and notice any sensitivity in your most sensitive place of your heart.
- On an inhale, place your right hand over the front surface of your heart, over that most sensitive place.
- On an exhale place your left hand over your belly.
- Breathe deeply.
- Let’s call in our master healing angels, our guides, our unseen friends, and our collective higher selves, I’d like to call in Ananadamayima in co-creating this healing space for our beautiful planet earth, all of her creatures, all our beautiful brothers and sisters who are here to make some changes, shifts, and releases. We ask that these changes, shifts, and releases come forth readily and easily, everything we’re all able and willing to dissolve at this time—all our fears and terrors and worries and stress and our helplessness, our deepest grief and despair, dissolving our anger, rage, and frustration & our lack of trust, dissolving our guilt and shame and feelings of lack and self-doubt and no good enough, bringing light to those captive in darkness, dissolving our judgments, our hate, and criticisms and our closure to our breath, our closure to love and our Divinity—opening our hearts and minds to align ourselves with the possibility of forgiving all of our fathers and the men in and out of our lives—past, present, and future, forgiving our own masculine energies that have cause us and other harm, allowing our inner victim to step into the wide expanse of Victorious, allowing healing and transformation to occur in all our relationships—all for the highest good, the deepest possible truth, the innermost clarity and peace, and most profound of healing…and so it is…
- Allow your breath to fill your belly with life force pranic energy which is light.
- Feel the colours of prana, notice the colour or colours of prana you are attracted to receiving.
- Amplify your trust in what you are receiving, trusting your body to receive the exact colour or colours that it needs to move you into greater clarity, moving you into greater receptivity—which is an aspect of the Divine Feminine Principle of Receiving.
- That’s it…nice and easy.
- Exhale out, gifting/giving all your loving breath, knowing that the action of gifting/giving is the Divine Masculine Principle, which completes the Divine Circuitry of 7th Sense of our Innate Generosity & Care.
- On an inhale, with your palms together, still in prayer position or a Namaste in front of your heart and move your palms so that you move them just in front of the most sensitive part of your heart.
- Trust that you know where this sensitive part is, trust in your knowing, even if you have no idea what you’re doing.
- This sensitivity that you are feeling is your closure to love, allow this closure, based on fear to open and release, and be vulnerable.
- Keep breathing.
- Allow yourself to revel in the awareness that you are experiencing, and magnify your awareness.
- On an inhale, think of a man who challenges you, and bring him into your heart, allowing your heart to surround him in your love.
- On an exhale gift that love and awareness you are experiencing to that man.
- Magnify your feelings of generosity and care from doing this, feeling into your tender heart that’s survived the slings and arrows of hurt and betrayal and loss and sadness and grief and despair and perhaps hatred.
- Keep breathing, my loves, in your own timing, in your own way
- Linger and savour this feeling of your innate generosity & care.
- Allowing the image of this man to dissolve.
- bells
- On a huge inhale, think of your father or the man or woman perhaps who stepped in as your father during your formative years, and if you didn’t have a father—imagine him anyway, bringing this image of this father figure person into your heart
- Surrounding him, this person in your love.
- Allow your love-infused Exhale to transform any feelings, energies of stress or emotion into more love, and notice any sensitivity in your most sensitive place of your heart.
- On an inhale, place your right hand over the front surface of your heart, over that most sensitive place.
- On an exhale place your left hand over your belly, loving up your belly.
- Allow the Divine to BREATHE you deeply. Magnify your connection with this mother real or imagined, notice any tension or stress or emotion as you do this, trusting your love is transforming these challenging feelings and emotions into more love.
- Whatever LOVE you have that is living you right now, gift that LOVE to your father, this father figure—man or woman, now, regardless of whether or not he’s on the planet, regardless of whether or not he was the father you really wanted, regardless of what kind of LOVE he gave you, even if he wasn’t able to give you any LOVE, or was never in your life for whatever reason, gift him your LOVE, anyway.
- Gift this LOVE because you can, because you really do care, and because your LOVE is BIGGER and VASTER than any grievance you may have toward him.
- Magnify any relief or pleasure you are experiencing in this intimately loving gesture of gifting LOVE to your father, this father figure.
- Notice any other emotions that arise from this loving gesture and Gift your LOVE to those emotions, even if those emotions are of rage, hurt, sadness, vengeance, resentment, sorrow, shame, grief, longing…they transform into more love
- Allow whatever emotional state that arises to be as it is—nothing to fix, or get away from, just witness it transform into more love.
- Knowing that your witness is story-less, without any judgment or evaluation about any given moment…
- Let yourSelf be BREATHED by the Divine, effortlessly.
- Rest and linger in this space with your eyes closed, and open in your own timing, notice any energies and light you perceive to be surrounding you, noticing the quality of that light, any energies, the quality of your perceptions.
- Together in this time-space-body-mind, I am here to Initiate all of you into the realm of forgiveness of our fathers, forgiveness of their sins and any grievances you might be carrying, including the mistrust of the dysfunctional masculine in all of us men and women alike so that we can all open to embracing the Divine Masculine and the Divine Masculine Principle of Gifting-Giving.
- We are not here to bash papa, or bash men and the masculine.
- And the timing of our program is so kismet…the world shitshow continues and of course there are the male authoritarian figureheads that are in receipt of the rage and blame of consensus reality that NEVER EVER takes self-responsibility, but dumps all accountability onto a face. The world at large is like a huge bed of quartz crystal—transmitting everything without edits, without censorship…
- So if something I share or say “triggers” you—own it and find out what’s within you that’s holding your life force energy hostage…take emotional responsibility for your reactions, just sayin…
- The truly awakened person is NOT moved to ignore nor repress awakened illuminated wisdom or hard emotions nor tricky situations.
- Rest assured we will not cave into pressure to remain in CONVENTIONAL REALITY and if this disturbs the status quo—YEAH so be it!
Born To Be Bad – Sins of the Father (and the Mother)
I want to recite this poem by a good friend of mine—a healer, spiritual rapper Astralius Miraculii : The Sacred Apology to Women
The Sacred Apology to Women
- Dear Women,
- I have found great joy on the occasions when I have been your Champion and Supporter.
- In order to Support and Champion you fully, I now take responsibility for the times I dishonored you. I am so sorry.
- I apologize for every time that I crossed your boundary, dishonored you, was inappropriate, hurt you in any way, consciously or unconsciously.
- I apologize for every Father, Grand-Father and Uncle!
- I apologize for every Brother, Cousin and Son!
- I apologize for every Husband, Boy-Friend, Friend and Stranger!
- I love you so much and appreciate you with the Passion of Heaven.
- You have greatly helped and empowered me.
- Without you my growth would be nonexistent.
- I honor you as the Portal that has given Birth to the Entire Universe…
- —Astarius Miraculii (On Behalf of All Men)
Clearly, Unconscious Man has his work cut out for him. The ascent of the Divine Masculine is a difficult one, perhaps much more difficult than that of the Divine Feminine. The collective horrific atrocities upon woman over time result in an incredibly intense, heavy, and cumulative emotional-energetic body of past pain, contributing greatly to the quicker awakening of woman into consciousness. Unconscious Man, as the perpetrator of these atrocities is conditioned to callous over any feelings that render him vulnerable. Unconscious Man’s programming doesn’t allow him to feel pain—if he does, other automatic programs are accessed—allowing him to readily distract himself in a variety of ways from any discomfort. These distractions include alcohol, drugs, sex, violence, and work.
Just like woman, man is conditioned and programmed from birth to be unconscious. This unconsciousness successfully passes on from one generation of his tribe to the next and the next. The absence of one Conscious Man or Conscious Woman in the tribal collective perpetuates an unconscious legacy.
Our tribal and family links attach in from all directions. They are the basis from which all of our relationships are formed—and life is all about relationships. Whether relationships are with people, or material concepts (like money), or the planet and nature, it is our family of origin who downloads us with pre-programmed fundamentals about all subjects. From this foundation of beliefs, we rise or fall throughout our lives. Spiritual evolution requires that each of us examines all beliefs carefully—especially those handed down from generation to generation.
The conditioning of boys (and girls) begins at conception. Whether conscious or not, the attitudes and belief structures held by his parents are the templates for a boy’s birth into physicality. These tribal systems are of the western world as well as other cultures; the geography is inconsequential.
We are all the sum of our parents’ dramas and histories. Like woman’s upbringing, man’s upbringing is influenced heavily by his mother and father, and all of their personal issues—those known, or held in secrecy. There are no exceptions.
Once birthed onto the physical plane, it doesn’t take long for a child’s egoic mind to take over his freedom and purity—numbing over his Divinity. We all begin to develop personalities by mimicking our parents—noticing their preferences, and those seen in the media. We all learn to make judgments about what behaviors are acceptable and not acceptable. Young minds begin to habitualize and synchronize the incessant adult chatter of comparing, judging, and labeling things. Innocence strays rather quickly from here.
In this day and age, unless a boy is completely isolated—with no access to television or other forms of media—all boys (and girls) receive the majority of their imprinting and programming from the media. Every male I have ever worked with or personally known has revealed the significant influence of television shows, movies, and magazines on not only their images, views, attitudes, beliefs, judgments, and thoughts regarding woman, but also on being a man…being out in the world-at-large.
The media’s undeniable global presence influences, encourages, supports, and solidifies the legacy of unconscious tribal, cultural, educational, religious, and societal programming. The media’s views regarding man and woman are varied, yet, glaringly biased toward man as the conqueror, entitled to the world-at-large, and woman as his prize. Man’s obsession with sex and power is consistently advocated, encouraged, and rewarded. Unconscious Man remains true to his programming.
The path of Conscious Man Arising includes a thorough excavation of all family issues and hand-me-down beliefs, as well as the acknowledgment and dissolving of cultural, educational, religious, and societal issues focused on the growing pains of boys becoming a man.
Some men I have worked with related growing pains to feeling as if they can never—or even want to—live up to the negative projected images of “being a man” as defined by their tribal programming.
Men who undertake the Great Inner Work—which includes diving deeply in shadow work—are a tremendous gift to the world and the planet, and the greatest gift to himSelf, his family, and humanity. This great inner work allows him to heal his entire tribal lineage by being the one Conscious Man, who has integrated his Inner feminine and masculine energies, to emerge from the family tribe. Obviously, questions of self-worth, adolescence, peers, masculinity, sexuality, and one’s purpose in the world must be asked and answered through direct discovery. All subjects must be cleaned and cleared up vibrationally. Clearly, tribal links and experiences shape man’s trek into consciousness.
Some men grow up with absent fathers who abandoned their families for unknown reasons, or for reasons such as incarceration. Other men grow up with fathers distracted by work and busy-ness, or are too indifferent to spend time with their families, and are absent anyway. Some men grew up without their fathers because their mothers felt it was in their best interest—better no father, than a father who is a three-time loser.
Some men grow up in violent environments, physically and sexually abused. Some men are raised in heavily religious environments that are fanatical, fear-based, severe, and stifling. There are men whose fathers and mothers fight constantly, and are unfaithful to each other. Many men grow up with angry, critical, frustrated, overbearing mothers who emasculate and ridicule them and their fathers, or just plain hate men. Some men are abandoned as young boys, either physically or emotionally, by mothers who were too young, immature, troubled, or indifferent to step up to the task of nurturing and caring for their children. The list of varying scenarios of tribal influence and socio-economic circumstances that shape man is endless.
This general path of Conscious Man Arising is a difficult one. Like the path of Conscious Woman, it is filled with the challenges of dying to yourself to reveal yourSelf. Encumbered by the foibles of the physical plane, we are programmed to believe in limitations. Yet we are all expressions of the Divine-In-The-Flesh. These limitations must be transcended in order for The Heart-Based New Humanity to awaken and open as love.
The Great Inner Work is Beyond Deleting Programs
If by embracing suffering you mean to not avoid it, then yes, embrace it, but do not indulge in it. Embrace the suffering so that you can go beyond it—Adyashanti
The continued journey of Conscious Man Arising requires the painful extraction of himSelf from the collective male unconscious. Though there is very little support for such an unpopular path—more and more men are stepping up to the task.
Even in today’s human potential movement, a man exploring his femininity, or gifted with a well-developed and balanced feminine is often ridiculed and categorized as a pussy, wimp, or wuss by both man and woman (from all camps)—conscious and unconscious. It’s a cosmic joke, so to speak. The images are unflattering to the egoic male self, even though the balance of qualities in such a man indicates higher conscious ability, opening himself to championing Third-Level-Third Chakra relationships of Compromise and Negotiation, and Fourth-Level Heart Chakra-based relationships. Conscious Man must traverse the mine-field jungle of collective, societal, unconscious role-playing through trial and error.
He becomes Conscious Man through the contrast of evolving from Unconscious Man. He becomes Conscious Man by transcending his past abuse, disrespect, hate, manipulation, and violent use of woman, then taking responsibility for his atrocities (towards her) as a charter member of the collective Unconscious Masculine. Through inner work initiated and precipitated by extreme personal and professional loss, betrayal, emotional pain, incarceration, health crisis, physical injury, or a sudden sense of Self that is beyond self—Conscious Man learns to release himSelf, and embrace own his Divine Feminine energies. He releases from the influences of past matrix system realities—the collective, all-encompassing limiting programs based on tribal, cultural, educational, religious, societal, historical, media connections and manipulations—that otherwise keep him unconscious.
As Conscious Man Arising purifies himself, he reveals not only his inner work and heart-opening, but also his ability to remember what it means to live from the true principle of the Divine Masculine—as the True Gifter-Giver.
Having dissolved past conditioning and programming through inner work, Conscious Man Arising faces the world with innocence and vulnerability that is rare, incredibly powerful, and potent. Conscious Man is life affirming, life giving. He allows his Divinity to shine through. Conscious Woman, also having done her inner work now draws to her this True Man, Divine. Together they serve each other and the world through their love and the making of love Divine. Together, in their truth and desire to be and live from the realization that they are love incarnate, Conscious Man and Conscious Woman stand as beacons of light. They are true inspirations for peace, transcending and transforming the world and its artificial demands and substitutions for love. They find each other.
Each man’s journey to consciousness takes humanity an evolutionary step forward and brings into alignment with his true Divine Self. Conscious Man—embodied in his masculine and feminine energies is empowered with ability to free the past pain of woman held deep within, thus dissolve the world within her.
The union of Conscious Woman with Conscious Man is one path to wholeness with the Divine. It is beautiful and of the most high.
- Let’s talk energy—regardless of gender—both men and women embody male and female energies.
- In general, masculine energy is directive, projective, action, doing, like a rock, like a mountain, steadfast and strong, solid, focused, driven, never changing.
- Like it or not, our fathers are our first interface with the energies of the Divine Masculine and the world-at-large.
- This interface and connection becomes our template for our own masculine directed-ness, focus, our ability to act on our own behalf, follow through and take action.
- Our fathers are also our foundational templates for the men in our lives—the good, the bad, the beautiful, the ugly, and everything in between and beyond!
- Discover the relationship between the Divine Masculine, our fathers, and allergies or emotional-energetic disconnections to wheat and meat, and how these affect the emotional, mental and physical bodies.
- You look at any family system in our neck of the woods, and also in any other place in the world and you can witness firsthand the breakdown of the traditional family.
- More and more families live and or display the sorry fact of the disappearing father—whether this translates to emotional or physical abandonment—or both—the results are psychological devastation on children regardless of gender.
- It is a fact that a weak or absent father cripples both his daughters’ and sons’ ability to achieve their own gender identity.
- Whether our fathers were active and present in our upbringings or not—their influence energetically, emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually program our lives on many different levels—affecting our ability to embrace our masculine and feminine energies, develop healthy self-esteem, manifest our dreams, attract healthy relationships and love partnerships, and manifest abundance and peace out in the world.
- Men who explored their potential found truth and revelation in the masculine activities of meditation and prayer—focus and steadfast awareness, itself.
- These men were able to get more and more in touch with the inner archetypes of mature masculinity—and were able to dissolve their patriarchal self and the other wounds of thoughts and feelings and behaviours—thus becoming more strong, centered towards themselves and others—both men and women.
- In the present crisis in masculinity-at-large—we don’t need LESS masculine power—we need more. We need more of the Mature/Conscious Masculine.
- We need more Man Psychology versus Boy psychology.
- We’re in far too much reaction (based on our growing edges and the limits of our program). There’s way too much bashing of the Masculine and Feminine by the patriarchy, and by the Fake feminist reaction against patriarchy, through which unconscious often masculine behaviour is expressed with impunity.
- It’s time for the Divine Masculine to emerge—for I’m have a strong feeling that he has never been fully actualized and embodied EVER in our history.
- This is also true of the Divine Feminine.
- In 2009 The Dalai Lama said that it is Western Woman who will save the world—okay, so it is up to Western Woman to slow down—all that RUSHING around that Western women do—is actually the embodiment of the UNCONSCIOUS MASCULINE mindset that time is running out—rushing, striving, conquering—that’s pretty much endeavoured to destroy the planet and hand it over to the powers that be.
- Western woman needs to soften and allow the Divine Masculine to emerge from her sons and husbands boyfriends and fathers—how?
- By embodying the receptive Principle of the Divine Feminine, and fostering that in her sons & daughters, allowing vulnerability to be an awakened trait within her man, and in all men.
- WE are not bashing men. It is my view that Patriarchy is an actual attack on the Divine Masculinity, or masculinity in its FULLNESS as well as femininity in its FULLNESS.
- The patriarchy, as a structure-matrix system reality, historically, and at this time—desperately seeks to dominate not only women, but men as well.
- Patriarchy is based on FEAR as is its flip side the Matriarchy:
- The boy’s fear, the immature masculine’s fear of women
- But also the fear of men—boys fear women, boys also fear real men.
- The patriarchal male will not welcome the full masculine development of his sons or his male subordinates, nor will he welcome the full development of his daughters, or female co-workers or employees.
- The patriarchy expresses what’s called BOY Psychology which we will get into in a few.
- The BIGGEST misconception- or lie perpetuated by the patriarchy is the notion is that the dysfunctional male has evolved out of an incomplete connection to the inner feminine. Many men literally attribute this phenomenon as being overwhelmed by the feminine, and having that be an on-going issue.
- But the truth is that dysfunctional male is really the end result of Missing the connection with the deep and instinctual masculine energies, or rather the potentials of mature masculinity.
- The patriarchy and feminism both block access to such depth—the depth in masculinity that can only be experienced and embodied through meaningful and transformative initiations through which conscious manhood is achieved.
- When we hear about a man who can’t get it together—it means that on a deep level—he is not experiencing, and cannot experience his deep masculine wisdom that inherently resides within his core being.
- He is fragmented—parts of his personality are split off from each other and leading fairly independent and chaotic lives.
- He’s probably not had the opportunity to undergo ritual initiation into the deep, conscious structures of manhood.
- He remains a boy—not because he wants to, but because no one has shown him the way to transform his boy energies into man energies.
- Modern-day men have lost conscious rites of passage from boys to men—as performed throughout history in tribal nations. Although much of these relate to hunting and gathering and assuming head of household positions for the survival of the clan—there was a sense of honour and reverence for masculine elders.
- Modern-day society now defers and glorifies its unconscious youth, and downplays its older wise men as has-beens, all washed up, old geezers, fossils—whose time and manliness have come and gone…move over and get outta the effing way!
- Drug dealer, the ducking and diving political leader, the wife beater, the asshole screaming boss, the “hot shit” junior executive/junior law partner, the cheating husband/boyfriend, the company “yes” man, the indifferent grad school advisor, the “holier than thou do as I say, not as I do” minister, the gang member, the absent flaky father who never has time to show up, the coach who criticizes his entire team and his star players, the therapist who unconsciously attacks his clients’ gifts and seeks to keep them down and co-dependent on “his” expertise, the yuppie, the pretty boy-stud/womanizer who thinks he’s god’s gift, the SNAG—the sensitive new-age guy, the nere-do-well, the perpetually busy and distracted absent-minded professor, the rock star/movie star/guru, the addict—all have one thing in common—they are all boys pretending to be men!
- They got that way because nobody showed them what a real mature conscious man is like.
- And most of us—men and women mistake man’s controlling, threatening and hostile abusive behaviours as strength! There are not. In reality, he is expressing the extreme vulnerability and weakness and dysfunction of the wounded boy.
The Archetypes of the Immature Masculine (as expressed by males and females):
The Divine Child
The High Chair Tyrant—The Weakling Prince-Princess
- The Divine Child is the essence of our true spiritual natures and the gifts we are meant to bring forth.
- The High Chair Tyrant is the demanding brat that sees himself at the center of the universe and entitled to have everything given to him in perfection or else there are consequences.
- The Weakling Prince-Princess is the lifeless, no personality, boy that needs to be convinced and coddled, he is whiney and a hypochondriac, he is wimpy, yet critical and blames everyone for his sensitivity.
The Hero-Heroine
The Bully—The Coward-Shrinking Violet
- The Hero-Heroine is the most advanced form of Boy Psychology/Archetype—and he expressed himself during adolescence. Many males get stuck in this and never evolve beyond this and its shadow poles.
- The Bully tends to impress others, that the expense of others in an effort to hide his overwhelming insecurity.
- The Coward tends to escape all responsibilities—he cannot stand up for himself, take a stand, or follow through
The Precocious Child
The Know-It-All Trickster—The Dummy
- The Precocious Child is the curious one seeking answers to universal questions like why does the sun shine? What is the nature of stars? Why is the sky blue? He is naturally curios and drawn to discovery. He is a great student.
- The Know-It-All-Trickster is the arrogant boy who tricks and judges and criticizes all those who fail his tests. He is the Con-Artist who will play on what you reveal you don’t know—or he’ll argue with you and IS always right.
- The Dummy has taken on the projections of being a slow learner, or not being good enough, ever. He is the butt of every joke, he is awkward in his body and movements and speech.
Oedipal Child
The Mama’s Boy-The Daddy’s Girl—The Dreamer
- The Oedipal Child, like all immature masculine energies, are overly tied, one way or another, to Mother, and are deficient in their direct experience of the nurturing, initiating mature masculine. Regardless, the Oedipal Child is compassionate and has a deep sense of wonder and appreciation for the connectedness of his inner depths with others and with all things. His relationship to spirituality arises from here. He is affectionate and expresses through his experience with his mother—his primary relationship. Unfortunately, though his mortal mother really represents the energy of the Archetypal feminine—eventually, his mortal mother will disappoint him. Until he’s able to integrate this difference—he will project the Mother Mary savior onto all women throughout his life.
- The Mama’s Boy-The Daddy’s Girl—need we explain this??? The boy tied to mom’s apron strings. Controls and possesses mother. She caters to him, he is excited by her. Men addicted to sex and pornography are typically Mama’s boys.
- The Dreamer is the boy who could never capture and possess his mother. This affects him in ways that isolate, alienate, and depress life force energy. He is a loner and unable to relate, unable to know his truth.
The Four Archetypes of the Divine Masculine:
The King-Queen
The Tyrant—The Weakling
The Warrior-Warrioress
The Sadist—The Masochist
The Magician
The Manipulator—The Denying “Innocent” One (who me???)
The Lover
The Addicted Lover—The Impotent Lover
- The Divine Child evolves into The King-The Queen
- The Hero Child evolves into The Warrior-The Warrioress
- The Precocious Child evolves into The Magician
- The Oedipal Child evolves into The Lover
Wheat & Meat Allergies:
- The representation in the West of our national grain being wheat and the propensity toward meat—representing, men, the world, dad bringing home the dough-the bacon, beefcake, man-meat, etc… creates biochemical errors when it comes to the food that we are addicted to physically, emotionally, and mentally.
- The body will actually create opiates that render us drug-addicted to wheat and meat and all the foods associated with wheat and meat.
- The resulting behaviours are pretty intense and extreme, from mood swings to acts of emotional, energetic, mental and physical abuse and violence.
- Fast foods and government handouts typically provide us foods that do not enhance life force but dumb us down.
- It’s part of the dumbing down of our divinity by allowing ourselves to fall victim to the trappings of convenient easy foods as we run ourselves into the ground busying ourselves in an effort to run away from feeling and being.
- GMO foods are designed to taste amazingly yummy and create addiction and programmed to control our vital forces, and feed and maintain the low-level consciousness of the little beasties that dwell in our bodies—allowing the ones that harm us to proliferate.
- Be conscious.
Additional Mirror-work Exercises exploring your relationship with the Masculine and Dad:
- Something I hated about my father…
- Something I wanted my father to give me…
- Something I wanted my father to tell me…
- Something I want to tell my father…
- The gifts I’ve received from my father are…
- With your partner, you will in “PRAISE MIND” share with you’re the great qualities of your father for five entire minutes…describe your father’s admirable qualities, and if you run out of things, be silent, or repeat what you just shared.
I want you all to think about and journal about your relationship with the masculine principle of gifting-giving, and the relationships with your father, brothers, men, and boyfriends/husbands, bosses, authority figures, our addiction to DOINg DOING DOING, and the world-at-large.
What are the challenges that come up? And what are the gifts from these relationships?
What is a conscious man? What are the qualities associated with a conscious man?
Alrighty my loves, we are at the end of our time together. I do hope you’ve enjoyed this video, and learned about the mechanisms of your own inner masculine.
Our next show Friday 23 January 2020 Episode 6: The Marriage of Spirit—Your Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Within
Your Journaling Homework to pre-pave our next show…
- journal about your fears regarding your own Divine Feminine nature—what are your challenges?
- what do you appreciate about your Divine Feminine nature?
- 2) journal about your fears regarding your own Divine Masculine nature—what are your challenges?
- what do you appreciate about your Divine Masculine nature?
- Which Principle or energy tends to override and knock you off balance in your day to day?
- Who do you need to be I order to embody the Sacred Marriage of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine?