Hello my darlings, welcome to LoveTruth&Beauty Episode 83, Part Two our continuing conversation on Conscious Sexuality—having exited the Matrix—that is No Longer Following and adhering to any automated scripts and behaviours—of Sexual enslavement or the masculine and feminine or men and women, or any other Divide & Conquer programs as promulgated by the powers-that-wanna-be within the Matrix.
In this video, I’m sharing a really fun, effective, and cathartically Serious AF DIY Clearing Ritual exercise that you can utilise over and over again and engage to dissolve and heal the intense collective pain body, or specific one-off traumas/events/interactions from the energetic sexual deposits and projections of any sexual encounter that you engage in, that endeavours to deplete you, or harsh your mellow or tried to tell you who and what you are.
It’s called The Body Painting Clearing Ritual: This is an extremely powerful process and engages your Superpowers of your 1st and 2nd Chakras, utilising their respective colours of Red and Orange—the elements of fire and earth. You will need to purchase (from an art supply store) some non-toxic body paints in Red and Orange and a protective painting tarp—which can be plastic or canvas.
The process is simple:
- Put on some music that evokes/invokes intense emotion that represents the totality of the way you feel about a certain sexually dysfunctional pattern or a certain person you want to clear out of your morphogenic field regarding your sexuality.
- Remove all your clothing and using the body paints (making sure your carpets and floors are protected by tarps)
- paint your body—trust your 6th Chakra’s Superpower of Intuition to know how, how much, and where to paint your body—with the intention to clear and purify any dark and discordant, distorted energies leftover from being touched inappropriately, or perhaps you’ve been obsessed and addicted with the touched from an abuser or cheater or user.
- Whatever your circumstance, this body painting clearing ritual is so so good.
- After you pain your body, allow it to dry, dance around in wild abandon, cry, journal.
- When you’re ready get into a hot shower and wash off the paint and imagine all your pain and suffering and disempowerment going down the draining where it’s transformed into healing and empowerment for yourself and for other humans suffering similar pain. Using fragrant soaps and shampoos, wash your hair and your body.
- And when your complete, get out of the shower and slather yourself—anoint your body with a nice lotion and/or body oil—loving yourself and appreciating yourself, trusting your healing and wholeness.
- Celebrating your renewed Innocence and Purity of Heart, Mind & Body with your Divinity.
- Declaring 10 times: Aham Prema—I am Divine Love, Aham Prema—I am Divine Love, Aham Prema—I am Divine Love, Aham Prema—I am Divine Love, Aham Prema—I am Divine Love, Aham Prema—I am Divine Love, Aham Prema—I am Divine Love, Aham Prema—I am Divine Love, Aham Prema—I am Divine Love, Aham Prema—I am Divine Love.
I will include in the description box some links to pampering and anointing oils
Ok my darlings, that’s my speech.
Body Paints: https://www.hobbylobby.com/Crafts-Hob... https://www.amazon.com/Paint-Tarps-Ca... Anointing Oils by Ani Adams ~~ Gaia Perfumes: https://www.facebook.com/GaiaPerfumes