Hello lovebugs, welcome to Episode 116, a Super quick video on Discernment and checking your unhealed needy sense of belonging at the proverbial door or suffer fools and the consequences of cult abuse as promulgated by NSP guru types. You know these charismatic types. You think they’re all that and a bag of chips because they are appealing to your sense of righteousness, or they’re HOT AS Fuck, or they have what YOU lack, or you imagine yourself to be their clone. Whatever. Check yourself to see if You give over your power to them and project all that you ought to be cultivating for yourself onto them. You are blinded by your projections of greatness onto them, forgetting they’re flawed like everyone else. Suppose they’ve not done the Great Work beyond pointing to goobermints and other authorities as agents of mind control within the Matrix. In that case, they are any different than any other power-hungry ego-maniacal NSP, bent on convincing you they’re the next best thang in your world of lack and pseudo wokeness.
They can sweet talk you into handing over all your passcodes to your critical personal accounts. Perhaps they can get you to take off your panties in front of a crowd of zombies then shame you by accusing you of being a cheap little slut with a desperate need for outside validation, all the while grooming you to suck up to them (and perhaps suck them off or at the very least commit to total adoration and compliance to their madness as you have turned them into the foremost authority of your new and improved life, thanks to them, don’t you know?
Oh yes, my friends, these lying motherfuckers are everywhere within the Matrix claiming to be Woke for this and that cause: New Age Bullshit, Fake Tantra, Goddess this and that, Male Empowerment, Fake Feminist/man-haters, Misogynist/Mansplainers’MGTOW==Men Going Their Own Way, sex positive this and that—including pedos are people too type shit; Truth & Freedom/Truffer-Sovereignty- groups—whether political-anarchist-constitutionalists, Disclosure/UFOlogy, Natural vs man-made law, history, health—Alterna and allopathic, nutrition, fitness, psychological, self-help vs self-hell, environmental, technology, science, religious/spirituality, educational/indoctrination, fine art, dance, music, entertrainment industry, blah, blah, blah. Come up with your own, check out the app MeetUp—so many lonely people, dudes. Beware.
Wake up, kids! Pay attention: You have to own your attention and own yourself, exiting the Matrix to Compose Your Reality, according to your principles. One size does NOT fit all in the True Quantum Field Universe. Once a so-called leader tries to get you to adhere to their whatever, and convince you that you cannot possibly know what’s right for you and your life and family, you’re being bullshitted and brainwashed. DON’T Fall for it!!
I don’t care who they are or what they claim they stand for. Don’t even believe me. What I offer is a slice of what I’ve discovered directly for myself, as life has shown me. You have your own life and path. Be Your Own Guru.
DISCERN. Don’t be a fucking sycophant yes person to ANYONE. Belong to yourself. Become your own authority, bust a move, and don’t be a whiney lazy ass. Research and review from multiple sources. Get off the propaganda of tv media or Snopes or Wikipedia or whatever the fuck is the convenience du jour for you to receive information. Remember Siri and Alexa and Cortona and Erica and whatever the fuck else in AI-cyber personality land aren’t real-deals; they’re NOT human.
It frightens me that I even have to say it. Lols.
Research the word Sovereign and find out wtf it truly means! It’s being hijacked by dumbasses more and more as if it’s the latest and greatest buzzword for online entrepreneurship for woke dumbasses. Please don’t fall for it.
Funny how these folks are outing themselves as aligned with the Great White Lie. If you don’t know wtf I’m talking about—I suggest you research that as well.
Here’s a repeat from our last video, where I referred to pop culture’s group-mind-think-feel-do-speak-believe-us-we’re-right-echo chambers of PC behaviours and mind control or else be Cancelled, as we fuck your shit up. Pick an “ISM” and notice the list of membership requirements for your admission to that select club. I can say this because as a brown woman, a former immigrant, I’m not fooled in to say White Guilt, for example, I witness the brainwashing of white folks being guilted ad nauseaum for everything wrong with the world and the Matrix.
That’s fucking mind control people. GOT IT? It’s nonsense, just more Divide and Conquer bullshit.
Start the Great Work of dealing with and healing your first exposure to cult abuse. Your family of origin issues are where your hurts and pains and traumas originate so you can grow up, stand steadfast on your own and not require agreement or the back up support from a bunch of other lost people claiming to agree with you. Grow a spine.
Stop infantilising your willful Ignore-ance—balance facts and feelings and thoughts. Challenge your beliefs and perspectives and knee-jerk reactions. If something freaks you out or repulses you, be an adult, grow a pair and investigate what the fuck you’re up to or what you’re not up to. Often our complicity to evil lies in our inability to face up to the real horrors of the world. No, don’t take me there. This inability to be courageous and face unpleasantries is precisely why human atrocities prevail throughout the millennia of human existence. So, stop being a fucking tool for the powers-that-wanna-be and their satanic echo-chambered cabal. If it’s popular, you might want to check to see who is profiting and at whose expense. Seriously.
Our children are being exploited right under our noses because of our laziness and perpetual distractions of survival and other Matrix System Reality storylines.
You are a Grand Creator. Act like one. Wake Yourself Up. See Yourself, See Reality. Exit the Matrix. Enter into your awareness/attention Center—your Center Screen your Awakened State in the True Quantum Field/Creation Field Universe. Activate your Magic Wand—Compose the Reality You Want. This is how we repopulate the True Quantum Field Universe, but we have to get the fuck out of the Matrix to stop obeying its automated zombie life scripts.
The powers-that-wanna-be and their satanic cabal are no more special than you or me; except They believe they are entitled to create what they want. And in any Reality Creation, everything and everyone gets to exist in and out of the Matrix—so rather than focus on their shit—their wants and needs—focus on your wants and needs.
Activate your Superpower of Imagination as wielded by your Third Eye—your 6th Chakra. Compose your mantras, declarations, affirmation, goal frames and goal slides with clear pictures of your desired outcome, embellished with emotions and feelings and colours.
Know the Universe Takes care of you. You belong to yourself, not some outside authority, this is what being sovereign means.
Ok, my loves that is my speech! I know, another brutal video, but fuck it, I’m sick of NSPs, for real. I’m sick of toxic predators using good people. ENOUGH, already. As per usual, it’s my deepest pleasure to give you the head’s up.