Hello my dahlinks, welcome to LoveTruth&Beauty Episode 176, instalment #13 of LT&B QUICKIE KISS--Keep It Simple, Sexy playlist rant, stating the obvious: Don’t irritate the Matrix, Hack it!
This directive is one of the main reasons why I am teaching a step-by-step on the energetics of all Trauma-Based Mind Control and how it works to keep hooomans asleep, stuck in the Matrix.
Bottom line, any attempt to push up against the Matrix and its Divide & Conquer agendas through non-New Age Bullshit Unity and effective out of the Matrix Healing of all Trauma sans Victim Identitarianism, irritates the fuck out of the Matrix and its zombie followers, so the Matrix Gatekeepers will poo-poo and discredit any possibility of healing or light-shedding even though the Matrix loves a good Divide & Conquer reactivity hate-filled shitshow of any *He Said-She Said, They Said-We Said* of the Left-Right-Centre Matrix paradigm.
Know the difference, kids, along with Energy Mastery of how hoooman creative energy is usurped and how you can own your attention AND your creative life force energies. Soon you will be waltzing in and out of all the shitshows undetected with the Matrix becoming a cooperating component of your most excellent up-levelled life.
That's my speech! XOXO