Hello my dahlinks, my special babies, my waking Gods & Goddesses—Divine-in-the-flesh. Welcome to LoveTruth&Beauty Episode 180 and instalment no15 of LT&B QUICKIE KISS; Keep It Simple, sexy rant.
First off, thank you, my Hunny bunnies, for your support of our work here—we just went over the 600 subscribers mark, and our two oooops-tooob naughty spanking strikes that once again placed my video efforts in the bad bin are now lifted. YAY! Vielen Dank! Transufing Reality like a bad MOFO, kids.
And speaking of bad mofo-ness, ohh boy, our last video either sparked some latent creative juices or upset and overturned the proverbial apple cart—wherever and however you found yourself in the aftermath—rest assured YOU ARE NOT A FLATLINE automaton moron kissing the Matrix’s ass or licking the bungholes of perhaps the ohh so uber-attractive gatekeepers of the Matrix’s politically correct Divide & Conquer shitshows in masks and Good American jeans—of which I own a few pair myself. lols!
Ha! I’m totally fucking with you guys.
So, apparently, there is much confusion around wtf owning your attention means! Sigh, and I thought I was making myself uber plain and unambiguous and over-simplifying things, but apparently, I was talking over some of your heads. Mea Culpa. Mea Culpa. Mea Culpa. I keep forgetting one of the points of successful youtube is distilling content to the 5th-grade level—forgive me… NOT—dudes, grow the fuck up—unlike the Matrix—I don’t buy the bullshit of victimhood, and I will absolutely not participate in INFANTILISING you—nope, not going to happen.
So, in today’s video, I thought it would be fun and amusing, if not for shits&giggles to film a video and out my own dum-dum ass in the many ways, the Matrix tries to hijack my attention and make a tasty meal out of my Creative energies—getting me way off my game of Composing My Reality, immersed in some unimportant time and energy waster—though in some cases—time and place are definitely considerations.
Some of you have written to me and commented on how perfect my life must be to have this Reality Creation stuff down. HA!! Bullshit!
I fucking fall asleep all the time, though I am getting better and better at catching myself starting to snooze. And when I do, I wake Myself Up. I see Myself. I see my Reality. I Exit the Matrix. Enter into my Awareness-Awakened centre. I compose my Reality.
New Age Bullshit Spirituality has brainwashed folks into believing that Spiritual Awakening, aka Waking Up, is a one-off event. It is NOT!! Please don’t fall for it.
Waking Up and Owning Your Attention is a constant moment-to-moment practise—that’s why it’s a spiritual practice.
Whenever I get triggered about some shitshow I’m witnessing in the outer screen of the Matrix or having a mind fucking session within the inner screen of my Reality—you know –all that bullshit spinning around that happens in your head with all your various personas weighing in on something that’s grabbed your attention. I do the following:
I wake Myself Up. I see Myself. I see my Reality. I exit the Matrix. I Enter into my Awareness-Awakened centre. I compose my Reality. REPEAT often.
Ok. So, let me be transparent. Because my business and life’s work are online—Social Media platforms are the biggest Matrix hijackers of my attention and create life force energies.
I learned the hard way how to navigate social media by scheduling posts ahead of time using FREE applications so that I’m not actually there when they go live, and therefore aren’t seduced into scrolling and getting into pissing matches in the comments sections of triggering posts having to do with whatever shitshow grabs my attention. It's that fucking easy.
Let’s list them: see the video for this EPIC list. You won't be disappointed to find out!
And I would so remiss to forget to mention the online adverts for PLANTS—I am a bonafide PlantHO with over 300 plants, plus the ads for sexy lingerie, Sephora’s Rouge Sale, mu gurl Pinkysplaining, Cat Videos, food shows, sexy cocktails, etc.
So, whatever hijacks your attention, WAKE YOURSELF Up. See Yourself. See Your Reality. Exit the Matrix. Enter into YOUR Awareness-Awakened-Attention centre. Compose your Reality. They who own their attention—Owns their Reality. Ok, my babies, that's my speech--a long KISS, not a Quickie KISS.
I love you! XOXO