Hello my lovebugs, my Hunny-bunnies, my special babies. Welcome to Episode 179, for reals, a continuation of our video series on the Energetics of Trauma-Based Mind Control as a pre-requisite to understanding my work regarding the 3 Trauma cages so that those of you awakening and interested in the nature of this work can understand further how mind control is possible only within the Matrix—which as I’ve mentioned time and time again that The Matrix and the world are complete inversions of the True Quantum Field Creation Field Universe and the Planet. The World is NOT the Planet.
Today’s video is all about The Matrix and its sole purpose: to hijack your Attention and drain your life force creative energies. By owning your Attention and robbing you of creative energy, the Matrix keeps you asleep and forgetful of your Divinity and your purpose to create Formless into Form so that you are merely food for the Matrix and its demonic gatekeepers.
The world wide web is now the common denominator of Matrix control—even our children participate in these shitshows and their social media tools, now explicitly designed to gain your Attention and access your innermost thoughts, fears, and desires. And just like that—Humanity is now more deeply enslaved by the Matrix than ever before because of these technological marvels.
Attention Management is key or rather lack thereof. Btw... being Spiritually Awake is the same as Owning Your Attention. By owning your attention, you exit the Matrix and none of its shitshows affect you... Just sayin'.
That's my speech, kids! XOXO