Hi darlings, Welcome to Episode 92, Part Eight of our video series on Conscious Sexuality & Celibacy. In particular, I am happily giving focused airtime to my brothers—you beautiful men of all sexual persuasions, out there also endeavouring to waltz in and out of the Matrix, whilst consciously wielding your masculine prowess, learning how to be awake with your conscious phalluses, working out those dark nights of the sexual soul, dissolving your own personalised and tribal and mind control traumas regarding the rules and regulation on being a man and embodying masculinity.
Shoutout to three epic awesome men who had a cajones to reach out to me and set my ass straight: a millennial thirty-something half-African American and Polish gentleman, a 45-year-old gay man, and a 57-year-old senior (his words, not mine). All-three weighed in on a particular topic—I’ve held healing space for with clients and student, but haven’t yet addressed in my podcats, blog, or videos.
My bad. We women go on and on with great gusto about men objectifying us, but there is the flip side of that which goes unchecked. Like what?
Funnily enough, I caught myself on Instagram, leaving a sexist remark, clearly objectifying a male friend and content creator of mine. However, my comment was innocent and expressing admiration for his drive and passion for daily fitness.
So apparently there are some rather aggressive women embodied more fully in their masculine energies, who are with handsome men and objectify them regularly. In passing, one would not think such a thing would be bothersome, but oh think again. These three men all shared stories about overly sexualised women wearing them out sexually, physically, emotionally, mentally and energetically. So much so that they felt angry and upset and devalued! All three men expressed their exhaustion and frustration at feeling as if they were nothing but beefcake and sexual apparatuses for their significant others.
These feelings were not one-off events, but lifelong. These men are beautiful, well-off, and self-proclaimed to be well-endowed—their reputations longstanding, even I’ve heard the rumours. I feel like a human vibrator! I’m just a chauffeur, a live giant dildo to her, plus free food and the best alcoholic beverages, and a free place to crash. Pleasure me on demand, make me come again and again, or else I’ll be a bitch, or you will buy me something nice to make up for it. Fuck me every which way—3, 4, 5, 6 times a day. I want treats! Take me shopping. I want bougies champagne and foie gras. Not to mention, the threats of feigning impropriety, publicly, should he fail.
OMFG. I’m stunned! Like what the fuck?? I’ve heard of crazy psycho bitches, but what the hell is going on here?? These men went so far as to file restraining orders in an attempt to create a protective boundary.
As a woman, I’ve done the Great Work to free myself of the energies of the Unconscious Masculine. Often these energies manifest as The Bitch Archetype or The Femme Fatale, resulting from the Unconscious Masculine energies that have been dumped, embodied, trapped, and expressed by women who’ve not yet done their healing work to dissolve these dark energies left behind from all the unconscious sexual activity they’ve unknowingly engaged in or have been victimised by, along with the heavy historical collective pain-body of the Feminine and Masculine.
Each of these men admits to being worshipped and place on a pedestal as children. Their families idolised them for their beauty and specialness, resulting in an overinflated sense of self in some instances, but not these men. These men felt weighed down by their so-called specialness, pressured and anxiety-ridden that they could never live up to the hype; they felt victimised. Just as women feel overpowered by the Don Juan Archetype, men feel helpless amidst The Bitch and Femme Fatale Archetypes. These men have undergone the Hero’s Journey into the Underworld, each committing to a Conscious Celibacy practice, and unravelling the traumas around what it means to be a man, along with man’s role in providing for and pleasuring women (or the feminine counterpart in gay partnerships).
Wow, right?? Thanks, guys for bringing this facet up.
None of us gets a free pass avoiding the Great Work in Waking Up and making conscious all aspects of our lives.
Okay, my lovebugs, that's my speech!