Hello my lovebugs, my Hunny-bunnies, my special babies, Welcome to Episode 133, my cheeky video addressing the shitshow of one of the actual epidemics plaguing hoomans within the Matrix—what the fuck am I talking about for real?? I'm talking about the epidemic of Moral Fucking Superiority amidst the Left-Right-Center Paradigm of the Divide & Conquer mind control agendas set up by the Powers-that-Wanna-be who've enslaved most of humanity for millennia and are banking on keeping up with this shit through various and sundry means of beguiling coercion. Unfortunately, most hoomans are stuck asleep in the Matrix and have no clue they're being controlled and manipulated into self-righteous haters.
There are so many of you who claim to be *woke* because of your membership in whatever this and that echo chamber on either side of the left-right paradigm or right smack in the middle, yet you do not realise how actually sound asleep you indeed are.
I'm really wanting to make myself very plain because there is so much blatant bullshit speaking about wokeness, so allow me to tell it differently.
Let's take, for example, the Hot Topic subject: to get the cv19 poke or not get the cv19 poke. I have witnessed firsthand a plethora of vitriolic haters—with their holier-than-thou opinions, memes, posts, videos and blogs about being right in terms of their collective umbrella judgments being constantly pushed from the left-right-centre paradigms. All sides are pushing their agendas and opinions as if each has the last word as if each is fit to rule over another's decision-making.
Know this as a fundamental TRUTH: None of us is fit to rule over another. We can only rule over our respective selves!
So, FUCK OFF with all your hater vibes! And I seal that with a smooch!
It's mind-boggling actually because it seems to me that most of these folks who go on and on with their shitposting and carrying on are reasonable, or I perhaps mistakenly deem them as reasonable, when maybe they are actually sound asleep, stuck in the Matrix as a slave within the Matrix, pretending to be awake and aware by following all the within the Matrix scripts of prefab trigger happy behaviour.
In this extreme climate of mind-controlled shitshows within the Matrix, managed by all forms of media and po(o)p culture to safeguard the energetic food supply for the demonic powers-that-wanna-be to continuously vampirise Hoomans within the Matrix, I supposed it isn't really all that surprising that most enslaved Hoomans fall for it—and cannot resist the temptation to get into some pissing match on who's either more woke, or who's view is correct.
I would think a woke person would NOT contribute to humanity's further enslavement and refrain from falling for the powers-that-wanna-be's trigger tactics! But any scrolling of social media memes would show the haters giving their powers away.
From a reality creation perspective—whether we create reality inside or outside of the Matrix, we are all creating our own realities. Although creating a reality within the Matrix subjects our creations to the rules and regulations and prefabricated automated scripts of the controllers, aka powers-that-wanna-be, none of us can create reality in someone else's reality, so that being said, why the fuck is this moral superiority so prevalent??
Let's get down to basics, shall we?? Just like any other subject, when it comes to the cv19, we are all allowed our own opinion regarding how to proceed with the poke or not. Whatever research, if any, one will have a different outcome depending on one's perspective and specific reality or intention. I repeat: We are all creating a separate reality, yet also co-creating a collective reality consensus, which looks like, in my opinion, a collective based on fear regardless of where you are within the Matrix's Left-Right-Centre paradigm, which is but a facet of the Divide & Conquers agendas of the powers-that-wanna-be.
And all you so-called woke folks fall for their shit!
Within this hot topic, I witness folks who choose NOT to receive the poke and those who do receive the poke in its various forms, along with folks who abstain from giving an opinion, to all be vehemently adamant that their perspective is the Absolute Truth and the correct path. With nearly 8 billion hoomans on the planet, I doubt very much that any of us have any right pathway to lord over another's sovereign right to choose whatever course of action they wish without any blocks or sabotage from another.
We could get into all sorts of debates about what it means to Do No Harm, but if you're firmly planted on either side of the aisle or sitting on the centre fence, remember you're stuck in the Matrix, sound asleep! Unless you genuinely compose your reality outside of the Matrix from your awakened Attention Center, you're a slave of the Matrix and the powers-that-wanna-be. Period.
Sorry to be such a bombardier of outing your bullshit, but that's my job!
In my last video, I spoke about the power of staying in your own lane. This philosophy/credo certainly applies to the cv19 pokey and everything else that would invite us hoomans to Divide and fight each other for the sheer entertainment of the powers-that-wanna-be.
So, STOP IT! Be yourself and allow everyone to be different from you. My Life, My Body, My Choice, bitches. Lols!! Whether you agree or not, it's none of your fucking business, especially if you are truly awake and no longer a slave within the Matrix!
The moment you catch yourself being all judgey and self-righteous pernickety because someone you know or don't know voices an opinion about the cv19 pokey, check yourself! You have no idea what another person is going through, what their life's circumstances are, what kinds of research they've done, what their medical history says.
Realise that you may be in a triggered FEAR state and deep reactivity! The powers-that-wanna-ve love for their hooman slaves to be in a constant state of reactivity—any reactivity because they relish in their hooman slaves to turn on one another.
Wake yourself up. See Yourself. See Your Reality. Exit the Matrix. Enter into your awakened state/your attention centre. Compose your reality.
Remember, you cannot create in anyone else's reality, only in yours. So, get on with it! Compose your wonderful life that rocks no matter what shitshow the powers-that-wanna-be and the Matrix throw! In your awakened state, you are operating primarily from your attention centre. You get to waltz in and out of the Matrix undetected; all the Matrix players and actors collaborate with you to bring to fruition your reality compositions!
Remember, the powers-that-wanna-be have mind-controlled and divided & conquered hoomans for millennia. Don't be their fucking tool. Stop that shit. You know better. Just because you witness a sleeping slave hooman being a tool doesn't mean you have to down-step your frequency and join the drama and be a tool yourself. Stay awake! Stay inspired. Create Your Own Reality!
OK, my Hunny bunnies, my lovebugs, my beautiful Divine ones, that is my speech! Do take very good care, learn to go stealth—waltzing in and out of the Matrix undetected.