Hello my lovebugs, my Hunny-bunnies, my special babies. It's been a minute. Welcome to Episode 126, alas, our return to normalcy of sorts, after a barrage of informal interviews and Zoom conversations notwithstanding. In today's super quick video, I answer some delightful queries as to WTAF I was thinking on those Zoom calls and some additional commentary on my childhood experiences of brutality and dietary choices, none of which, by the way, will be me minimising my experiences or defending my ass. So, those of you on an angry-vegan holier than thou warpath, you can F-off, and I seal that with a lovingly juicy smooch, or you can kiss my butt.
Woke culture, bah humbug! Lols!
Quite a number of you commented on how patient I was with George during our 1st call, Episode 124. Lols! Chalk that up to 3 more decades of living on my plus column; he's a youngin' for sure.
During this second call, Episode 125, Zoom was not cooperating in giving George permission to record, even though I was recording on my end, after which I would send him the link. So no harm, no foul, but nevertheless, George was especially offended by the revelation of my occasional dietary choices. Lols! It is my observation that so many vegans claim that all carnivores, without exception, are murderers and have demonic-violent tendencies, yet, for all the so-called pristine plant-based diets vegans claim to eat, bragging love and light peacefulness, why is it that so many are literal violent tweakers--psychically and emotionally, having meltdowns like a fucking snowflake, going psycho-apeshit over another's sovereign health choices? Honestly--the screaming and yelling and foaming-at-the-mouth raging, the threats of harm, and moral superiority.
Those of you who know me, you know this righteous, snowflake "I'm so offended" shit makes me laugh!
George immediately emailed me and called bullshit to justify my dietary choices. Silly me responding to his reply to shedding light on a deeper context to him.
I've always been a curious soul, so decades ago, when I received the opportunity to spend time on a Kibbutz in Israel, I did. Animal husbandry is NOT for the squeamish. I also have several exes who are experts at hunting and fishing and taught me its fundamentals, along with the applied use of firearms, knives, and crossbows, and humane ways to target game. And I was everyone's go-to cross-section girl with the saw in Anatomy and Physiology labs. With all my direct experience in handholding survivors of trafficking and the most violent and egregious forms of trauma-based mind control like Satanic Ritual Abuse, I will NOT suffer fools. So many so-called researchers are suffocating in their delusional idealistic bullshit of regurgitated upchucked "other people's words and work," all of which is neither tried nor true nor even remotely backed up by real-deal-life experiences.
One viewer emailed me and queried as to why I did not put George in his place. My answer is that it's NOT my job to shame someone who obviously cannot match my direct life experiences, even if that someone is so blatantly adversarial and off-base. He outed himself. I just stayed in my lane. I witness so many folks trapped in so-called Truth stuck in their minds and have yet to drop their so-called information into knowledge and then drop it all into their bodies and hearts to actualise wisdom, testing these theories for their application and resulting consequence. I'm confident George will get there. The process is a painful one and cannot be rehearsed within the mind, but through the ego's bitter will, humbled by Life and existence—the Soul's path, the Heart, and Body.
Those of you who are content creators—artists, writers, musicians, dancers, etc., have to learn how to stay centred and aligned from within your core values. There will be many opportunities to share your work out into the public domain, and you will encounter folks who are tricksters or plain want to argue to hear themselves talk away.
There's nothing more powerful than being a class-act, keeping your attention centre, and not falling asleep, hurled back into the Matrix of he-said-she-said-they-said-we-said Divide & Conquer.
Another viewer was shocked at George's insistence that all Trauma-Based Mind Control can be instantly healed. Again, he speaks from a voice of inexperience and naivety. However, he claims to have cured himself of his traumas—though he never offered up any specifics to contrast where I was coming from in my facilitating survivors of extreme physical/sexual violence. I doubt he was ever kidnapped, sold as chattel, drugged and handcuffed/shackled to a dirty, bloodied, soiled bed to sexually service through his every bodily orifice against his will, countless sexual predators or blood ritually sacrificed for the latest windfall of obscene profits.
He also challenged me that my violent childhood traumas' recall is perhaps *implanted memories,* verifiable physical scars and broken bones notwithstanding.
It is crucial for me as a content creator and facilitator of healing to stay awake and not be baited into superficialities where the person I'm speaking with has no fucking idea what I'm talking about, to be fair.
As to why I agreed to this trial conversation/podcast, honestly, my first inclination was to decline—I am a very busy person with all my projects and passions. While his presentations are entertaining and theatrical, it was clear that his leanings toward pontification are heady at best, but I figured it would be worth an initial chat or two to decide. In George's defence, in my vetting process, I discovered him a member of an active Mastermind, of which several of my close content creator friends and colleagues are also members. There you have it.
But, alas, I was not satisfied with the superficial surface nature of our interaction. My work is deep and genuine and authentic, not stuck in the mind field of egoic dissemination of useless debates based on theories and zero real-life application. I am a practical-results-oriented facilitator, hence my three decades worth of devotion to Love, Truth & Beauty and DeActivation of Trauma-Based Mind Control. Inspiring so many to chose Life, exit the Matrix, and evolve from Victim to Victorious Reality Creator.
Fortunately, the Universe handled such details as to my True Priorities: A beloved project received funding in ways that made it plain any extraneous time consumers in my Life: eliminated. Period. Funnily enough, when I related this epicness to George, there were no congratulations. He again accused me of lying to him about my work and wanted to know specifics about my funded project. What the fuck, dude? Get over yourself. Except for answering queries from my viewers, I justify nothing. I owe him a ZERO explanation other than what I already offered.
This experience with George has been an exercise in discernment for me in expanding my work to other viewers. Clearly, he wanted to be able to bounce his verbose Truth word salad off me. Still, he lacked the skills and experience of an actual conversational approach.
I have experienced many hailing knocks on my Reality Creation door, but not all knocks and invitations are for me. That is a given in Reality Transurfing and Law of Attraction. Discernment is critical, and obviously, I gave him a pass because of his membership to an exclusive club where I projected a certain amount of value. HA! I was so sound asleep on that bullshit.
Proof, in my humble opinion: fuck clubs! Fuck memberships! Fuck Masterminds, name-dropping notwithstanding, proves nothing.
It's prudent for me to conclude that he is not adept at Reality Creation. Especially critical in Reality Creation is the whole Mums-the-word philosophy of keeping your project private. In doing so, you do not invite other people's emotional/energetic ca-ca or bad vibe juju into your creation mix, thus ensuring its success. Through the school of hard knocks, I've learned this is one of the secrets to materialisation and Quantum Jumping your Life and creating your reality outside of the Matrix, bypassing all its limited programs and automated scripts.
As for my conversation with my little darling, Nathan, of Hot Vegan Anarchist, thank you all for your affirming, delight-filled comments about our deeply felt mutual admiration and heartfelt connection and repartee. We're all about the Love and Creativity and Magick!
Ok, my Hunny bunnies, my lovebugs, my Divine ones, that is my speech!