Hello lovebugs, welcome to Episode 115. Let’s talk about the strategic tactic of TRIANGULATION. Triangulation is that ever so carefully employed/deployed by the NSPs—The Narcissists=Sociopaths=Psychopaths within the Matrix and their strategies for control and fucking with your world—because this is the real pan=hndemic, folks, they are out in droves—when desperate times—yields desperate situations, the trolls and predators see the opportunity in your openness and goodness and go there.
So, beware of all of the shitshow dynamics within the Matrix that would have you compromise yourself for basic survival, sex, money, attention, companionship (like longing for a girlina friend to shop with), a fake sense of belonging to a particular club or woke AF group, a false sense of self-worth, and so on.
Although well known in unhealthy and toxic family dynamics, it’s not just limited to families. Triangulation can occur in any relationship, including friendships, romantic relationships, workplace, especially pop culture’s group-mind-think-feel-do-speak-believe-us-we’re-right-echo chambers of PC behaviours and mind control pr else be Cancelled and we will fuck your shit up. Pick an “ISM” and notice the list of membership requirements for your admission to that select club.
That’s fucking mind control people. GOT IT?
But what the fuck is Triangulation, anyway? Why it is it such a standard manipulation and control tactic? How do we recognise it?
What Is Triangulation?
Triangulation is when a toxic or manipulative person, often a person with strong narcissistic traits, brings a third person into their relationship to remain in control. There will be limited or no communication between the two triangulated individuals except through the manipulator. It may appear in different forms, but all are about dividing and conquering or playing against each other.
According to Wikipedia, just for those of you desiring familiarity, particularly if you’re new to my ways (I am NOT a fan by the way to the W—as it’s been terribly compromised by propagandists—just so you know). Triangulation is a manipulation tactic where one person will not communicate directly with another person, instead using a third person to relay communication to the second, thus forming a triangle. It also refers to splitting in which one person manipulates a relationship between two parties by controlling communication between them. Triangulation may manifest itself as a manipulative device to engineer rivalry between two people, known as Divide & Conquer or playing one (person) against another.
And my babies, if you haven’t done any of your Great Work, you will easily fall for their shit. These NSPs study your issues and weaknesses based on your sharing of your stuff unbeknown that they’re taking notes to see where you can be exploited and NOT KNOW. Or they will try to garner your Empathy by constantly telling you about how victimised they are by everyone.
Been there, done that.
According to Dr Karen Doll, Triangulation is a tactic used to manipulate an interaction between two people who do not communicate directly. It is problematic because a third person becomes involved in a situation between the two individuals involved in the conflict. Triangulation is a strategy utilised by emotionally unstable people to manipulate a situation. It is an unhealthy tactic and can generate toxicity and additional, unnecessary negativity in relationships.
Within the vast catalogue of toxic behaviour, short of being criminal (or is it Criminal? I think it is criminal, by the way), Triangulation is amongst the most well-known of social fuckery manipulation. It is prevalent, especially among narcissistically inclined individuals, and can be overt, or insidious, and many people don’t even realise they have been triangulated until it is too late. Indeed, those who regularly manipulate others will resort to Triangulation because it is an easy, low cost but high yield behaviour.
Remember NSPS require an Empath (YOU) and an Apath, a yes person, sycophant—anyone they can easily overpower and manipulate—who’ll agree with them about the lies they tell about YOU without question.
Be very aware of your wants and desires when you’re composing a new reality. NSPs are adept at using your Empathy and history and emotional sensitivities to manipulate you into giving them whatever they want in exchange for feigned care.
I will place the link to my video The Loneliness of Awakening up here in the left corner at the end of this video. And my playlist regarding NSP abuse down here.
I fell prey to this bullshit last year, and I KNEW BETTER—red flag down on the play from git-go, but with the cv19, I admit, I gave her a chance, I fell for her bullshit, I wanted to believe in a phantom Conscious Woman friend, local to me, only to be bestest for a minute by a professional poseur. And I wouldn’t be surprised if the biatch is trolling me right here, right now; all excited that she’s getting a mention this video. Lols! My point is these NSPs won’t think twice about fucking you over and working you over by lying and triangulating just because it’s a fun and manipulative sport to them.
This particular person outed herself because she made the mistake of fucking with the wrong two people (and more) to triangulate. We all eventually got together and compared notes—timestamped text and email receipts and voicemails, notwithstanding, are your allies. And she thinks she ghosted us. LOLS!!
In a romantic relationship, the manipulator will bring another person (maybe a weak-minded insecure good friend of yours), more often than not a new romantic interest but perhaps a platonic friend, into their primary intimate relationship to create discord, confusion, and jealousy. The disordered individual will enjoy the attention, whether negative or positive and may even let the triangulated individuals know about each other, so they fight for their attention. Btw, got receipts?? If you have Digital security with camera rolling in your house—Yup, go there, you’ll find out some unbelievable shit about your significant other and your so-called friends/neighbours.
Zombies in the Matrix: SHADY as fuck!
Make no mistake about it! NSPs see Triangulation as a highly effective strategy to gain an advantage over perceived rivals by manipulating them into conflicts with one another. Triangulation is the method used by narcissistically inclined individuals to soothe and protect their ego’s fragility because they lack whole object relations and have NOT done the Great Work. This is the inability to see that most people have a mix of good and bad qualities and seeing things as black or white only or how they can use you as a means to any end they want to achieve or suck you dry energetically by vampirising you.
NSPs are always the victim, and they triangulate because they see people as objects that are only meant to be reflections or extensions of themselves, to serve them when they need to protect their ego. And they are entitled to do so. For NSPs, Triangulation is easy to pull off, because it’s effective and cheap, and when they get caught and outed—they can move on to new social circles filled with innocent folks to exploit.
You can recognise Triangulation by recognising its forms. My mom pitted me against my brother—her Golden Child. If you’re a parent—check yourselves. If a parent refuses to acknowledge their children’s real personality and individualism, and their siblings are treated vastly different. They are discouraged from communicating with one another except through the parent, Triangulation. Suppose your current or former romantic partner or friend uses another to create hostility, drama, or coerce you into things and feelings. In that case, you wouldn’t otherwise do or feel; this is Triangulation. If someone brings you into their romantic relationship or friendship but refuses to confront the person they have an issue with directly, this is Triangulation.
Healthy direct communication is about openness and authenticity and resolving conflicts rather than creating them. And the most effective way of dealing with these situations is to take a step back and objectively evaluate what is happening and then act accordingly.
Remember, if shit feels off, it’s because it IS OFF! Learn to trust your Superpowers of Intuition and Gut Feelings. Notice when folks need you to be a certain way or adhere to certain social beliefs or are two-faced—gossiping or divulging private information to you about folks you barely know or do know and know they’re lying. I guarantee that if the NSP is doing that two-faced shit to them, that NSP is also doing that toxic two-faced to you. I promise.
Life is way too short to stay in fake toxic relationships and usuary friendships/business relationships filled with lies, manipulations, disrespect, and triangulation strategies. FUCK THAT SHIT. Move on. You are precious and deserve better.
Ok, my loves that is my speech! I know, another brutal video, but fuck it, I’m sick of NSPs, for real. I’m sick of toxic predators using good people. ENOUGH, already. It’s my pleasure to give you the head’s up