Hei my darlings, Ohh, no, more New Age Bullshit to get us chasing our tails! We are NOT in the Age of Aquarius. Check out my LoveTruth&Beauty Episode 102, a quick video to add a few extra notes about the Jupiter~Saturn Conjunction at 0 Degrees Aquarius.
But first, I want to share a trolly kind of exchange that just happened where my FML It’s the Holidays again video triggered an obviously beginner of a truffer who was highly offended by my references to having donned false eyelashes, couture, and heels at a Parisian Christmas party years ago—and proceeding to make character assumptions about me (bimbo) and my work on a public forum, of which I am a part of. Lawdy, have mercy. Merry Fucking Christmas. Apparently, my sarcasm about couture was completely missed. Lols! My bad.
Okay, enough faux wokeness. New Age Bullshit aside, We are not yet in the Age of Aquarius. Give it at least another 120-165 years.
In the meantime, I think it’s only fair to be as honest as possible about our situation within the Matrix which is subject to all the automated mind-controlled scripts that the powers-that-wanna-be have in place, including New Age Bullshit love n light only astrologers to keep our creative natures limited and in check or keep us as spectators waiting to be saved. Collectively, within the Matrix, this conjunction is about Revolution on all control levels by the powers-that-wanna-be—including an accelerated merging with Artificial Intelligence and activation of Transhumanism via the seduction of techie toy conveniences, so many zombies have fallen prey. Outside of the Matrix: Evolution. The perfect time to Free Your Mind en masse.
Ok, that's my silly speech, kids!