Hello lovebugs and Hunny-bunnies, Hei darlings, How are you?? Welcome to Episode 120. In today’s quick video, I discuss Smear Tactics, one of NSP’s Control strategies –and I’m not talking sex-positive feminine sexual empowerment tools and tricks (wink wink). Look that up if you must.
Let’s get into it! Simply put, a Smear Tactic aka as a Smear Campaign is an NSPs endeavour to destroy your reputation by bold-faced lying about you, distorting your relationship details, failures, struggles, etc. and publicly OUTING these details to anyone and everyone, usually they utilise their additional manipulations tactics of Triangulation, being two-faced, and gaslighting—engaging any weak-minded sycophantic yes person or person—otherwise known as their henchmen/women hench-people or the hilarious term—Flying Monkeys to do their bidding.
Smear tactics are common in the public domain, victimising public figures of levels of society. In our relationships, they are also especially damaging. Smear tactics are prevalent in the family of origin/tribal dramas—often targeting a specific parent, child, or extended family member who dares stray beyond the confines, rules and regulations of Tribal Law. Typically, these rebels are the Black Sheep of the family who sees through the lies and deception that guarantee tribal belonging and love.
Smear tactics are also widespread during messy divorces that involve children and child custody.
Smear tactics begin as early as grade school. Commonly known as bullying, this is the tactic where the Bully targets some innocent kid—usually a vulnerable or awkward kid or somehow different in appearance or whatever and stands apart from the sycophantic fray of normalised social indoctrination. The Bully already has a mob of weak-minded Flying Monkeys, ready to back up their targeted torment. Their targeted classmate becomes the victim/receiver of taunting and name-calling and vicious lies and rumours spread, often with physical violence threats upon their person or property damage to personal items such as bikes or even family homes.
In this age of mass technology and social media—smear tactics are prevalent on these platforms and have devastating effects.
In the adult arena—all within the Matrix, these smear tactics are just as damaging and painful.
Having been targeted personally and professionally, I have survived such heinous acts of willful deception and betrayal at the hands of NSPs—both female and male versions.
When several friends alerted me to being smeared by a female acquaintance we had in common, I was shocked. This woman played her “poor me” victim card masterfully by appealing to my empathy. She managed to get me to allow her to live rent-free in my home for six months, only to have her turn on me in a bizarrely dramatic fashion where she began spreading rumours about me ghosting her after I requested she move out.
In truth, I was selling my home and preparing to place it on the market.
I was copied on several emails between her and several friends we had in common where she lamented about my cruelty of kicking her out without notice and how Rich Bitches like me are exceedingly selfish. This particular woman was a licensed psychotherapist who then targeted specific colleagues who are also therapists and began her tactical campaign of spreading other rumours about my private practice. Funnily enough, she failed to realise that I am NOT and never have been a psychotherapist, let alone a licensed one. At that point, I was mainly teaching online groups, so her smearing attempt was fruitless and ill-fated. She publicly managed to out herself as exceedingly emotionally and mentally unstable, and her conduct eventually led her to lose her license.
Please remember that NSPs study you and research your life online and offline to arm themselves with any pertinent information about you that they can exploit to their advantage. In addition to smear tactics and bullying, NSPs will also utilise Triangulation, gaslighting, weaponised Woundology, and victim identitarianism.
How do you deal with getting smeared by an NSP??
- It is crucial NOT to engage. Stay in your own lane, no matter what gets thrown at you. Your disengagement will starve them of the energy supply an NSP requires to continue their campaign against you.
- Ignore and NSP. NSPs hate it when we ignore them.
- Give an NSP NOTHING. An NSP will eventually move on and find another target or mark to fuck with.
- Know that the NSP will play their Victim Card and Blame you. Whatever. Please don’t fall for it. Don’t bite the bait.
- Hocus Pocus Focus on your life and what you can deal with; drop everything else.
- Set boundaries. Change your phone number. Move. Change your habits of socialising. Engage NO CONTACT EVER AGAIN. Or in co-parenting cases: No Eye Contact ever again, or the STARE DOWN—become your authority and activate your Inner and Outer Monarch, along with child handoffs only in public places.
- Block the NSP on Social Media and other platforms. You may have to unfriend/block shared contacts. Change your email settings to send any NSP emails to spam or Trash.
- Receive support from friends and engage a professional who is adept at dealing with NSP Abuse Survivors.
- Beware that after some time passes and you’ve survived a smear campaign by an ex-spouse or business partner, s/he may revisit you, engaging the NSP tactic of “hoovering,” where they will endeavour to re-insert themselves into your life. Hoovering happens when their latest target has discovered their treacherous ways and has ghosted the NSP. Hoovering will consist of the NSP Love-bombing you with miraculous repentances, future-faking, that is making promises they know you’re dying for them to make to you (finally), whilst bold-face lying to you, and deny their smear campaign. I will link my hoovering video in the upper left corner at the end of this video for your review.
- Remember that NSPs hate FACTS; they rely on igniting your feelings and intense emotions because they have no empathy. They are NOT HUMAN.
- Do NOT Fall for their manipulations, my loves.
Ok, my Hunny bunnies, my lovebugs, that is my speech! Babies, Please feel free to reach out to me for those of you inclined to do a deep dive in excavating and DeActivating Traumas.