Hello my dahlinks, my Hunny-bunnies, my special babies, Welcome to Episode 141 https://youtu.be/k18b47ddSVo, a quick video answering several viewer queries about what it actually means to Up-Level your Life and Lifelines, and some commentary from my own personalised direct experience regarding the process of Up-Leveling and how that process has benefited me.
Know this, whenever you Compose reality from outside of the Matrix from your Center Screen—your Awakened Attention Center—YOUR CURRENT LIFELINE WILL BE UP-LEVELLED, and you may need to leave behind not just riff-raff and low vibe energies, but relationships and business practices that were once go-to’s. You may lose everything you’ve created thus far.
As always, seek the ADVANTAGE AND BENEFITS from any and all situations that are especially NOT TO YOUR LIKING and reflect.
Wake Yourself Up. See Yourself. See Reality. Exit the Matrix. Enter into your Center Screen—your Awakened/Attention Center, and be honest about what Reality you’ve constantly been creating within the Matrix.
Don’t blame anyone or anything—not even your astrology.
Up-Leveling your life is truly about managing your energy and resources. To keep things simple, utilise this threshold: If folks and situations are downers for you for whatever reason—they’re too needy, too critical, too high maintenance, blaming you for their unhappy results and life, and no matter what you do or say—it’s never good enough, you cannot please them, and you’re sick and tired of the interaction—or the thought of them stresses you out and fills you with dread; or the situation is a repetitive shitshow: uplevel, move on. Allow them to be different from you, compose reality with the ingredients and qualities you’d love to manifest in new or renewed relationships and connections.
Those of you who are entrepreneurs or therapists/counsellors/coaches/consultants who have a private or group practice: Permit yourself to FIRE clients/students who refuse to take responsibility for their results and want to blame you for their dissatisfaction and their unhappy lives.
I recently FIRED three clients from my private practice without notice. I decided that I will no longer offer one-off sessions ever again because of the low-level interactions from such folks who simply want to scapegoat you for their bullshit.
One of my learning edges is to hold firm boundaries with clients and students who are blood-sucking bats—when it comes to working with them. They are the clients who will text/email bomb you with this and that, linger beyond the appointed timeframes, feel justified and entitled to blame you for everything, and even demand more from you afterward.
Accept the fact: You will never satisfy them. The warning signs and red flags for these folks will arrive in droves, and you cannot fall for it. Your empathy and compassion will be your own undoing. Let them go. It’s not worth your time or energy to defend your position or give them the benefit of the doubt. Move on.
Several of my viewers have had their client-service-based businesses severely impacted by the cv19 shitshow, resulting in fear-based stresses, causing them to cling to any client, even the bad ones, for financial reasons.
However, let me offer this: when you stay in fucked up situations because of financial lack, instead of waking yourself up, seeing yourself, seeing reality, exiting the Matrix and composing a new abundant reality with high-level-high-frequency clients, you are actually creating within the Matrix—and that never works well because it holds you hostage within the confines of the automated scripts running within the Matrix every facet of every global shitshows that reflects your Matrix SHITSTEM reality experience, often dropping back down onto lower lifelines within the Matrix that re-engages past trauma and PTSD, and old lessons you’ve already moved past.
STOP IT. The moment you feel upset: Wake Yourself Up. See Yourself. See Reality. Exit the Matrix Enter into Your Attention/Awareness Center—your Awakened State—Compose your Reality.
For myself, I even went so far as to decline two significant Paypal payments for program renewals. I am fortunate that I have the freedom to pick and choose people to work with—and do not have to tap into financial considerations. Still, so many of you are not as well resourced or are practised in or trust in your Composing Reality and Quantum Jumping/Transurfing lifelines.
Because the handwriting was already on the wall and had alerted me—I had already Composed a New Reality. The three former clients/students reflected the specific places where I was waffling on my own bottom line.
When you honour your Up-Leveling—the Universe will reflect and honour you right back. The mirror reflection of your Up-levelling and intention come right back at you. So fucking EPIC AWESOME!!
As a result of this purge of FIRING these three high maintenance low vibe clients, I manifested FOUR high-level, high-quality self-responsible clients/students in right alignment with my offerings and up-levelling. All four of these clients didn’t balk at my program tuition nor its requirements.
Know this: when it comes to purging your life and up-levelling, you make room and space for the high quality, higher vibration people and experiences to come into your life.
Believe it.
Notice that folks you work with who have no boundaries will NOT Honour your limits.
Notice that folks who are wishy-washy about what they want or want to tell you how to work with them will never be happy with what you transmit to them. These folks are black-holes.
Please get rid of them.
The Universe shifts things around in your favour, continually, so long as you don’t fight and don’t argue with the current screen of reality. Instead, Wake Yourself Up. See Yourself. See Reality Exit The Matrix. Enter into your Awakened Screen. Compose your reality—that is, the upcoming Frames that allows you to Up-Level your Reality and Lifelines and allows you to Waltz in and Out of the Matrix undetected—where the Matrix and all its actors and players and mannequin-like extras in your life’s movie—obey your script and assist you in Up-Levelling Your Lifeline.
When you are constantly critical and displeased—the Universe Matrix will give you exactly more of that.
Life is always your ally and a cooperating component when you stop pushing up against it, arguing with reality, and fighting against the shit you don’t like, especially when you do not even know what you want.
For those of you who do not know what you want or are oblivious to the callings of your Heart, Mind, Body, and Soul—Wake Yourself Up. See Yourself. See Reality. Exit the Matrix. Compose your Reality and INTEND to discover what you want to create.
Stop getting sucked into the MATRIX and its constant bullshit of igniting and perpetuating your doubt and YOUR BULLSHIT ad infinitum.
Grow Up. Get over yourself. Wake Yourself Up. See Yourself. See Reality. Exit the Matrix. Enter into your Awakened State Your Center Screen. Compose your Up-Levelled Reality.
No one can create in your reality—only you can create in your reality, so stop blaming OTHERS and criticising them when they show up in your life and mirror back to you what you put out.
Utilising your mirror image, when you want something specific, first, you have to give that particular something—the mirror will then reflect that back to you in your own image.
Don’t want. Compose your Reality. Ready. Set. Go!
OK, my Hunny bunnies, my lovebugs, my beautiful Divine ones, that is my speech!XOXO