Hei, my loves, Welcome to LoveTruth&Beauty Episode 63. In this video I discuss The Loneliness of Waking Up, inspired by emails from several of our viewers requesting I talk about this topic, because my loves, this is an actual thang, not to be taken lightly, but taken on with great intentional care.
I have enjoyed your emails sharing your successes with Reality Creation and exiting the Matrix, entering into your Center Screens, and composing Realities, intending goals and having very quick results—and with this, however, you’ve also shared that there seems to be a toll to pay--a backlash—in that some key relationships have shifted into some unexpected losses—spouses, partners, significant others—friendships seemingly coming apart due to the Awakening process—your upgraded energies with your new higher lifelines and vibrancy, perhaps no longer compatible with those around you.
I’ve spoken before on the Cost of Awakening to Truth—I will link that video below because they are similar, but specifically, we are addressing the loneliness factor aka existential angst where you feel forsaken—thrown out into the wilderness of stark emptiness—no one familiar around who can hold space for you, with whom you can speak to, candidly, about your process—about your excitement about your discoveries about The Nature of Reality and its absolute pliability once you’ve exited the Matrix.
So, I offer here my own process of facing that beast of Loneliness whilst undergoing a deeply spiritual and transformational unravelling—one that I have had to—and without any other alternatives—go through alone—a combination of terrifying and exhilarating, despairing and hopeful—wistful, activating an ancient longing to answer the unanswerable questions: Where is my home? Where are my people? Who am I? Where do I belong?
It’s the process of reclaiming yourself to yourself.
I want to also state that the Awakening Process isn’t a one-off event—it is ongoing, some say it’s eternal and that from lifetime to lifetime, we meet up with souls with whom we’re given yet another chance to connect and correct, and so the surges and purges in personal/professional relationships as we progress spiritually will be cyclical—at least it has been for me—perhaps it won’t be the case for you. Regardless, you may no longer relate to your friends and family and they may not relate to you. So prepare yourself to choose yourself, and ghost, if you must, friends who reject the higher versions of you.
In the awakening process, you will find yourself, after exiting the Matrix residing more and more in your Center Screen—Your Awareness Center—and prefer to be alone, in solitude while this incorporation integrates.
Honour whatever arises. Engage in Self-Love and Self-Care practices. Get to know your Awakened Self.
Ok, my darlings, that's my speech. XOXO
Link to Episode 30 - The Cost of Awakening to Truth link: https://youtu.be/dpCO0qEvnl4