Hello my lovebugs, my Hunny-bunnies, my special babies. Welcome to Episode 186, a continuation of our series regarding the True Energetics of Trauma-Based Mind Control and how the Matrix and its gatekeepers of victim-producing-inducing keep most humans enslaved. Today, I am introducing the 2nd of the 3 Trauma Cages of Mind Control~Enslavement. For review, I will pop my video series playlist on this topic of the True Energetics of Trauma-Based Mind Control, aka All Mind Control, up here in the top left corner, at the end of this video.
And a review of the 1st Trauma Cage: The Mind Cage on the lower-left corner of your computer screen. I will also pop my Heart meditation down in the lower right-hand corner for your review and also include all three links in my show notes!! All Trauma, including the most egregious of Trauma-Based Mind Control, is anchored in the take-over of the Mind-Heart-Body, which disconnects these three aspects of The Flesh from The Soul, as the Divine having a human experience on the Physical Plane—here to create, moving formless into form in the True Quantum Field Creation Field Universe—outside of the Matrix. Trauma-based Mind Control hijacks the Human Energy Field, which weakens the Auric Field’s protective capabilities. This eventually allows foreign invaders/low vibrational entities of ill-intent to penetrate and affect the physical body, along with its organs and tissues, blood fluids and bones—and the Superpowers of the 7 Chakras.
Because of the amnesia of our conditioned human enslavement within the Matrix—our Divine Powers are entirely forgotten and neutered through the infiltration of our Human Energy Field and then attacking the Chakra System which, in totality, disconnects us from our Divine Creative Powers and Chakra Codes of Creativity held in the Superpowers of each Chakra that connects us to Cosmic Source Energy—God-Goddess-All-That-Is and Earth Energies—that of Gaia and the True Quantum Field Creation Field Universe.
Remember: The World IS NOT THE PLANET. The World is The Matrix. The Planet is a physical Expression within and of the True Quantum Field Creation Field Universe.
The World and The Matrix are satanic inversions of the Planet and the True Quantum Field Creation Field Universe. The Matrix has mind-controlled most hoomans since time immemorial through fear, violence, and the ongoing threat of pain of death to forget or deny their Divinity. The First Trauma Cage is called The Mind Cage, which consists of the human head, skull, brain, hair, eyes, ears, nose, mouth, teeth, tongue, sinuses, throat, voice box, neck, the endocrine systems, and the highly compromised Superpowers of the 7th, 6th and 5th Chakras.
Once the Matrix has command of the 7th, 6th, and 5th Chakras, Mind Control is well-established in the Mind Cage, leading us to the Second Trauma Cage, which is called the Heart Cage.
The powers-that-wanna-be establishes 2nd Trauma cage, the Heart Cage, through first taking command of our 5th Chakra Throat/communication centre. Our Throat Chakra governs our Superpowers of Truth and Divinely Inspired Communication—affecting our voice and word. This Chakra is where we freely express and speak our Truth and share and walk our talk about our brilliant ideas and fondest dreams/intentions to one and all, including advocating for ourselves verbally: Invoking the lost word of NO and being impeccable with our Yesses or having the ability to ask for help.
With our inner and outer voices silenced or having words and manmade laws shoved down our throats, waterboarding notwithstanding, we are mind controlled to override our innate advocation of ourselves and surrender authority to mind control and the powers-that-wanna-be.
This Trauma Cage, the Heart Cage, hijacks the superpowers of 5th, 4th, and 3rd Chakras and subjects all emotions and feelings, including all innate and relevant reactivity~responses, furthers and deepens disconnection from the soul where the claws of trauma-based mind control by the powers-that-wanna-be within the Matrix tear away at our Sovereignty and Physical expressions of Divine Love.
All About Trauma-Based Mind Control playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist...
Trauma Cage #1: The Mind Cage Episode 185: https://youtu.be/geXzqgSpG6A Heart Meditation Episode 1: https://youtu.be/0aGaMzkgk5U
HeartMath Institute: https://www.heartmath.org/
That's my speech, my sweeties! XOXO