Hello my lovebugs, my Hunny-bunnies, my special babies. Welcome to Episode 187, a continuation of our series regarding the True Energetics of Trauma-Based Mind Control and how the Matrix and its gatekeepers of victim-producing-inducing keep most humans enslaved. Today, I am introducing the 3rd of the 3 Trauma Cages of Mind Control~Enslavement.
For review, I will pop my video series playlist on this topic of the True Energetics of Trauma-Based Mind Control, aka All Mind Control, up here in the top left corner, at the end of this video.
The Mind and Heart Cages ensure that we are entirely disconnected, not just from our Divinity but also from our humanity. Disconnected from our humanity, we cannot access empathy and compassion. Without access to our heart and understanding, we cannot embody our souls through the Power Chakra, The Seat of the Soul. Being soul-less, we are closer to representing a psychopath or sociopath, capable of unspeakable acts against another living being. Remorseless, the powers-that-wanna-be, in complete control of human behaviour, can utilise all their means to control the 3rd Trauma Cage: The Body Cage—which hijacks the 3rd, 2nd, and 1st Chakras and their Superpowers, specifically through physical psycho-sexual violence/humiliation and enslavement.
Disconnection from these superpowers through all forms of Trauma-Based Mind Control allows one’s embodiment of human slavery as a human-chattel—expendable and complete. Over the millennia, the collective pain-body of human-enslavement is saturated with the hopelessness, the automaton robotic, order following zombified existence that’s been drug-induced, trauma-induced, and fear-induced by the power-hungry induced victim-perpetrator polarity, even embodying both polarities depending on where one sits in the Matrix Hierarchy.
As Matt of Quantum of Conscience would say, “We were born into this system.”
That being said, the murmured echoes of our Divinity calls us to awaken and see the wrongness of our collective and individual enslavement and suffering. We begin to remember who and what we are.
Our awakening, exiting the Matrix and DeActivation of all traumas, expands the True Quantum Field Creation Field Universe—because we remember who and what we are as Infinite Loving Awareness and Consciousness having a human experience, here to create formless into form. And so the awakening begins amidst the pain and suffering we endure, whilst facing the evils perpetrated by our brothers and sisters high on power, overrun by their own victimisation-trauma-based mind control—making the complete turn to the dark side as promulgated by the demonic powers-that-wanna-be and rewarded by Matrix riches.
All About Trauma-Based Mind Control playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist...
We are all Programmed To Be Sex Slaves Episode 81: https://youtu.be/kVcKbshj3tY
Bye, honey bunnies, that's my speech! XOXO