Hello, my loves, welcome to LoveTruth&Beauty Episode 83, Part Three our continuing conversation on DIY Sexual Healing and Conscious Sexuality—having exited the Matrix—that is No Longer Following and adhering to any automated scripts and behaviours—of Sexual enslavement/abuse or the war of the sexes of the masculine and feminine or men and women, or any other Divide & Conquer programs as promulgated by the powers-that-wanna-be within the Matrix.
In this video, I’m sharing The Venting Anger and Rage Process:
This is my all-time favorite practice in consciously venting anger, rage, and frustration—as ANGER is the seed for change and transformation.
Anger is a most important emotion, in that much of our suffering through abuse—whether sexually or physically or emotionally and mentally and psychically and energetically, along with spiritually is because we are not able to advocate for ourselves, powering up and engaging our communication center, aka as our 5th Chakras—throat chakras—which houses our Superpower of Truth, and execute and express No Holds Barred—The Lost Word of NO!
Sexually speaking, women and men (including children—boys and girls) are abused sexually via oral sex, anal sex and vaginal. In my work with survivors of trafficking and rape camps throughout the world, a result of being violently sodomised orally, leaves a toxic energetic wounding and signature, rendering one unable to speak, the toxic perpetrator’s energies stuck in the epithelial cells of the back of the throat—harbouring toxic emotions like rage or shame or guilt. This affects the gum, teeth, thyroid and parathyroid functions, our digestion, sinuses, or necks
Thus, this exercise is particularly powerful and important in excavating the hidden anger, rage and frustration, along with any revulsion that would trigger the gag reflex—not to mention the terror of being raped and assaulted—an aggressive strangers penis shoved down your throat, rendering you unable to breathe, all of this horror against your will, under the influence of mind-altering drugs, or under pain of violence and brutality or death.
On the other hand, many sex workers talk of oral sex (and anal sex—rough sex) as the married man’s go-to activities—so there’s that.
This exercise is simple.
Take your car and drive it somewhere safe and secluded. Park it. Feel into your anger and rage and let her rip—scream your head off, no holds barred! Cuss like a sailor; say whatever you have to say. Cry. Do not edit or water it down. Yell and scream until you feel complete. You may actually lose your voice the first time around, but as you practice this, you will notice your voice getting stronger and clearer.
Your Throat Chakra is in charge of Telling Your Truth and Living Your Truth. Don’t hold back. You are consciously and safely venting your anger, rage, and frustration rather than dumping on your cat or dog, your kids, or your beloved; or within your house by slamming doors and cupboards; or in traffic, engaging in road rage.
Afterwards, you can burn sage or Palo Santo (or use the spray versions) to clear your car of any toxic energy. If you don’t have a car, you can use pillows to scream into. Happy Venting!
Ok my darlings, that’s my speech.