Hello my lovebugs, my Hunny-bunnies, my special darlings, Welcome to Episode 122, more outing of hypocrisy amidst woke groups, particularly New Age Bullshit Reality Creation groups. It is funny how each group eventually DOES turn into a totalitarian echo-chamber of: you are wrong, you have got to do it our way, or we will delete your comments and input and Block your ass—fancy that.
Well, I’m used to this shit of always being the odd-ball out. I don’t care. I’s one of my jobs. As with every group, unless everyone, including their leaders, have done The Great Work—eventually it will all turn into family of origin shitshow
Let me give you a bit of contextual-ism here for your consideration. Ever since I was a little girl, I have been playing with some form of Reality Creation. I practised invoking the Fae Realms, the Sun-Moon-stars-God-Goddess-All-that-is—even my beloved indigo-blue crystal-faceted rosary—requesting my wishes and prayers and dreams and intentions and declaration—come true. My various practices yielded fabulous results. A neighbour’s mother introduced me to the realms of sigil and talisman magic. I also dabbled in white magic, earth magic, black magic, materialisation, manifestation, and wealth creation Neville Goddard, Catherine Ponder, Florence Scovel Shinn, Wallace Wattles, and Napoleon Hill. I devoured Carlos Castaneda’s works, the channeled work of Orin and DaBen, the various offshoots of Law of Attraction, Reality Transurfing and Abraham-Hicks.
I remembered the hoopla around The Secret and Reality Transurfing around 2005-2006. I had to make my way through the mazes of dis-information and having to discern and work my perceived anomalies out for myself.
Often, I would compare notes on my various Gedanken experiments. My biggest lesson at the time was about the Law of Attraction AND Reality Transurfing invitation to avoid *pushing up against* the stuff we don’t like, as this is akin to focusing our energy and attention upon the unwanted. In Reality Transurfing, Vadim Zeland wrote about lessening the importance of a desired/intended outcome, or else garner excess potential energies and balancing forces to come and wreck your shit—resulting in the exact opposite of one’s intended final outcome, very similar to the obsessive-compulsive habit of worrying, or focusing on the worst-case scenario. However, in Reality Transurfing, there is a practice of playing with the negative slide that, in my opinion, DOES, neutralises any worst-case scenario’s energies.
Over the years, I have played and experimented with many different reality creation modalities, systems, and techniques—all yielding fabulously successful results. In my own Energy Healing modality called Absolute Balanced Mastery—which is not just about Energy Mastery and Trauma DeActivation, with its alignment of Heart (feelings-emotions), Mind (thoughts-beliefs), Body (Action/Active Stillness) with the Soul/Divine aka Heart-Mind-Body Soul-Coordination, when explicitly relating to creating one’s reality, I found my interpretation and the location of the secret energy creation appendage—aka power cord/power plug in my system (and fondly called the Magic Wand by the many many children whom I’ve taught my own modality Absolute Balanced Mastery/Energy Mastery~Reality Creation to since 1994, very synonymous to the assemblage point in Carlos Castaneda’s work, and the Plait Platt Braid in RT, and the wizard’s staff is ritual magic camps.
When the movie The Secret came out in 2006—there was drama and some legal backlash between some of its contributors, so I’ve been rather appreciative of RT not getting into this type of fray over the years. Au Contraire!
The cv19 notwithstanding, there is a literal international pissing match happening between the various RT communities and factions—OMFG! The totalitarian bullshit NEVER fails to enter into any fucking scene of group hive/mind—especially in so-called *woke* communities. It is about marketing and branding or what?? Ugh!
Though I have no loyalties or official certifications or endorsements by RT’s Official personnel, I’ve been a longtime student practitioner of Reality Transurfing since 2005 and have read all his books in three different languages and have survived the inadequate translations of Russian to English and Russian to German versions. And have incorporated Vadim’s instructions into my life and in tandem with the many other modalities and reality creation techniques and have taught them all to my students, inviting them to utilise any and all the tools and techniques that yield successful results for themselves.
I’m also an even longer time student/practitioner of Castaneda’s writings, along with several other notables—specifically Tensegrity, Florinda Donner’s work, and the work of Taisha Abelar—all of which pointed me toward studies here and there of the Toltec Traditions.
I do not claim to an expert in these arenas, but I do have a working knowledge of Zeland’s and Castaneda’s work
In the last month or so, I’ve received comments from various RT folks in Russia and Eastern Europe criticising my observations and insights of my usage of nomenclature and terms, not RT related in their opinion, but referencing my modality—Absolute Balanced Mastery, then going so far as to block me on the IG (even though I was not following any of them, except for a series of RT related hashtags), deleting my insights regarding application of the Plait/Braid, along with my insights regarding the touchstones/similarities between Vadim’s work and Castaneda’s—in honour of both their contributions.
I have more than a few friends and acquaintances—several of them from Russia and Bulgaria admitting that much of modern Russian Mysticism, if not all, and RT is actually derived from Castaneda’s work. Fascinating, how in my so-called limited studies and knowledge—reading all their books at some point in my over 6 decades of living, I arrive that the same conclusion. Whatever.
Funnily enough, several folks following these accounts reached out to me via private message to thank me for my commentary of my experiencing the location of my power cord/plug, plait/plat/braid slightly above the back solar plexus, between my shoulder blades, protruding outward from my spine. They, too, experience the same. They were also delighted in my adorable naming of the energy appendage as the power plug/cord—since it does plug into and uploads one’s goal frame image/ intention/ mantra/ affirmation/ declaration into the Quantum Creation Field Universe when composing reality, and how my young students refer to it as their magic wand or wizard’s staff.
How bizarre that such innocent and cutesy associations would get my comments deleted and myself blocked. I don’t even remember the names of the accounts now. Lols!! But I felt my experience to be noteworthy to share on a video.
One woman even went so far as to disregard Castaneda’s work and contribution ultimately, only outing her willful ignorance of his work, completely defying, in my opinion, Vadim’s invitation to lower importance and allow everyone and everything to exist as they are. The woman claims that Castaneda teaches fighting. Apparently, there’s a clear misunderstanding of the usage of the word “Warrior,” which triggers combat for her—though Castaneda’s reference to Spiritual Warrior is about the internal battle within oneself to get to the real, and move into self-acceptance and self-empowerment and not be tricked by demons and pendulums and other mind-controlled matrix trickeries, owning own awareness and attention center, and stealthly being able to waltz in and out of the Matrix Realities. RT also invites that, as do I in my Energy Mastery and Trauma DeActivation healing modality.
In allowing for providence and honouring everyone’s sovereignty, I offer this to you, my viewers, with regards to Reality Creation: whether you refer to your secret creation appendage as your magic wand/wizard’s staff, power cord/plug, plait, plat, braid, assemblage point—whatever else, or sense its location at the front/back solar plexus between the shoulder blades, or between the shoulder blades just below the back of the neck, or off the right back shoulder or the top of your head—wherever you experience it—TRUST YOURSELF!!
Please do not allow me or anyone else to dictate your experience. One size does not fit all. We are all Grand Creators. When we plug into the Quantum Field Creation Field Universe to compose reality, we illuminate our specific sectors of now newly realised reality, soon to be materialised into physicality, respectively.
Bottom line: If you are composing reality and successfully achieving the results you want—you’re doing it correctly for you. If any so-called Reality Creator expert or guru tries to make you wrong for using terminology or composing reality in a way authentic for you that yields your successful results, but is contrary to their ways—tell them to fuck off and seal it with a smooch,
Ok, my Hunny bunnies, my lovebugs, my Divine ones, that is my speech!