Hello my lovebugs, my Hunny-bunnies, my special babies. Welcome to Episode 181. First allow me to thank you all who've supported me and my work from the start and those of you who’ve just joined us—we are now at over 1200 subscribers.
Wowie!! Vielen Dank!
Today, in response to the queries from ya’ll about wtf Inner Screen triggers are, let me call out 75 random examples of some EPIC Inner Sanctum Mind Fuckery SHITSHOWS of a personal flavour all having to do with reactivity to the Outer Screen shitshows within the Matrix—or the PTSDs of your sordid and illustrious past. An epic meme on the IG stated: Stop cheating on your Future with your Past.
It’s over.
No Shit! Right??
Yes, but only if you Practice, my lovely Bishhhhhes and Bruhhhhhs, Waking Yourself Up. Seeing Yourself. Seeing Reality. Exiting the Matrix’s Shitshows of mind control as captivated by your Outer and Inner Screens, Entering into your Awareness-Awakened Attention Center Screen, Composing the Upcoming Frame of the near Future of your Layer of Reality in the True Quantum Field Creation Field Universe.
So, check out the video for the list of thought randomness that will abso-FUCKING-lutely allow the Matrix to grab, and therefore, Own your Attention. Their treachery will use your own Inner Screen to render you unconscious in your head, minding fucking yourself mercilessly, rather than Owning Your Attention and directing your Focus upon your Creations, Intentions, and Goals for Materialisation. Plus, you'll never get off! lols!
UGH! Frustrating!!
K, kids, that's my speech! XOXO