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Mark Passio's presentation The True Meaning Of The 2nd Amendment, Part 2: Arms, Needs & Cowardcie, was originally given in Philadelphia, PA on June 26, 2018 as part of the Philadelphia Liberty On The Rocks.

In this presentation, Mark discusses how ALL weapons of any kind are included as part of the 2nd Amendment’s protection against the infringement of our Natural Right to Self-Defense. He explains that the true need for practical defense against government’s encroachment upon human rights ALWAYS trumps the perceived psychological “need” to “feel safe.” Mark goes on to examine the cowardice that underlies most human beings’ fear of Self-Defense and Rebellion.

Videographer: Sean McCann
Associate Producer: Leiha Boone
Video Editor: Mark Passio

Download 2nd Amendment Part 2 Slides, Zip Archive, 34.1 MB.