Hydration is one of those crazy simple pieces to our health. So simple that it frequently gets overlooked. Most of us are walking around severely chronically dehydrated. Yes, that even includes those who already know that hydration is important, never leaving home without a water bottle. I realize this can be confusing and even possibly triggering.
The truth is, most of the water we drink is dead water. This in addition to the many toxins we are exposed to is a recipe for chronic dehydration. And unfortunately, dehydration is bad news when it comes to our overall health and wellbeing.
What is Living Water & How Does it Help Hydration?
Humans are electrical creatures. The human body is made up of energy and circuits that need proper hydration to transmit smoothly. Tap water and even most bottled water is dead water which prevents the water from being absorbed and utilized. In addition to that, it usually contains chlorine which is severely dehydrating, even in trace amounts. As a result, the dead water goes straight through us, and ends up adding more toxicity to us.
We need living water to penetrate our tissues and cells. Living water helps to deliver essential nutrients and compounds to every part of the body. After all, our cells are made up of 80-90% water. Living water contains active, living molecules. Spring water that is bottled at the source is living water. Thankfully, we can also make living water by activating filtered water with living foods like raw fruits. The best and easiest way to activate your water is to squeeze lemon or lime into it. Voila! Living water. Side note: do not put citrus juice into plastic water bottles as the citrus causes the plastics to leach quicker.
It’s critical for you to drink well filtered water. The Berkey is by far one of the best water filtration systems out there. It comes in various sizes. Do make sure to get the white fluoride filters along with the black ceramic filters! The fluoride filters also filter out other toxins like arsenic. Toxins contribute to dehydration!
What Causes Dehydration?
You’d think that lack of water or liquid consumption would be the cause of dehydration. It’s not that simple. Yes, you absolutely need to drink plenty of hydrating fluids. But there is more that contributes greatly to dehydration. Below are the biggest areas to blame.
- High Fat Diets: Despite current health trends, eating this way isn’t supportive of long term health and quickly dehydrates.
- Exposure to Toxins: Heavy metals, radiation, viruses, DDT, chemicals in products we use, additives in foods, etc.
- Consuming too much salt: This should be a given. The type of salt used in restaurants and most packaged foods can negate efforts to hydrate.
- Consuming alcohol and caffeine: Alcohol, coffee, caffeinated teas, etc. all cause dehydration.
- Eating cooked foods, not many raw foods: Though some cooked foods are nutritious, they cause the body to pull water from other areas in order to help break them down. Try to eat plenty of raw foods alongside cooked foods.
- Drinking non-hydrating liquids: If you’re only drinking dead water or other bottled dehydrating beverages and aren’t getting in the hydrating ones.
- Moderate-high EMF exposure: WiFi and cellphone can dehydrate our cells. Make sure to keep devices far from you, especially while sleeping.
- Chronic dehydration gets passed down: Chronic dehydration can get passed down to us through cells along with bits of toxic junk.
What can Dehydration Cause?
If you do not have proper hydration, you can develop thick, dirty blood. Thick blood is challenging for the heart to pull up from the liver. This means the heart can struggle to provide enough blood and oxygen to the brain and other organs. Over time, this can wear out the heart prematurely. Thick blood can also pave the way for strokes, heart attacks, liver and kidney issues, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Developing cancer also becomes a greater risk.
If you aren’t properly hydrated, it makes detoxification much more difficult for the body. The liver can grow stagnant and poisons can back up in the bloodstream and lymphatic system. If you haven’t had practiced good hydration, you might experience some of the dehydration symptoms listed below.
Even if you don’t have any real noticeable symptoms, you likely are still suffering from chronic dehydration. It can be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. You know that person who looked like they were in great shape, went to the gym several days a week and looked fit. Then, at 45 they have a heart attack seemingly out of nowhere. Or someone who’s quite active, living the dream, and suddenly suffers a stroke at 65. The neglect often catches up with us if we don’t address it.
Chronic Dehydration Symptoms
- Fatigue/energy issues
- Anxious tendencies
- Dark circles under eyes
- Dizziness and confusion
- Tingles & numbness
- Varicose veins
- Heart Palpitations
- Inflammation
- Insomnia
Hydration Tips
The great news is that the human body has the ability to reverse most conditions and symptoms. It takes time to truly recover from chronic dehydration. If you take steps make these tips part of your daily life, you will see and feel changes over time as your hydration increases. Though, as always, I suggest you try adding in one or two at a time. If you truly want changes to last, you want to make it sustainable. So, don’t overwhelm yourself and enjoy the progress along the way!
- Drink a liter of filtered lemon water upon waking
- Drink at least 16 ounces of celery juice or cucumber juice in the morning
- Consume a Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie every morning. Not only does it hydrate, but it cleans up toxins that are contributing to dehydration.
- Drink living water every time you drink water – even if that means just a drop of lemon juice.
- Drink coconut water and fresh pressed juices.
- Include more raw veggies with your cooked meals.
- Lower your fat intake.
- Lower your salt intake.
- Eat more fresh fruits and veggies.
- Refrain from using products with chemicals.
- Move your WiFi router and cell phone away from your bedroom.
- Start detoxing your body from toxins.
Bringing in some of these changes can be really simple and increase your hydration levels. Now that you’re armed with the truth, you can make wiser choices. Many time simply having greater awareness can bring about big changes. It is my hope that you find this information helpful and supportive wherever your healing journey may take you. Blessings!