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The Cubbywhole podcast is a documented show created, edited and hosted by Nate Kap and co-hosted by Brandon and Douglas Martin. It is a repository of critical knowledge that deals with and covers the many facets of the human condition, especially what causes most of the suffering in this world (seen and unseen). This is a place for those who want to live above ego and further educate themselves into the higher echelons of consciousness with the intent of reducing that suffering. Many of the topics found in this show consist of; the Occult, Esotericism, origins, evolution, Anthropology, mysteries, mind-control, mental health, physical health, science, sacred science, dogma, history, religion, cults, skepticism, imagination, allegory, green language, cinamatic language, Freemasonry, Astro-theology, symbolism, Tarot, Kabbalism, healing, meditation, magic, sorcery, quantum physics, spirituality, Natural Law, epi-genetics, philosophy, self-defense and so much more. These shows are setup chronologically, so it can truly only be understood from the beginning working your way forward. The respectful adults who stay open to these types of topics are greatly appreciated as information like this has been systematically and socially engineered to be hated and ridiculed in order to maintain control over the minds of the masses. This information took much time and attention as it will for anyone who truly wants to know what is true and what is not. We wish you well on your unique journey towards enlightenment. Remember to do No Harm, Defend Truth, and Keep Transcending Dogma!
Play show # "What Is The CubbyWhole?" here: https://bit.ly/3s5YHTb
This is the 1st CubbyWhole podcast which was recorded February 27th, 2020. In this show, Nate Kap and Brandon Martin start out with an important intro into the scientific truth discovery method of the Trivium, which is about the input of knowledge, the processing of that knowledge, and finally the output. This is a very important introduction of prerequisites to help the listener have a better understanding of the rest of the shows that fallow. Also, what is the meaning behind CubbyWhole? The S.E.E.D. 4, Growth conference (which has now been postponed until next May 2021) was introduced as well, with all the speakers and their presentation titles. They also breakdown the spiritual meaning of the ‘Seed’ and how powerful it truly is and why it's so important. Please listen to these shows in order so you’ll benefit better from the future information that comes out.
Slides found at https://cubbywhole.com/podcast/
Play show #2 "Truth Discovery" here: https://bit.ly/34qB13Y
This is the 2nd CubbyWhole podcast which was recorded March 11th, 2020. In this show, Nate Kap and Brandon Martin talk about the S.E.E.D. 4 conference. The main topics covered are the trivium (grammar, logic, rhetoric) and quadrivium (arithmetic, geometry, music, astronomy), and how these science methodologies work in conjunction to discover truth. So what is truth? The answer is discovered within this show.
Slides found at https://cubbywhole.com/podcast/
Play show #3 "Aspects of Consciousness" here: https://bit.ly/3L5WM9S
This is the 3rd CubbyWhole podcast which was recorded April 20th, 2020. In this show, Brandon hosts the show solo, covering the postponed “S.E.E.D. 4 Growth” conference; gives a recap of the truth discovery methodologies, breaks down aspects of consciousness, and ends with a great segue into the governing principle of form which is cymatics.Play show #4 "Right Of Self-Defense" here: https://bit.ly/3rnsIyY
This is the 4th CubbyWhole podcast which was recorded May 19th, 2020. In this Show, Nate interviews Dylan McCormick about our right of self-defense while bearing arms. He provides a great educational breakdown of the 2nd amendment while giving an important distinction between our natural rights and citizen rights, as well as answering many of the hard questions that deal with firearms.
Play show #5 "Problem Solving And Teachability" here: https://bit.ly/3rnsIyY
In this show, Brandon hosted solo, covering the importance of problem solving, recognizing important patterns, gathering knowledge of a problem, then applying what we have come to understand about the nature of the problem, teachability and de-occulting empowering information.
Play show #6 " Esoteric Relationships" here: https://bit.ly/3HCVAJf
This is the 6th CubbyWhole podcast which was recorded May 21st, 2020. In this show, Nate interviews Leah McCormick about Esoteric relationships and how they are built, her new Hermetically Sealed enterprise consisting of the 7 hermetic principles, home birthing and it’s benefits, and her journey to becoming a pathologist assistant.
Play show #7 "Give To Nature And Nature Will Give To You" here: https://bit.ly/3rjdhHW
In this show, Nate interviews Indica (Indy) Martin about her new amazing children’s art book, “Give To Nature And Nature Will Give To You.” Indy goes over the importance of teaching natures Laws to the young, the making of the book, and listening to the universe for answers. You can find her book at www.givetonaturebook.com
Play show #8 "Ancient Egyptian Mythos"here: https://bit.ly/3HnoNYp
In this show, Nate interviews Douglas Martin, opening up many deeply important topics including the hero cults (Solar, Stellar, and Lunar) AKA the Ancient Egyptian Mythos, the evolution of weaponry as symbols, the spiritual meaning of the pyramids, the ideas and history of secret societies, lesser mysteries, zodiac, CubbyWhole, and much much more! This episode is beyond jam packed with some of the most crucial topics that could ever be laid on the table at this time. Definitely a great episode to start taking some serious notes. You can find more of Douglas Martin’s work right here at cubbywhole.com under Douglas.
Play show #9 "Natural Law" here: https://bit.ly/3AQS4bx
In this show, Nate hosts solo, diving into the basic fundamental aspects of Natural Law. He attempts to help us have a better understanding of moral relativism through the logical process of the apophatic method. This show is to help us see and understand how human behavior is measured and governed by the intelligent Laws within creation. It is about learning an important life lesson by discovering the objective difference between wrong behavior and right behavior. We hope you find value in this work, and please check out all the current and upcoming shows on these topics to have a fuller picture understanding.
Slides found at: https://cubbywhole.com/podcast/
Play show #10 "Moral Relativism" here: https://bit.ly/3HnlLn3
In this show, Nate and Brandon expand on natural Law, the dangers of moral relativism, and the inconsistencies of solipsism. Plus, what is the difference between force and violence? These topics are what needs to be deeply understood in order to make the necessary positive changes in the aggregate of our world. Objective morality is highly misunderstood and we are making sure to explain it as concise as possible. Please make sure to listen to episode 9, first, for clarity. We hope you find value in our work.
Slides found at: https://cubbywhole.com/podcast/
Play show #11 "Mental Schisms" here: https://bit.ly/34yJC4I
In this show, Nate and Brandon go further into the science of Natural Law. It is important to know and understand the divisions within ourselves aka “worldview schisms” in order to understand the condition we find ourselves collectively and individually, today. Are we collectively and individually mostly left or right brained? The mostly left brained prison consists of one-sided beliefs mostly rooted in either Scientism, which is basically the belief that only science or scientists can reveal truth; Social Darwinism, which is the belief that the most socially ruthless gets to rule others, or Solipsism, which is the belief that one’s own mind is all that there is and everything and everyone else is a projection of one’s own imagination. These are some of the more dangerous religions/ideologies especially concentrated in and associated with an overly left brained imbalance. When studied and understood, the human brain aspects will help us understand ourselves deeply and thus we become more harmonious and balanced and less dependent on man’s authority for truth.
Slides found at: https://cubbywhole.com/podcast/
Play show #12 "Pillars Of Enlightenment" here: https://bit.ly/3ofkzdK
In this show, Nate and Brandon introduce and breakdown the inherent right of self-defense and why it is so EXTREMELY important to know and understand. In a world of corruption and evil, understanding this principle prepares us to stand our ground and defend our rights (rights granted by the Laws of nature, not mankind). But it’s also important to understand that we don’t have the right to violate someone else’s rights which can be known through the understanding of the non-aggression principle. Both of these can be summed up as “do no harm but take no shit.”
Play show #13 "Hermetic Principles" here: https://bit.ly/3oiQfPB
In this show, Nate and Brandon introduce 5 of the 7 Hermetic principles including Mentalism which is the first principle; “THE ALL IS MIND; The Universe is Mental,” 2nd, the principle of Correspondence; “As above, so below; as below, so above,” 3rd, the principle of Vibration; “Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates,” 4th, the principle of Polarity; “Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its
pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are
identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet;
all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled,” and 5th, the principle of Rhythm; “Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides;
all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in
everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the
measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.” Principles means first things and what’s most important for a truly sturdy foundation in consciousness. The last two principles will be on episode 14 plus the 8th hidden or lost principle. Be sure to listen to all podcasts in order so you will have a better understanding of the overarching message within these shows.
Slides found at: https://cubbywhole.com/podcast/
Play show #14 "The Lost Principle" here: https://bit.ly/3Huux2I
In this show, Nate and Brandon expand on and explain the last 2 Hermetic principles including the 6th principle of Cause and Effect; “Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause;
everything happens according to Law (Universal or Natural Law); Chance is but a name
or Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation,
but nothing escapes the Law” and the 7th principle, which is the principle of Gender; “Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine
and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all
planes.” And there’s also the 8th principle which is the Generative Principle or the Lost Principle. This principle encapsulates or contains all 7 of the hermetic principles. The Generative principle is the causal factor that goes into effect and generates the result of what we say that we want. It’s about true CARE. Please listen to these shows in order so you get the full maximum value of the information presented, as it is laid out in a step-wise progression that requires prerequisite knowledge to better understand the rest of the content we lay forth.
Slides found at: https://cubbywhole.com/podcast/
Play show #15 "General Natural Law Questions" here: https://bit.ly/3gk3uLq
In this episode, Nate asks Brandon some generally asked questions about Natural Law including “how is lying a harmful action?,” “how can Natural Law affect me if I don’t believe in it?,” and a few more. Natural Law is very misunderstood but when one truly discovers and understands it’s science then one can live a truly harmonized life within nature.
Play show #16 "Expressions Of Natural Law" here: https://bit.ly/3uljGEg
On this show, Nate and Brandon get deeper into the worldview schisms(the polarized divide of the left and right brain), the expressions of natural law which manifests our reality, the occult, mind-control, and what truly holds us back in consciousness. These are vital topics to learn and understand. We have to care enough to put ourselves through the learning process of these things or we fail to see our true nature without manipulation and self destruction.
Slides found at: https://cubbywhole.com/podcast/
Play show #17 "What Is Mind-Control" here: https://bit.ly/35JrHc1
In this episode, Nate breaks down and shares a basic entry level within the realm of mind-control. What is mind-control? It is important that we understand the methodologies that are used to sway our minds into directions that benefit the few who dominate our world. Our minds are easily programmable and fairly predictable, especially when we lack deep psychology of self. Also, what is the difference and purpose between a “sorcerer” and a magician? Plus, Nate breaks down the word conspiracy to help us understand what it’s true etymological meaning is about.
Play show #18 "Structure Of Control" here: https://bit.ly/3rkudxC
On this show, Nate goes further into mind-control and takes us from the structure of the hierarchy down into the compartmentalized lower parts of the dark “pyramid” where knowledge plays a key role in what position commanders have over each other. Plus, he gets into the ways in which the minds of the masses are swayed and dominated by those who withhold the critical knowledge that could set us free. So, how do these control structures work and how do they truly maintain power? This show gives us a very important idea of how that is. Make sure to listen all the way through and it’s also a good idea to listen to show #17 to understand this one better.
Slides found at: https://cubbywhole.com/podcast/
Play show #19 "Origins Of The Ancient Egyptian Mythos" here: https://bit.ly/32VcWlm
In this episode, Nate and Douglas Martin go further into the Ancient Egyptian Mythos. Douglas helps us understand the term “Westing” in correspondence with migration and evolution of consciousness from origins in Africa. He also helps us discover the ways in which secret societies originated and evolved as well as initiating the origins and evolution of cults. What is a “cult?” Also, how does the science of Freemasonry play a key role in understanding this type of ancient information? The search for truth continues as the Lesser Mysteries unravel. Stay tuned for more!
Slides found at: https://cubbywhole.com/podcast/
Play show #20 "Continuation of origins in the Ancient Egyptian Mythos" here: https://bit.ly/3IXrjF7
In this episode, Nate has Douglas Martin back on, going further into the Ancient Egyptian Mythos where he answers some tough questions regarding the pyramid builders, referred to as the Stellar People. Nate has his mind blown on the show with some incredible knowledge revealed about the Egyptian god, Set/Sut. Douglas also goes further into the origins of secret societies as well as the meaning and importance of understanding “Primacy in the North.” Don’t miss the continued unraveling of the Lesser Mysteries on this CubbyWhole podcast.
Slides found at: https://cubbywhole.com/podcast/
Play show #21 "Methods of Mind-Control" here: https://bit.ly/3ggdHbN
In this show, Nate starts out with whats known as “buzzwords” and how our emotions are triggered by certain words as a result of mind-control. He brings light of the methods used by dominators who use techniques to control someones MIND in order to control their body while keeping them divided from spirit. Mind-Control is ubiquitous. Becoming humble to become aware of the workings of Mind-Control is the key to understanding the control structure in which we live under, and why so many suffer as a result.
Slides found at: https://cubbywhole.com/podcast/
Play show #22 "Methods Of Dominators" here: https://bit.ly/3olvKlb
In this episode, Nate and Brandon go further into mind-control and how the dark occultists use specific techniques on the minds of the masses in order to gain and maintain hierarchical power. What are these techniques? And how is our language obfuscated to keep us confused of these topics? History repeats itself but we can make the necessary changes that are needed by becoming conscious of this type of information. But will we? Thanks for listening.
Play show #23 "Reference And Appreciation" here: https://bit.ly/35CZ685
In this episode, Brandon and Nate share references of the many researchers with specialized knowledge in philosophy, science, natural law, quantum physics, spirituality, consciousness, skepticism, religion, biology, symbolism, origins, freemasonry, truth discovery, mind-control, the occult, self-defense, meditation, technocracy, politics, conspiracies, history, and much more. This show focuses on the positive work that these individuals have brought to the table in order to generate higher awareness and growth in the human species. And to all who are working hard on the self as well as fighting selflessly to lessen the suffering of this world; YOU ARE APPRECIATED.
Play show #24 "Obfuscation Manipulation" here: https://bit.ly/3L6oLpQ
In this episode, Brandon continues to dive deeper into the Dark Occult techniques of Mind-Control, covering the methods of manipulation which includes obfuscation, worldview poisoning, primal fears, divide and conquer, controlled opposition, financial system, indoctrination, control of the mass media, “food” and “medicine,” illusion of time, the D-H-R factor, religion/binding, subversive symbolism and chaos sorcery. This show mainly focuses on obfuscation where Brandon breaks down different examples such as the obfuscation of simplicity with complexity and Truth with authority in order to help others gain the knowledge needed to deal with such Mind-Control methods. Also, make sure to listen to the next episode where these methods are extrapolated on much further.
Slides found at: https://cubbywhole.com/podcast/
Play show #25 "Methods Of Manipulation" here: https://bit.ly/3Hpg5Jd
In this episode, Brandon continues to explore the topic of the Dark Occult Mind-Control tactics, progressing through the list of the Methods of Manipulation which includes Obfuscation, Worldview Poisoning, Primal Fears, Divide and Conquer, Controlled Opposition, Financial System, Indoctrination, Control of the Mass Media, “Food” and “Medicine,” Illusion of Time, the D-H-R Factor, Religion/Binding, Subversive Symbolism, Chaos Sorcery. This show focuses on Worldview Poisoning, Nature vs. Nurture, the Value of the Individual, Preying on Primal Fears, Divide and Conquer, and Indoctrination in order to help educate people to these techniques so that they may have the required knowledge to defend themselves and others in the face of such mass deception.
Slides found at: https://cubbywhole.com/podcast/