I'm just going to get right to the point...

Trying to protect your cultural traditions, norms, comforts and conveniences at the expense of other people's Rights is not moral behavior. No one has more Rights than someone else. No group has more Rights than another group. You cannot force your worldview onto others and call it "freedom."

For example, you cannot rightfully prevent people on one continent from migrating to the continent you live on and dub them "illegals." There is no such thing as an "illegal" sovereign (free) being. The only way you could consider someone "illegal" is if you think sovereignty (or freedom) is immoral. And since you tend to equate legality and morality as the same thing, what do you think government is saying by calling people "illegal"? When you call someone that, you're ultimately saying that they are NOT sovereign, that they do NOT have the same Rights as you. If you believe that, you are deeply, deeply deluded and lost.

Now let's look at one of the Rights of a sovereign being: travel. Any sovereign being has the Inherent Right to move across the earth unrestricted and live wherever they choose. A continent is not private property, and there is no such thing as collective ownership. To forcibly restrict people from exercising their Right to travel and make a home for themselves because you fear that some of them might do bad things is called Worldview Violence. It's no different than telling someone they must wear a face mask in order to participate in society, work, or get an education. It's no different than banning the ownership of firearms because you fear what SOME people might do with one. It's all based in fear, and fear only ever leads to more chaos... NOT more freedom.

Freedom is the state of being where all people – regardless of what they look like, where they're from, who they love, or how they identify – are not ruled/governed/dominated by anyone, and can therefore exercise their Natural Inherent Rights without restraint, restriction, coercion, duress or violence. You cannot be under any kind of governance and call it "freedom." Even if you're the one governing, you're still not free. You're enslaved by the mindset that it's morally legitimate to own, command and coerce other people, therefore you are just as willing to be dominated by someone else. It's an endless master-slave-master-slave dynamic until you abandon that belief system and stop participating in it.

Right is an action one can take that does not cause harm to the body, autonomy, free will, rights or freedom of another. ALL Rights are Property Rights. Your life, your well-being, your mind, your physical belongings, your rights and your freedom are all your property. Violating someone else's property is immoral regardless of what "greater good" you think you're serving. You cannot make a claim of ownership on anyone else's property and call it "freedom." Whether you realize it or not, believing that you can impose upon the Rights of others while expecting their "law-abiding" obedience IS making a claim of ownership. That's called Slavery.

The majority of a population must respect the Property Rights of others IF we want to create and maintain true freedom. There will always be people who do bad things, but we deal with them on an individual basis. Aggregate humanity, however, needs to be in harmony with Natural Law. Not man's "laws" which are arbitrary whims that have nothing to do with what's right or wrong, but the Moral Laws of Creation: Do No Harm & Do Not Take What Doesn't Belong To You. We are not in that condition today, we are in
opposition to Natural Law. We don't know how to define a Right properly. We don't know what Freedom is. We're in the "MY freedom, MY rights, MY comforts, screw the rest of you" mindset, and that will only ever lead to more chaos. Freedom isn't just about the individual. We are all connected. My freedom and your freedom are connected. If one is not free, none are free. If the majority are immoral in their behavior, all suffer. If the majority are condoning slavery, all are enslaved.

Worldview violence has to stop. When we claim to have the "right" to impose upon the Rights of others, and we act on that claim, the same will be done to all of us on a larger scale. And that's what the human condition is right now because we're a species of moral relativists and pack-mentality egotists. So, here's an FYI...

Things you DON'T have a right to do:

 Murder (theft of life without right)
 Assault (theft of bodily well-being)
 Rape (theft of sexual autonomy)
 Property Theft (speaks for itself)
 Trespass (theft of security in one's domain)
 Coercion (theft of free will choice)
 Deception (theft of truth)

All Rights are Property Rights. Your Life, Health, Sexual Autonomy, Physical Property, Security, Free Will, Rights and Freedom are all forms of private property. You cannot make claims upon the property of another nor justify doing so in the name of any so-called "greater good."

Things you DO have a right to do:

Anything that doesn't involve those forms of harm and theft. In other words, living your life, exercising your Rights, and leaving other people alone to exercise theirs. If you want freedom, you'll do that. It doesn't matter if you like them or agree with them. There is no justification for immoral behavior. In other words, you cannot make a wrong into a right just because it makes you feel better or more comfortable.

If you want freedom, then stop participating in evil. Every time you condone, support or participate in the violation of someone else's Rights in the name of your own feelings, whims, preferences, comforts, traditions, likes, dislikes or religious beliefs, you are BEING EVIL. You are engaging in the original sin: moral relativism. Morality doesn't change to fit your worldview, YOU have to change your worldview to align with Morality. It is an objective, immutable, eternal Law of Nature, not something you get to make up.

We're all in this hellworld together. We made it together. Let's change it TOGETHER. Get over your ego BS, and start doing what's RIGHT. Not what's "right for you," but right for all of creation.