“Do no harm” unless it’s cows, chickens, pigs, rabbits, etc, right? We’re the dominant species, so we have the “right” to slaughter them and consume their dead flesh and blood, right? That’s God’s will, right?! If you think it’s moral and godly to murder a non-human sentient being just because we can digest flesh (albeit poorly), your concept of morality is immensely skewed. We also have opioid receptors, so I guess it’s okay to load up on vicodin! It’s how God made us! Meat and pills for all!
Someone recently tried to tell me that it was immoral to NOT eat meat; that animals were “given to us by nature as food,” so to not eat them was morally wrong. This is seriously bizarre and backwards logic (which I've sadly seen expressed on this network), basically saying that killing innocent sentient creatures and eating their dead flesh isn’t harmful behavior, that it’s righteous and godly. So, based on that notion, if a superior alien being comes along who feeds on the flesh of intelligent bipedal beings, it would be the “moral” thing to do to plop yourself down on their plate! FFS…
Animals, like humans, are sentient and self-directing. While they may operate mainly on instinct, they are still self-aware beings capable of emotion and feeling pain. The word “animal” comes from “animas” meaning SOUL or SPIRIT. They are imbued with it just as we are, but are on their own evolutionary path. Our job is not to be predators and enslavers of the animals, but stewards and caretakers. When we act as dominators to other beings, guess what? Something else comes along and does the same thing to us. It’s the Law of Correspondence.
You have to be so disconnected from the heart, so desensitized, so nearly (if not completely) psychopathic to make such backwards moral arguments, justifications and excuses for carnism. We are human beings, not “other animals.” We have to be BETTER than that. We have the capacity for reason, for empathy, for conscience. Because of that, we are held to a higher standard of behavior. We have a moral response-ability to make a conscious choice to cause the least amount of harm possible, NOT to embrace and incorporate animalistic behavior into society. That’s a SATANIC view, not a spiritual or moral one. Morality doesn’t have exemptions. Harm is harm.
“Well, the powers that be want us on a vegan diet!”
There’s a very unintuitive reason for that. It’s about maintaining the human farm. The meat industry is an ecological blight, and they know it. Pushing a plant-based diet is to keep the farm in well enough shape to run. It’s not about keeping us from meat, otherwise they wouldn’t be working on lab-grown meat options or encouraging us to eat bugs. They’re not encouraging proper nutrition, they’re encouraging fake meat products which are ultra-processed foods.
Stop making uninformed emotional reactions to things and pay attention. The plant-based diet is not “immoral” or “unhealthy.” Carnism, however, is. Do you own the body of another being? NO? Then you don’t have the right to murder it. THE END. And that’s all I’ll say on the topic. Take it or leave it, but don’t bombard me with justifications and excuses.
I obviously do not subscribe to the religion of carnism. I used to, and used many of the common justifications for it. After a lot of shadow work and research, I evolved in consciousness and in conscience. I stopped picking and choosing what I find moral or immoral to fit some belief or world view or to avoid guilt. If you want to do that, you go right ahead, but don’t try to tell me what morality is or what a moral diet is.